Relationships of rainy season precipitation and temperature to climate indices in California: long-term variability and extreme events |
Liu, Yi-Chin, Pingkuan Di, Shu-Hua Chen, and John DaMassa. |
2017 |
climate variability, precipitation, extreme events |
Climate information websites: an evolving landscape |
Hewitson, Bruce, Katinka Waagsaether, Jan Wohland, Kate Kloppers, and Teizeen Kara |
2017 |
communication about climate change, information networks |
Skill and independence weighting for multi-model assessments |
Sanderson, Benjamin M., Michael Wehner, and Reto Knutti |
2017 |
climate modeling, climate change projections, model uncertainty |
Assessments of species’ vulnerability to climate change: from pseudo to science |
Wade, Alisa A., Brian K. Hand, Ryan P. Kovach, Clint C. Muhlfeld, Robin S. Waples, and Gordon Luikart |
2017 |
vulnerability assessment, biodiversity management, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
Adapting systematic conservation planning for climate change |
Reside, April E., Nathalie Butt, and Vanessa M. Adams |
2017 |
conservation planning, climate change impacts on biodiversity, landscape conservation design, conservation prioritization |
Population and habitat objectives for avian conservation in California’s Central Valley grassland–oak savannah ecosystems |
DiGaudio, Ryan T., Kristen E. Dybala, Nathaniel E. Seavy, and Thomas Gardali |
2017 |
grasslands, oak woodlands, bird conservation |
Rising Seas in California: An Update on Sea-Level Rise Science |
Griggs, Gary, Joseph Árvai, Dan Cayan, Robert DeConto, Jenn Fox, Helen Amanda Fricker, Robert E. Kopp, Claudia Tebaldi, and Elizabeth A. Whiteman |
2017 |
sea level rise, climate change impacts |
A survival guide to Landsat preprocessing |
Young, Nicholas E., Ryan S. Anderson, Stephen M. Chignell, Anthony G. Vorster, Rick Lawrence, and Paul H. Evangelista |
2017 |
remote sensing, monitoring, ecological change |
Population and habitat objectives for breeding shorebirds in California’s Central Valley |
Strum, Khara M., Kristen E. Dybala, Monica N. Iglecia, and W. David Shuford |
2017 |
population dynamics, wetlands, shorebirds |
The impact of climate change uncertainty on California's vegetation and adaptation management |
Thorne, James H., Hyeyeong Choe, Ryan M. Boynton, Jacquelyn Bjorkman, Whitney Albright, Koren Nydick, Alan L. Flint, Lorraine E. Flint, and Mark W. Schwartz |
2017 |
climate change projections, vegetation, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
Climatic microrefugia under anthropogenic climate change: implications for species redistribution |
Lenoir, Jonathan, Tarek Hattab, and Guillaume Pierre |
2017 |
climate refugia, downscaling, bioclimatic modeling |
Private landowner conservation behavior following participation in voluntary incentive programs: recommendations to facilitate behavioral persistence |
Dayer, Ashley A., Seth H. Lutter, Kristin A. Sesser, Catherine M. Hickey, and Thomas Gardali, |
2017 |
landscape conservation planning, conservation lands |
High N, dry: Experimental nitrogen deposition exacerbates native shrub loss and nonnative plant invasion during extreme drought |
Valliere, Justin M., Irina C. Irvine, Louis Santiago, and Edith B. Allen |
2017 |
nitrogen deposition, drought, shrublands |
Exposing ecological and economic costs of the research-implementation gap and compromises in decision making |
Kareksela, Santtu, Atte Moilanen, Olli Ristaniemi, Reima Välivaara, and Janne S. Kotiaho |
2017 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, landscape conservation design |
Using regional bird density distribution models to evaluate protected area networks and inform conservation planning |
Alexander, John D., Jaime L. Stephens, Sam Veloz, Leo Salas, Josée S. Rousseau, C. John Ralph, and Daniel A. Sarr |
2017 |
birds, species distribution modeling, conservation planning |
A Rapid Assessment of the Vulnerability of Sensitive Wildlife to Extreme Drought |
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Branch |
2016-01-22 |
vulnerability assessment, drought, biodiversity, wildlife |