
CalFish, a California anadromous fish and habitat data program supported by a consortium of organizations, is a multi-agency website designed to centralize public access to California fisheries data to inform gathering, maintenance, and dissemination of data and data standards. CalFish addresses the needs of a variety of natural resource management agencies by serving as both data publisher and data clearinghouse, providing access to original data and links to sites with related fish and aquatic habitat information. CalFish creates, maintains, and enhances high quality, consistent data that are directly applicable to policy, planning, management, research, and recovery of anadromous fish and related aquatic resources in California.
Datasets are continually added to CalFish. Some highlights of CalFish datasets include:
• Chinook, Coho, and Steelhead abundance, range and Evolutionarily Significant Units.
• Coho and Steelhead critical habitat.
• Passage Assessment Database – inventory of known and potential barriers to anadromous fish.
• Locations of Fisheries Restoration Grant Program funded projects sites.
• Stream habitat reach summaries.
Many more datasets related to recovery activities, water quality, habitat structure, management and conservation areas, vegetation, and nonindigenous species are available. Please refer to CalFish for a complete inventory of available datasets.