Web Resource
Climate Ready North Bay

The goal of Climate Ready North Bay is to engage natural resource agencies, including water agencies, parks, and open space districts, and other municipal users to collaboratively design climate vulnerability information products specific to their jurisdictions, mandates, and management priorities. With agency input guiding the development of the vulnerability assessments, spatially-explicit data products are now available to help local governments and agency staff implement informed and effective climate adaptation strategies. These products include customized maps, graphs, and summary technical reports tailored to site-specific resource management challenges, located within the watersheds of the North San Francisco region.
Terrestrial Biodiversity Climate Change Consortium (TBC3)
California Coastal Conservancy; North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative; Sonoma County’s Regional Climate Protection Authority, Water Agency, Regional Parks, and Agricultural Protection and Open Space District; Napa County; Marin Municipal Water District;
Climate Commons
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