CA LCP Committee Members and Staff
Steering Committee and Coordinating Team Members
The CA LCP Steering Committee (SC) serves as the executive body for decision-making and as ambassadors for the CA LCP. The SC charts the vision, develops a strategic plan, and guides the progress of the CA LCP. The Coordinating Team (identified with an * below) leads the Steering Committee and serves as advisors to LCP staff and the broader SC to ensure the goals and objectives of the CA LCP are met.
*Bureau of Land Management: Jim Weigand, Ecologist
Bureau of Reclamation: Kevin Thielen, Hydrologist; Alternate: Jobaid Kabir
National Park Service: Denise Louie, Natural Resources Program Lead, and Matt Nicholson, Ecologist
NOAA: Natalie Cosentino-Manning, Marine Habitat Restoration Specialist
NRCS: Tomas Aguilar-Campos, Acting State Resource Conservationist
Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center: Carolyn Enquist, USGS Interim Director
US Fish & Wildlife Service: Larry Rabin, Assistant Regional Director, Science Applications
USDA Forest Service: Diana Craig, Deputy Director, Ecosystem Management, and Chrissy Howell, Program Manager, Ecosystem Function and Health
US Geological Survey: Keith Miles, Center Director, Western Ecological Research Center
CA Coastal Conservancy: Mary Small, Deputy Executive Officer
*CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife: Madeline Drake, Biodiversity Coordinator
*CA Dept. of Water Resources: Lindsay Correa, Regional Climate Change Specialist
Central Valley Joint Venture: Jim Cogswell, Coordinator
Conservation Biology Institute: Wayne Spencer, Director of Conservation Assessment and Planning; Alternate: Deanne DiPietro
*Point Blue Conservation Science: Sam Veloz, Director of Ecoinformatics and Climate Solutions
Sonoran Joint Venture: Jennie Duberstein, Coordinator
SF Bay Joint Venture: Sandra Scoggin, Coordinator
Coordinator: Megan Jennings, San Diego State University and SW Climate Adaptation Science Center
Logistics support: Sarah LeRoy, SW Climate Adaptation Science Center
Funding support: SW Climate Adaptation Science Center
Megan Jennings: