Climate Change Communications and Engagement Strategy

Communicating about climate change can be one of the trickiest subjects for natural resource professionals. This potentially polarizing issue must be thoughtfully addressed, giving consideration to your audience and their values. To proactively meet this challenge, the National Wildlife Refuge System has finalized its Climate Change Communications and Engagement Strategy. The strategy aims to guide practitioners in engaging and inspiring refuge visitors and communities to take personal and collective action to understand, address and combat the effects of climate change.
The strategy makes a number of recommendations, including sharing examples of innovation and progress across the Refuge System, as well as cultivating a front line of ‘Climate Ambassadors’ to engage and inspire refuge visitors and local communities. Most of all, this strategy aims to improve the Refuge System’s ability to engage and elicit positive changes in adaptation and mitigation behavior among target audiences.
The link above is the Flipbook version, and the PDF document is attached below.
Climate Change Communications and Engagement Strategy for the National Wildlife Refuge System. 2014, February 2014. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge System.