Web Resource

Climate Wizard

The Climate Wizard provides a map interface to visualize and download climate change projections both across the United States and globally. The tool allows visualization of a broad combination of climate change scenarios, models, and time spans for average temperature and precipitation change. Specifically, it incorporates 3 emission scenarios (A2, A1B, B1), 16 different climate models together with ensemble views, over the periods of the last 50 years, the 2050s, and the 2080s. Values for temperature and precipitation are shown as annual, monthly, or seasonal averages. Spatial resolution of historical data is 4 km for the United States and 50 km for the global view, and for the projected futures data the spatial resolution is 12 km for the United States and 50 km globally.

The Nature Conservancy
The University of Washington, The University of Southern Mississippi
The Nature Conservancy
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