WorldClim 2: new 1-km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas |
2017 |
downscaled climate data, historical climate, temperature, precipitation |
Working Group I Contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis |
September, 2013 |
climate change assessment |
Wintering Shorebird Monitoring Plans for Coastal California / Baja, Central Valley, and San Francisco Bay Area |
Reiter, M. E., W. D. Shuford, K. M. Strum, C. M. Hickey, and G. W. Page |
April, 2012 |
Will there be a shift to alien-dominated vegetation assemblages under climate change? |
Leishman, Michelle R. and Gallagher, Rachael V. |
2015 |
invasive species, plant diversity, biodiversity |
Wildlife in a Warming World |
Staudt, Amanda, Shott, Corey. Inkley, Doug and Ricker, Isabel |
January, 2013 |
climate change adaptation, wildlife, biodiversity management |
Wildfire and drought dynamics destabilize carbon stores of fire-suppressed forests |
Earles, J. Mason, Malcolm P. North, and Matthew D. Hurteau |
2014 |
carbon storage, wildfire, drought, forest management |
Widespread shifts in the demographic structure of subalpine forests in the Sierra Nevada, California, 1934 to 2007 |
Dolanc, Christopher R., Thorne, James H., and Safford, Hugh D. |
2012 |
climate change impacts, vegetation distribution |
Why geodiversity matters in valuing nature's stage |
Hjort, Jan, John E. Gordon, Murray Gray, and Malcolm L. Hunter |
2015 |
geodiversity, conservation planning, biodiversity management |
Why climate change makes riparian restoration more important than ever: recommendations for practice and research |
Seavy, Nathaniel E., Gardali, Thomas, Golet, Gregory H., Griggs, F. Thomas, Howell, Christine A., Kelsey, Rodd, Small, Stacy L., Viers, Joshua H. and Weigand, James F. |
2009 |
riparian ecosystems, climate change, ecological restoration |
When do conservation planning methods deliver? Quantifying the consequences of uncertainty |
Langford, William T., Gordon, Ascelin, and Bastin, Lucy |
2009 |
model uncertainty, conservation planning, conservation prioritization |
What mediates tree mortality during drought in the southern Sierra Nevada? |
Paz-Kagan, Tarin, Philip G. Brodrick, Nicholas R. Vaughn, Adrian J. Das, Nathan L. Stephenson, Koren R. Nydick, and Gregory P. Asner |
2017 |
drought, tree mortality, remote sensing |
What is a GCM? |
2013 |
global circulation models |
What drives masting? The phenological synchrony hypothesis |
Koenig, Walter D., Johannes M. H. Knops, William J. Carmen, and Ian Seth Pearse |
2014 |
Quercus lobata, phenology, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
What Do Indigenous Knowledges Do for Indigenous Peoples? |
Whyte, Kyle Powys |
2015 |
traditional ecological knowledge, knowledge exchange, indigenous peoples |
What can ecological science tell us about opportunities for carbon sequestration on arid rangelands in the United States? |
Booker, Kayje, Huntsinger, Lynn, Bartolome, James W., Sayre, Nathan F., and Stewart, William |
2013 |
carbon sequestration, rangelands, ecosystem management |
Western water and climate change |
Dettinger, Michael, Bradley Udall, and Aris Georgakakos |
2015 |
water management, climate change impacts, precipitation |
Western Regional Action Plan (WRAP) : NOAA Fisheries climate science strategy |
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center |
November, 2016 |
fisheries, native fishes |
West-Wide Climate Risk Assessments: Bias-Corrected and Spatially Downscaled Surface Water Projections |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
2011 |
downscaling, hydrologic modeling, climate modeling |
West-Wide Climate Risk Assessment: Sacramento and San Joaquin Basins Climate Impact Assessment |
Van Lienden, Brian , Munévar, Armin, and Das, Tapash |
2014 |
urban growth, climate change adaptation, water management |
Weed Biology and Climate Change |
Ziska, L. H., and J. Dukes |
2011 |
invasive species |