Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Natural Resources Management: Toolbox of Methods with Case Studies

The toolbox of methods for climate change vulnerability assessment (CCVA) for natural
resources—from individual species to habitats to places (e.g., protected areas, watersheds,
landscapes)—continues to grow as new approaches are developed, tested, and applied. The
purpose of this document is to provide a non-comprehensive survey of some of the principal
CCVA methods in use today for: (1) species; (2) habitats; (3) places (protected areas,
watersheds, landscapes); (4) ecosystem processes; (5) ecosystem services; (6) water resources;
and (7) coastal resources. Case study examples are presented for as many of the methods as
possible. Most of the text is taken directly from the abstract or methods section of the
article/report cited.
This toolbox does not provide an evaluation of the pros and cons of methods, but simply
provides a description of each method and case study to provide the reader with sufficient
information to: (1) decide if further investigation of a tool or case study is warranted; and (2)
find additional resources about that tool/case study.
Johnson, K. A. 2014, May 10. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Natural Resources Management: Toolbox of Methods with Case Studies. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arlington, VA.