Climate change velocity underestimates climate change exposure in mountainous regions |
Dobrowski, Solomon Z., and Sean A. Parks |
2016 |
climate change velocity, climate change impacts on biodiversity, climate change vulnerability |
Prolonged California aridity linked to climate warming and Pacific sea surface temperature |
MacDonald, Glen M., Katrina A. Moser, Amy M. Bloom, Aaron P. Potito, David F. Porinchu, James R. Holmquist, Julia Hughes, and Konstantine V. Kremenetski |
2016 |
sea surface temperature, drought, paleoclimates |
California forests show early indications of both range shifts and local persistence under climate change |
Serra-Diaz, Josep M., Janet Franklin, Whalen W. Dillon, Alexandra D. Syphard, Frank W. Davis, and Ross K. Meentemeyer |
2016 |
forests, climate change impacts on biodiversity, biogeography |
Universal, easy access to geotemporal information: FetchClimate |
Grechka, Dmitry A., Sergey B. Berezin, Stephen J. Emmott, Vassily Lyutsarev, Matthew J. Smith, and Drew W. Purves |
2016 |
climate data, climate data applications |
Contribution of anthropogenic warming to California drought during 2012–2014 |
Williams, A. Park, Seager, Richard, Abatzoglou, John T., Cook, Benjamin I., Smerdon, Jason E., and Cook, Edward R. |
2015 |
drought, climate change impacts, temperature |
Restoring Walker Meadows: Assessment and Prioritization |
Luke Hunt, Julie Fair, Jacob Dyste, and Max Odland |
2015 |
meadows, restoration, climate-smart conservation, water resources |
Identification of geophysically diverse locations that may facilitate species’ persistence and adaptation to climate change in the southwestern United States |
Albano, Christine M. |
2015 |
geodiversity, landscape conservation planning, climate change adaptation |
Anticipated effects of climate change on coastal upwelling ecosystems |
Bakun, A., B. A. Black, S. J. Bograd, M. García-Reyes, A. J. Miller, R. R. Rykaczewski, and W. J. Sydeman |
2015 |
marine ecosystems, upwelling, climate change impacts |
State of the Climate in 2014 |
Blunden, Jessica, and Derek S. Arndt |
2015 |
climate change, climate monitoring |
Multi-century evaluation of Sierra Nevada snowpack |
Belmecheri, Soumaya, Flurin Babst, Eugene R. Wahl, David W. Stahle, and Valerie Trouet |
2015 |
snow water equivalent, snowpack, historical climate |
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the North-central California Coast and Ocean |
Hutto, Sara V., Higgason, Kelley D., Kershner, Jessie M., Reynier, Whitney A., Gregg, Darrell S. |
2015 |
marine ecosystems, ecosystem services, biodiversity, climate change vulnerability, vulnerability assessment |
Incorporating geodiversity into conservation decisions |
Comer, Patrick J., Pressey, Robert L., Hunter, Malcolm L. Jr., Schloss, Carrie A., Buttrick, Steven C., Heller, Nicole E., Tirpak, John M., Faith, Daniel P., Cross, Molly S. and Shaffer, Mark L. |
2015 |
geodiversity, biological conservation, conservation planning |
Twenty-first-century challenges in regional climate modeling |
Rummukainen, Markku, Burkhardt Rockel, Lars Bärring, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, and Marcus Reckermann |
2015 |
regional climate models, climate modeling, downscaling |
Conservation status of North American birds in the face of future climate change |
Langham, Gary M., Schuetz, Justin G., Distler, Trisha, Soykan, Candan U. and Wilsey, Chad |
2015 |
birds, species distributions, biodiversity |
Report Providing Comparison of Adaptation Plans Submitted to the White House in 2014 |
Conners, Hannah M., Kathleen D. White, and Jeffrey R. Arnold |
2015 |
climate change adaptation, federal agencies |
The role of cultural ecosystem services in landscape management and planning |
Plieninger, Tobias, Claudia Bieling, Claudia, Fagerholm, Nora, Byg, Anja, Hartel, Tibor, Hurley, Patrick, López-Santiago, César A, Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Oteros-Rozas, Elisa, Raymond, Christopher M., van der Horst, Dan, and Huntsinger, Lynn |
2015 |
ecosystem services, landscape conservation planning |