Data Management Plan Section

Dissemination Workshop: Willapa Bay

General Information
DMP Section Type: 
Not Data - non-data Product
Deliverable Type: 
Training / Outreach / Workshop
Delivery Date: 
Release Date: 
To facilitate communication and outreach of our CERCC results, we will convene managers, biologists, Tribes, and other important decision makers and partners and host in-person workshops with stakeholders in our coastal study site areas. Our objectives are to: (1) Disseminate site-specific baseline data and modeling results, reveal coast-wide trends, and identify data gaps; (2) Identify how local climate science results may be incorporated into habitat conservation, planning, and adaptation strategies; and (3) Recruit stakeholder involvement in developing a decision-making tool (Envision). Recent travel budget restrictions have limited the ability of many managers to attend meetings and learn about recent climate science studies. Our team proposes to bring results to the field by providing workshops at field sites to facilitate interactions that are mission-critical. Thus, rather than burdening managers to obtain travel exemptions, we will develop a “roadshow” to travel to coastal areas for 2-3 day discussions.
LCC Coordination
Funding Year: