
I Need Help With: Sea Level Rise Assessment

The Climate Commons can help you find resources relevant to multiple steps of your sea-level rise assessment project.

Step 1: Look for guidance

The first thing you want to do is find background materials and understand the state of the science regarding sea-level rise. We recommend you start with these Commons Articles:
Understanding Sea Level Rise

Step 2: Literature and resource search

Next you want to review the literature and available resources.

This keyword search brings up everything cataloged in the Commons with that keyword:
Commons search: sea level rise

This article summarizes the resources available to support your project:
Resources for Evaluating the Impacts of Sea Level Rise

Step 3: Look for relevant projects

You want to find projects that are similar to serve as a model for your own, or to find collaborators and experts.

This search brings up California Landscape Conservation Cooperative projects relating to sea level rise:

Step 4: Compare tools

You've heard about a lot of tools, but which ones would be useful to you?

Step 5: Find and download data

You need to find data for your region, decide whether or not it is useful to your project, and get access to it.

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