Dramatic declines in mussel bed community diversity: response to climate change? |
Smith, Jason R., Fong, Peggy, and Ambrose, Richard F. |
2006 |
intertidal communities, climate change impacts, invertebrates, Pacific Decadal Oscillation |
Developing a spatially-explicit climate adaptation framework for estuarine ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay: Climate Adaptation for Decision Support |
Mattsson, B.J., B. Huning, G. Block, K. Robinson, C. Sloop, and J. Cummings |
2015 |
estuarine ecosystems, tidal marshes, San Francisco Bay, intertidal communities |
Climate-related change in an intertidal community over short and long time scales |
Sagarin, Raphael D., Barry, James P., Gilman, Sarah E., Baxter, Charles H. |
1999 |
invertebrates, climate change impacts, El NiƱo - Southern Oscillation, intertidal communities |