California Water Plan Update 2013

Required by the California Water Code Section 10005(a), the California Water Plan (Water Plan) is the State government's strategic plan for managing and developing water resources statewide for current and future generations. It provides a collaborative planning framework for elected officials, agencies, tribes, water and resource managers, businesses, academia, stakeholders, and the public to develop findings and recommendations and make informed decisions for California's water future.
The California Water Plan Update 2013 (Update 2013) is designed to work in tandem, and help implement, the Governor’s Water Action Plan. At more than 3,500 pages, Update 2013 covers a variety of information, from detailed descriptions of current and potential regional and statewide water conditions, to a “Roadmap For Action” intended to achieve desired benefits and outcomes.
Update 2013 recognizes and reflects these five things every Californian should know:
Water is the Essence of Life for California.
California’s Complex Water System is in Crisis.
A Diverse Portfolio Approach is Required.
Solutions Require Integration, Alignment, and Investment.
We All Have a Role to Play in Securing Our Future.
The plan is organized in five volumes plus a Highlights booklet. See this California Water Plan Placemat for an overview of the Water Plan process and what it seeks to accomplish.
California Resources Agency. 2013. California Water Plan Update 2013.