Guarding Against Exploitation: Protecting Indigenous Knowledge in the Age of Climate Change |
Brewer, Joseph II and Kronk Warner, Elizabeth Ann |
2015 |
traditional ecological knowledge, epistemology, climate change adaptation |
Random forests |
Breiman, Leo |
2001 |
machine learning |
Paradigm or Paradox: Can we Attribute Species Changes to Global Climate Change in Light of Decreasing Water Temperatures in Central California? |
Breaker, Laurence, Caillet, Gregor, Launer, Andrea, and Wadsworth, Tom |
2012 |
sea surface temperature, climate change impacts, species distributions |
Selecting from correlated climate variables: a major source of uncertainty for predicting species distributions under climate change |
Braunisch, Veronika, Coppes, Joy, Arlettaz, Raphael, Suchant, Rudi, Schmid, Hans, and Bollmann, Kurt |
2013 |
species distribution modeling, climate change projections |
Selecting from correlated climate variables: a major source of uncertainty for predicting species distributions under climate change |
Braunisch, Veronika, Coppes, Joy, Arlettaz, Raphael, Suchant, Rudi, Schmid, Hans, and Bollmann, Kurt |
2013 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, model uncertainty, climate change projections |
Effects of pool characteristics on California tiger salamander larval density at Dutchman Creek Conservation Bank, Merced County |
Brand, A. L., Scherer, R., and Hansen, E. |
February, 2016 |
California tiger salamander |
Climate change vulnerability assessments for terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates in the Mediterranean Coast Network of national parks |
Bova, Brett, Downey, Misa, Marte, Natalie, Penn, Justin, Ruppert, Kirstie, Vu, Karen, and Yamada, Shotaro |
2012 |
climate change vulnerability, national parks, biodiversity |
What can ecological science tell us about opportunities for carbon sequestration on arid rangelands in the United States? |
Booker, Kayje, Huntsinger, Lynn, Bartolome, James W., Sayre, Nathan F., and Stewart, William |
2013 |
carbon sequestration, rangelands, ecosystem management |
Fire management, managed relocation, and land conservation options for long-lived obligate seeding plants under global changes in climate, urbanization, and fire regime |
Bonebrake, Timothy C., Syphard, Alexandra D., Franklin, Janet, Anderson, Kurt E., Akçakaya, H. Resit, Mizerek, Toni, Winchell, Clark, and Regan, Helen M. |
2014 |
chaparral, plants, biodiversity management, wildfire, biodiversity, urban growth |
Hot and bothered: Using trait-based approaches to assess climate change vulnerability in reptiles |
Böhm, Monika, Daniel Cook, Heidi Ma, Ana D. Davidson, Andrés García, Benjamin Tapley, Paul Pearce-Kelly, and Jamie Carr |
2016 |
reptiles, climate change impacts on biodiversity, vulnerability assessment |
Ocean acidification science needs for natural resource managers of the North American west coast |
Boehm, A.B., M.Z. Jacobson, M.J. O’Donnell, M. Sutula, W.W. Wakefield, S.B. Weisberg, and E. Whiteman |
2015 |
ocean acidification |
State of the Climate in 2014 |
Blunden, Jessica, and Derek S. Arndt |
2015 |
climate change, climate monitoring |
State of the Climate in 2012. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society |
Blunden, J., Arndt, D. |
August, 2013 |
Adaptive management for ecosystem services |
Birgé, Hannah E., Craig R. Allen, Ahjond S. Garmestani, and Kevin L. Pope |
2016 |
adaptive management, ecosystem services, decision making under uncertainty |
Landslides in West Coast metropolitan areas: the role of extreme weather events |
Biasutti, Michela, Richard Seager, and Dalia B. Kirschbaum |
2016 |
extreme events, precipitation, climate change impacts |
Framing climate uncertainty: socio-economic and climate scenarios in vulnerability and adaptation assessments |
Berkhout, Frans, van den Hurk, Bart, Bessembinder, Janette, de Boer, Joop, Bregman, Bram, and van Drunen, Michiel |
2013 |
scenario planning, vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation |