Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort ascending Subjects
Relationships of rainy season precipitation and temperature to climate indices in California: long-term variability and extreme events Liu, Yi-Chin, Pingkuan Di, Shu-Hua Chen, and John DaMassa. 2017 climate variability, precipitation, extreme events
Climate information websites: an evolving landscape Hewitson, Bruce, Katinka Waagsaether, Jan Wohland, Kate Kloppers, and Teizeen Kara 2017 communication about climate change, information networks
Skill and independence weighting for multi-model assessments Sanderson, Benjamin M., Michael Wehner, and Reto Knutti 2017 climate modeling, climate change projections, model uncertainty
Assessments of species’ vulnerability to climate change: from pseudo to science Wade, Alisa A., Brian K. Hand, Ryan P. Kovach, Clint C. Muhlfeld, Robin S. Waples, and Gordon Luikart 2017 vulnerability assessment, biodiversity management, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Adapting systematic conservation planning for climate change Reside, April E., Nathalie Butt, and Vanessa M. Adams 2017 conservation planning, climate change impacts on biodiversity, landscape conservation design, conservation prioritization
Population and habitat objectives for avian conservation in California’s Central Valley grassland–oak savannah ecosystems DiGaudio, Ryan T., Kristen E. Dybala, Nathaniel E. Seavy, and Thomas Gardali 2017 grasslands, oak woodlands, bird conservation
Rising Seas in California: An Update on Sea-Level Rise Science Griggs, Gary, Joseph Árvai, Dan Cayan, Robert DeConto, Jenn Fox, Helen Amanda Fricker, Robert E. Kopp, Claudia Tebaldi, and Elizabeth A. Whiteman 2017 sea level rise, climate change impacts
A survival guide to Landsat preprocessing Young, Nicholas E., Ryan S. Anderson, Stephen M. Chignell, Anthony G. Vorster, Rick Lawrence, and Paul H. Evangelista 2017 remote sensing, monitoring, ecological change
Population and habitat objectives for breeding shorebirds in California’s Central Valley Strum, Khara M., Kristen E. Dybala, Monica N. Iglecia, and W. David Shuford 2017 population dynamics, wetlands, shorebirds
The impact of climate change uncertainty on California's vegetation and adaptation management Thorne, James H., Hyeyeong Choe, Ryan M. Boynton, Jacquelyn Bjorkman, Whitney Albright, Koren Nydick, Alan L. Flint, Lorraine E. Flint, and Mark W. Schwartz 2017 climate change projections, vegetation, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Climatic microrefugia under anthropogenic climate change: implications for species redistribution Lenoir, Jonathan, Tarek Hattab, and Guillaume Pierre 2017 climate refugia, downscaling, bioclimatic modeling
Private landowner conservation behavior following participation in voluntary incentive programs: recommendations to facilitate behavioral persistence Dayer, Ashley A., Seth H. Lutter, Kristin A. Sesser, Catherine M. Hickey, and Thomas Gardali, 2017 landscape conservation planning, conservation lands
High N, dry: Experimental nitrogen deposition exacerbates native shrub loss and nonnative plant invasion during extreme drought Valliere, Justin M., Irina C. Irvine, Louis Santiago, and Edith B. Allen 2017 nitrogen deposition, drought, shrublands
Exposing ecological and economic costs of the research-implementation gap and compromises in decision making Kareksela, Santtu, Atte Moilanen, Olli Ristaniemi, Reima Välivaara, and Janne S. Kotiaho 2017 conservation planning, conservation prioritization, landscape conservation design
Using regional bird density distribution models to evaluate protected area networks and inform conservation planning Alexander, John D., Jaime L. Stephens, Sam Veloz, Leo Salas, Josée S. Rousseau, C. John Ralph, and Daniel A. Sarr 2017 birds, species distribution modeling, conservation planning
A Rapid Assessment of the Vulnerability of Sensitive Wildlife to Extreme Drought California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Branch 2016-01-22 vulnerability assessment, drought, biodiversity, wildlife
