Optimizing resiliency of reserve networks to climate change: multispecies conservation planning in the Pacific Northwest, USA |
Carroll, Carlos, Dunk, Jeffrey R., and Moilanen, Atte |
2010 |
conservation planning, climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
Simulating the effects of using different types of species distribution data in reserve selection |
Carvalho, Silvia B., Brito, José C., Pressey, Robert L., Crespo, Eduardo, and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2010 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, species distribution modeling |
Relative vulnerability to climate change of trees in western North America |
Case, Michael J., and Joshua J. Lawler |
2016 |
plants, biodiversity, climate change assessment |
Climate variability and snow pack in the Sierra Nevada |
Cayan, D. R. |
1994 |
climate variability, snowpack, water resources |
Projecting Future Sea Level Rise |
Cayan, D., P.Bromirski, K. Hayhoe, M. Tyree, M. Dettinger, and R. Flick |
2009 |
sea level rise |
Planning for climate change in California, substantial shifts on top of already high climate variability |
Cayan, Dan |
2013 |
precipitation, sea level rise, climate change projections |
Climate Change Scenarios and Sea Level Rise Estimates for the California 2009 Climate Change Scenarios Assessment |
Cayan, Dan, Tyree, Mary, Dettinger, Michael, Hidalgo, Hugo, Das, Tapash, Maurer, Ed, Bromirski, Peter, Graham, Nicholas, and Flick, Reinhard |
2009 |
climate change, climate modeling, sea level rise |
Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Scenarios for California Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment |
Cayan, Dan, Tyree, Mary, Pierce, David, and Das, Tapash |
2012 |
climate change, sea level rise, climate change projections |
Overview of the California climate change scenarios project |
Cayan, Daniel R., Luers, Amy L., Franco, Guido, Hanemann, Michael, Croes, Bart, and Vine, Edward |
2008 |
climate change projections, climate change adaptation |
Climate change scenarios for the California region |
Cayan, Daniel R., Maurer, Edwin P., Dettinger, Michael D., Tyree, Mary, and Hayhoe, Katharine |
2008 |
climate change, IPCC scenarios, climate change projections |
Climate change projections of sea level extremes along the California coast |
Cayan, Daniel, Bromirski, Peter, Hayhoe, Katharine, Tyree, Mary, Dettinger, Michael, and Flick, Reinhard |
2008 |
sea level rise, climate change, extreme events |
The Psychology of Climate Change Communication: A Guide for Scientists, Journalists, Educators, Political Aides, and the Interested Public |
Center for Research on Environmental Decisions |
2009 |
communication about climate change, climate-smart conservation |
Risks of large-scale use of systemic insecticides to ecosystem functioning and services |
Chagnon, Madeleine, Kreutzweiser, David, Mitchell, Edward A. D., Morrissey, Christy A., Noome, Dominique A., and Van der Sluijs, Jeroen P. |
2014 |
pesticides, pollination, ecosystem services |
Ecosystem services in conservation planning: targeted benefits vs. co-benefits or costs? |
Chan, Kai M. A., Hoshizaki, Lara, and Klinkenberg, Brian |
2011 |
ecosystem services, conservation prioritization, conservation planning |
An Urban Estuary in a Changing World: Diversity, Invasions, and Climate Change in San Francisco Bay |
Chang, Andrew L. |
2009 |
estuarine ecosystems, climate change impacts |
Significant modulation of variability and projected change in California winter precipitation by extratropical cyclone activity |
Chang, Edmund K. M., Cheng Zheng, Patrick Lanigan, Albert M. W. Yau, and J. David Neelin |
2015 |
precipitation, climate modeling, drought |
Climate change and water-related ecosystem services: impacts of drought in California, USA |
Chang, Heejun, and Matthew Ryan Bonnette |
2016 |
drought, ecosystem services, water resources, climate change impacts |
Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet. |
Chapin, F. S., S. R. Carpenter, G. P. Kofinas, C. Folke, N. Abel, W. C. Clark, P. Olsson, D. M. S. Smith, B. Walker, O. R. Young, F. Berkes, R. Biggs, J. M. Grove, R. L. Naylor, E. Pinkerton, W. Steffen, and F. J. Swanson |
2010 |
ecosystem management, adaptation planning |
Effects of climate change on range forage production in the San Francisco Bay Area |
Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca and George, Melvin R. |
2013 |
rangelands, climate change impacts, climate change projections |
Value of wildland habitat for supplying pollination services to Californian agriculture |
Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca, Tuxen-Bettman, Karin, and Kremen, Claire |
2011 |
agriculture, pollination, ecosystem services |