Watershed Analyst: Known Issues

The Watershed Analyst is a beta version of a tool that we are currently using to test with users. The following are known issues and errata that we plan to correct as we continue to finalize the tool. Please let us know if you discover issues with the tool and or data that we can add to this list by emailing tbc3@pepperwoodpreserve.org.

Data Issues

We have discovered errors in the data for the following model/variable/year combinations. These data will be replaced with new values as corrected models are made available from USGS.

Model, Variable, Water Year

CNRM_rcp85 PET 2027
CNRM_rcp85 PET 2028
GISS_rcp26 PET 2091
GISS_rcp26 PET 2092
MPI_rcp45 PET 2075
MPI_rcp45 PET 2076
GFDL_B1 PET 2085
GFDL_B1 PET 2086
PCMA2 Tmax 2035
PCMA2 Tmax 2036
PCMA2 Tmin 2048
GFDL_A2 Tmax 2064
GFDL_A2 Tmax 2065
GFDL_A2 Tmax 2078
GFDL_A2 Tmax 2079
MRI_rcp26 Tmax 2049
MRI_rcp26 Tmax 2050
MRI_rcp26 Tmax 2074
MRI_rcp26 Tmax 2075
GFDL_A2 PET 2011
GFDL_A2 PET 2012
GFDL_A2 PET 2066
GFDL_A2 PET 2067
MIROC-esm_rcp85 PET 2054
MIROC-esm_rcp85 PET 2056
MIROC-esm_rcp85 PET 2084
MIROC-esm_rcp85 PET 2092
GFDL_A2 CWD 2024
GFDL_A2 CWD 2025
GFDL_A2 CWD 2044
GFDL_A2 CWD 2045

You may also see this more detailed explanation: Error_Checking_SBW_Jan2016.xlsx

Interface Issues

The response-time after selecting a watershed is slow; we hope to change that.

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