8 Tribes That Are Way Ahead of the Climate-Adaptation Curve |
Hansen, Terri |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, indigenous peoples, resilience |
A Climate Change Primer for Land Managers: An Example from the Sierra Nevada |
Morelli, Toni Lyn, Maureen C. McGlinchy, Ronald P. Neilson |
2011 |
climate change adaptation, resource management, ecological modeling, novel ecosystems |
A climate change vulnerability assessment of California's at-risk birds |
Gardali, Thomas, Seavy, Nathaniel E., DiGaudio, Ryan T., and Comrack, Lyann A. |
2012 |
vulnerability assessment, birds, climate change adaptation, biodiversity |
A framework for assessing threats and benefits to species responding to climate change |
Thomas, Chris D., Hill, Jane K., Anderson, Barbara J., Bailey, Sally, Beale, Colin M., Bradbury, Richard B., Bulman, Caroline R., Crick, Humphrey Q. P., Eigenbrod, Felix, Griffiths, Hannah M., Kunin, William E., Oliver, Tom H., and 4 others |
2011 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
A Framework for Categorizing the Relative Vulnerability of Threatened and Endangered Species to Climate Change (External Review Draft) |
Galbraith, Hector and Price, Jeff |
2009 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, conservation planning |
A tale of two California droughts: Lessons amidst record warmth and dryness in a region of complex physical and human geography |
Swain, Daniel L. |
2015 |
drought, extreme events, climate change adaptation |
A Tribal White Paper on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation |
Intertribal Climate Change Working Group |
2009 |
indigenous peoples, climate change impacts, climate change adaptation |
Adaptation Strategies for Agricultural Sustainability in Yolo County, California |
Jackson, Louise, Haden, Van R., Hollander, Allan D., Lee, Hyunok, Lubell, Mark, Mehta, Vishal K., O'Geen, Toby, Niles, Meredith, Perlman, Josh, Purkey, David, Salas, William, Sumner, Dan, Tomuta, Mihaela, Dempsey, Michael, and Wheeler, Stephen M. |
2012 |
agriculture, climate change adaptation, greenhouse gas mitigation |
Adaptation to climate change: a review of challenges and tradeoffs in six areas |
Bedsworth, Louise W. and Hanak, Ellen |
2010 |
land use planning, climate change adaptation |
Adapting California's Ecosystems to a Changing Climate |
Chornesky, Elizabeth A., Ackerly, David D., Beier, Paul, Davis, Frank W., Flint, Lorraine E., Lawler, Joshua J., Moyle, Peter B., Moritz, Max A., Scoonover, Mary, Byrd, Kristin, Alvarez, Pelayo, Heller, Nicole E., Micheli, Elisabeth R. and Weiss, Stuart B |
2015 |
rangelands, wetlands, landscape conservation planning, climate change adaptation, case studies, ecosystem management |
Adapting to Climate Change: A Planning Guide for State Coastal Managers |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
2010 |
coastal zone management, sea level rise, climate change adaptation |
Adapting to climate impacts in California: the importance of civic science in local coastal planning |
McGuinnis, Michael Vincent and McGinnis, Christina Elizabeth |
2011 |
coastal zone management, climate change adaptation |
Applying Climate Adaptation Concepts to the Landscape Scale: Examples from the Sierra and Stanislaus National Forests |
Aplet, Greg and Gallo, John |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, forest management, novel ecosystems |
Change |
Vinyeta, Kristen |
2012 |
traditional ecological knowledge, climate change adaptation, climate change impacts |
Best Practice Approaches for Characterizing, Communicating, and Incorporating Scientific Uncertainty in Climate Decision Making |
Morgan, M. Granger, Dowlatabadi, Hadi, Henrion, Max, Keith, David, Lempert, Robert, McBride, Sandra, Small, Mitchell, and Wilbanks, Thomas |
2009 |
decision making under uncertainty, climate change adaptation, climate modeling |
Biodiversity management in the face of climate change: A review of 22 years of recommendations |
Heller, Nicole E. and Zavaleta, Erika S. |
2009 |
biodiversity management, biological conservation, climate change adaptation, climate-smart conservation |
California Climate Adaptation Strategy |
California Natural Resources Agency |
2009 |
climate change impacts, climate change adaptation |
California coastal management with a changing climate |
Hanak, Ellen and Moreno, Georgina |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, coastal zone management |
California’s Coast and Ocean Summary Report |
Phillips, Jennifer, Leila Sievanen, Gary Griggs, Charlie Colgan, Juliette Finzi Hart, Eric Hartge, Tessa Hill, et al. |
2018 |
ocean acidification, sea level rise, sea surface temperature, climate change adaptation |
California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment Statewide Summary Report |
Bedsworth, Louise, Dan Cayen, Guido Franco, Leah Fisher, and Sonya Ziaja |
2018 |
climate change adaptation, climate change impacts, climate change mitigation |
California’s Future: Climate Change |
Escriva-Bou, Alvar, Brian Gray, Ellen Hanak, and Jeffrey Mount |
2018 |
climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation |
Central Coast Region Report |
Langridge, Ruth |
2018 |
climate change adaptation, climate change impacts, climate change assessment |
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Focal Resources of the Sierra Nevada |
EcoAdapt |
2014 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, biodiversity |
Climate change adaptation strategies for resource management and conservation planning |
Lawler, Joshua J. |
2009 |
climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
Climate Change Adaptations for Local Water Management in the San Francisco Bay Area |
Sicke, William S., Lund, Jay R., and Medellin-Azuara, Josué |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, water management |
Climate change and flood operations in the Sacramento Basin, California |
Wills, Ann D., Lund, Jay R., Townsley, Edwin S. and Faber, Beth P. |
2011 |
flood risk management, climate change adaptation |
Climate change and forests of the future: managing in the face of uncertainty |
Millar, Constance I., Stephenson, Nathan L., and Stephens, Scott L. |
2007 |
forest management, climate change adaptation, climate change mitigation, climate-smart conservation |
Climate Change Impacts on California Vegetation: Physiology, Life History, and Ecosystem Change |
Cornwell, William K., Stuart, Stephanie, Ramirez, Aaron, Dolanc, Christopher R., Thorne, James H., and Ackerly, David D. |
2012 |
vegetation modeling, vegetation distribution, climate change adaptation |
Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Adaptation in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Synthesis of PIER Program Reports and Other Relevant Research |
Ekstrom, Julia A., and Moser, Susanne C. |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, vulnerability assessment |
Climate Change in the North Bay for Residents of Marin, Sonoma, and Napa Counties |
North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, climate change impacts, climate change assessment |
Climate change vulnerability assessments: an evolution of conceptual thinking |
Füssel, Hans-Martin and Klein, Richard |
2006 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation |
Climate change, wine, and conservation |
Hannah, Lee, Roehrdanz, Patrick R., Ikegami, Makihiko, Shepard, Anderson V., Shaw, M. Rebecca, Tabor, Gary, Zhi, Lu, Marquet, Pablo A., and Hijmans, Robert J. |
2013 |
viticulture, ecosystem services, climate change adaptation |
Climate Justice Summary Report |
Roos, Michelle |
2018 |
climate justice, human communities, climate change adaptation |
Climate-Smart Adaptation for North-central California Coastal Habitats |
Sara Hutto, editor |
March, 2016 |
climate change adaptation, coastal adaptation planning, marine ecosystems, coastal zone management |
Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice |
Stein, Bruce A., Glick, Patty, Edelson, Naomi, and Staudt, Amanda |
2014 |
climate-smart conservation, adaptive management, climate change adaptation |
Clinal adaptation and adaptive plasticity in Artemisia californica: implications for the response of a foundation species to predicted climate change |
Pratt, Jessica D. and Mooney, Kailen A. |
2013 |
Artemisia californica, climate change adaptation, ecological genetics |
Conserving Biodiversity: Practical Guidance about Climate Change Adaptation Approaches in Support of Land-use Planning |
Lawler, J.J., Beier, P., Groves, G., Knight, G., Boyce Jr, D.A., Bulluck, J., Johnston, K.M., Klein, M.L., Muller, K., Pierce, D.J., Singleton, W.R., Strittholt, J.R., Theobald, D.M., Tombulak, S.C., and Trainor, A. |
2015 |
climate change adaptation, adaptation planning |
Culture, law, risk and governance: contexts of traditional knowledge in climate change adaptation |
Williams, Terry and Hardison, Preston |
2013 |
traditional ecological knowledge, climate change adaptation, ethics |
Dealing with Complexity and Extreme Events Using a Bottom-Up, Resource-Based Vulnerability Perspective |
Pielke, Roger A. Sr., Wilby, Rob, Niyogi, Dev, Hossain, Faisal, Dairuku, Koji, Kallos, George, Seastedt, Timothy, and Suding, Katherine |
2013 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, decision making, adaptation planning |
Decision‐Making Under Uncertainty: An Assessment of Adaptation Strategies and Scenario Development for Resource Managers |
Moore, Sara, Zaveleta, Erika, and Shaw, Rebecca |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, resource management |
Developing and implementing climate change adaptation options in forest ecosystems: a case study in southwestern Oregon, USA |
Halofsky, Jessica E., David L. Peterson, Kerry L. Metlen, M. Gwyneth Myer, and V. Alaric Sample |
2016 |
forests, climate change adaptation, vulnerability assessment, case studies |
Ecosystem Adaptation to Climate Change in California: Nine Guiding Principles |
Resources Legacy Fund |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
Effects of Drought on Forests and Rangelands in the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis |
Vose, James M., James S. Clark, Charles H. Luce, and Toral Patel-Weynand |
2016 |
forest management, drought, climate change adaptation |
Exploring the Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Climate Change Initiatives |
Vinyeta, Kristen and Lynn, Kathy |
2013 |
traditional ecological knowledge, biodiversity management, climate change adaptation |
Final Report for Sea-level Rise Response Modeling for San Francisco Bay Estuary Tidal Marshes |
Takekawa, John Y., Thorne, Karen M., Buffington, Kevin J., Spragens, Kyle, Swanson, Kathleen, Drexler, Judith, Schoelhamer, Dave, Overton, Cory T. and Casazza, Michael L. |
2012 |
sea level rise, estuarine ecosystems, climate change adaptation |
Fire and Climate Change in California: Changes in the Distribution and Frequency of Fire in Climates of the Future and Recent Past (1911–2099) |
Krawchuk, Meg and Moritz, Max |
2012 |
fire frequency, wildfire, climate change adaptation |
Framing climate uncertainty: socio-economic and climate scenarios in vulnerability and adaptation assessments |
Berkhout, Frans, van den Hurk, Bart, Bessembinder, Janette, de Boer, Joop, Bregman, Bram, and van Drunen, Michiel |
2013 |
scenario planning, vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation |
Future Climate Scenarios for California: Freezing Isoclines, Novel Climates, and Climatic Resilience of California’s Protected Areas |
Ackerly, David D. |
2012 |
bioclimatic modeling, resilience, climate change projections, climate change adaptation, novel climates |
Gene movement and genetic association with regional climate gradients in California valley oak (Quercus lobata Née) in the face of climate change |
Sork, Victoria L, Davis, Frank W., Westfall, Robert, Flint, Alan, Ikegami, Makihiko, Wang, Hongfang, and Grivet, Delphine |
2010 |
Quercus lobata, climate change, ecological genetics, climate change adaptation |
Global climate change will affect air, water in California |
Weare, Bryan C. |
2002 |
climate change adaptation, agriculture |
Guarding Against Exploitation: Protecting Indigenous Knowledge in the Age of Climate Change |
Brewer, Joseph II and Kronk Warner, Elizabeth Ann |
2015 |
traditional ecological knowledge, epistemology, climate change adaptation |
Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledges in Climate Change Initiatives |
Department of Interior Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science |
2014 |
resource management, climate change adaptation, traditional ecological knowledge |
Healthy Forests in a Changing Climate for People Who Steward Forestland |
North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative |
2013 |
forest management, climate change adaptation |
How are we adapting to climate change? A global assessment |
Lesnikowski, Alexandra C., Ford, James D., Berrang-Ford, Lea, Barrera, Magda, and Heymann, Jody |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, vulnerability assessment |
How will changes in global climate influence California? |
Weare, Bryan C. |
2009 |
climate change adaptation, agriculture |
Identification of geophysically diverse locations that may facilitate species’ persistence and adaptation to climate change in the southwestern United States |
Albano, Christine M. |
2015 |
geodiversity, landscape conservation planning, climate change adaptation |
Improving the contribution of climate model information to decision making: the value and demands of robust decision frameworks |
Weaver, Christopher P., Lempert, Robert J., Brown, Casey, Hall, John A., Revell, David, and Sarewitz, Daniel |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, adaptive management, decision making |
Indigenous experiences in the U.S. with climate change and environmental stewardship in the Anthropocene |
Chief, Karletta, Daigle, John J., Lynn, Kathy, and Whyte, Kyle Powys |
2014 |
indigenous peoples, climate change adaptation, resource management |
Indigenous Peoples and Northwest Climate Initiatives: Exploring the Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Resource Management |
Viles, Carson |
2013 |
traditional ecological knowledge, resource management, climate change adaptation |
Informing Decisions in a Changing Climate |
Panel on Strategies and Methods for Climate-Related Decision Support, National Research Council |
2009 |
decision making, climate change adaptation |
Informing watershed planning and policy in the Truckee River basin through stakeholder engagement, scenario development, and impact evaluation |
Podolak, Kristen, Erik Lowe, Stacie Wolny, Barry Nickel, and Rodd Kelsey |
2017 |
water management, ecosystem management, scenario planning, climate change adaptation |
Inland Deserts Region Report |
Hopkins, Francesca M. |
2018 |
climate change adaptation, climate change assessment, climate change impacts |
Internalizing climate change - scientific resource management and the climate change challenges |
Dettinger, Michael D., and Culberson, Steven |
2008 |
climate change adaptation, adaptive management |
Key lessons for incorporating natural infrastructure into regional climate adaptation planning |
Langridge, Suzanne M., Hartge, Eric H., Clark, Ross, Arkema, Katie, Verutes, Gregory M., Prahler, Erin E., Stoner-Duncan, Sarah, Revell, David L., Caldwell, Margaret R., Guerry, Anne D., Ruckelhaus, Mary, Abeles, Adina, Coburn, Chris, and O'Conner, Kevin |
2014 |
sea level rise, coastal adaptation planning, coastal zone management, climate change adaptation |
Landscape-scale indicators of biodiversity's vulnerability to climate change |
Klausmeyer, Kirk R., Shaw, M. Rebecca, MacKenzie, Jason B., and Cameron, D. Richard |
2011 |
vulnerability assessment, ecological indicators, climate change adaptation |
Looking under the hood of local adaptation plans: shedding light on the actions prioritized to build local resilience to climate change |
Stults, Missy, and Sierra C. Woodruff |
2017 |
climate change adaptation, adaptation planning, regional planning |
Los Angeles Region Report |
Hall, Alex, Neil Berg, and Katharine Reich |
2018 |
climate change assessment, climate change adaptation, climate change impacts |
Managing an uncertain future: climate change adaptation strategies for California's water |
Department of Water Resources |
2008 |
climate change adaptation, water resources |
National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
March, 2013 |
fish, wildlife, plants, climate change adaptation |
North Coast Region Report |
Grantham, Theodore |
2018 |
climate change impacts, climate change adaptation, climate change assessment |
Optimizing resiliency of reserve networks to climate change: multispecies conservation planning in the Pacific Northwest, USA |
Carroll, Carlos, Dunk, Jeffrey R., and Moilanen, Atte |
2010 |
conservation planning, climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
Overview of the California climate change scenarios project |
Cayan, Daniel R., Luers, Amy L., Franco, Guido, Hanemann, Michael, Croes, Bart, and Vine, Edward |
2008 |
climate change projections, climate change adaptation |
Policy Issues in a Changing Climate For Voters, Elected Officials, Planners, and Policy Makers |
North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, decision making |
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the San Francisco Bay Area |
Ackerly, David D., Ryals, Rebecca A., Cornwell, Will K., Loarie, Scott R., Veloz, Sam, Higgason, Kelley D., Silver, Whendee L., and Dawson, Todd E. |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, conservation planning, ecosystem services |
Preparing for and managing change: climate adaptation for biodiversity and ecosystems |
Stein, Bruce A., Staudt, Amanda, Cross, Molly S., Dubois, Natalie S., Enquist, Carolyn, Griffis, Roger, Hansen, Lara J., Hllmann, Jessica J., Lawler, Joshua J., Nelson, Erik J., and Paris, Amber |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, biodiversity, biodiversity management, climate-smart conservation |
Proactive conservation management of an island-endemic bird species in the face of global change |
Morrison, S. A. et al. |
2011 |
Aphelocoma insularis, bird conservation, climate change adaptation, Island Scrub-Jay, birds |
Quick Guide to Climate-Smart Conservation |
Stein, B., P. Glick, N. Edelson, and A. Staudt |
2013 |
climate-smart conservation, wildlife, climate change adaptation |
Report Providing Comparison of Adaptation Plans Submitted to the White House in 2014 |
Conners, Hannah M., White, Kathleen D., and Arnold, Jeffrey R. |
2015 |
adaptation planning, climate change adaptation |
Report Providing Comparison of Adaptation Plans Submitted to the White House in 2014 |
Conners, Hannah M., Kathleen D. White, and Jeffrey R. Arnold |
2015 |
climate change adaptation, federal agencies |
Responding to Climate Change in National Forests: A Guidebook for Developing Adaptation Options |
Peterson, David L., Millar, Connie L., Joyce, Linda A., Furniss, Michael J., Halofsky, Jessica E., Neilson, Ronald P. and Morelli, Toni Lyn |
2011 |
climate change adaptation, forest management |
Riparian ecosystems in the 21st century: hotspots for climate change adaptation? |
Capon, Samantha J., Lynda E. Chambers, Ralph MacNally, Robert J. Naiman, Peter Davies, Nadine Marshall, Jamie Pittock, Michael Reid, Timothy Capon, Michael Douglas, Jane Catford, Darren S. Baldwin, Michael Stewardson, Jane Roberts, and 2 others |
2013 |
riparian ecosystems, climate change vulnerability, climate change adaptation |
Rivers, Creeks, and Climate Change for People Who Live Near Waterways |
North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative |
2013 |
climate change adaptation, riparian ecosystems, biodiversity management, climate change impacts |
Robust adaptation to climate change |
Wilby, Robert L. and Dessai, Suraje |
2010 |
scenario planning, climate change adaptation, decision making |
Sacramento Valley Region Report |
Houlton, Benjamin Z., Jay Lund, Steven Greco, Jonathan London, Helene Margolis, Debbie Niemeier, Joan Ogden, Steven Ostoja, Paul Ullrich, and Stephen Wheeler |
2018 |
climate change adaptation, climate change impacts, rangelands |
Safeguarding California Plan: 2018 Update |
California Natural Resources Agency |
2018 |
climate change adaptation, adaptation planning, land use planning |
San Diego Region Report |
Kalansky, Julie, Daniel Cayan, Kate Barba, Laura Walsh, Kimberly Brouwer, and Dani Boudreau |
2018 |
climate change adaptation, climate change assessment, climate change impacts |
San Francisco Bay Area Region Report |
Ackerly, David, Andrew Jones, Mark Stacey, and Bruce Riordan |
2018 |
climate change assessment, climate change impacts, human communities, climate change adaptation |
Scanning the Conservation Horizon: A Guide to Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment |
Glick, Patty, Stein, Bruce A., and Edelson, Naomi A. |
2011 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, conservation planning |
Scenario Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: A Guidance for Resource Managers |
Moore, Sara S., Seavy, Nathaniel E., and Gerhart, Matt |
2013 |
scenario planning, climate change adaptation |
Scenarios to Evaluate Long‐Term Wildfire Risk in California: New Methods for Considering Links Between Changing Demography, Land Use, and Climate |
Bryant, Benjamin P., and Westerling, Anthony L. |
2012 |
wildfire, climate change adaptation |
Sierra Nevada Region Report |
Dettinger, Michael, Holly Alpert, John Battles, Jonathan Kusel, Hugh Safford, Dorian Fougeres, Clarke Knight, Lauren Miller, and Sarah Sawyer |
2018 |
climate change impacts, climate change adaptation, climate change assessment |
Status Report of BCDC Climate Science |
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission |
2011 |
sea level rise, climate change adaptation |
Supporting adaptation decisions through scenario planning: Enabling the effective use of multiple methods |
Star, Jonathan, Erika L. Rowland, Mary E. Black, Carolyn A. F. Enquist, Gregg Garfin, Catherine Hawkins Hoffman, Holly Hartmann, Katharine L. Jacobs, Richard H. Moss, and Anne M. Waple |
2016 |
scenario planning, decision making under uncertainty, climate change adaptation |
Supporting local climate change adaptation: Where we are and where we need to go |
Nordgren, John, Missy Stults, and Sara Meerow |
2016 |
climate change adaptation, adaptation planning, human communities |
The Adaptation for Conservation Targets (ACT) framework: a tool for incorporating climate change into natural resource management |
Cross, Molly S., Zavaleta, Erika S., Bachelet, Dominique, Brooks, Marjorie L., Enquist, Carolyn A. F., Fleishman, Erica, Graumlich, Lisa J., Groves, Craig R., Hannah, Lee, Hansen, Lara, Hayward, Greg, Koopman, Marni, Lawler, Joshua J., and 8 others |
2012 |
adaptive management, biodiversity management, climate change adaptation, conceptual modeling, scenario planning, climate-smart conservation |
The Climate has Changed: Now What? Integrated Regional Water Management and Climate Change Planning |
Spanos, Katherine A. |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, greenhouse gas emissions, water management |
The precision problem in conservation and restoration |
Hiers, J. Kevin, Stephen T. Jackson, Richard J. Hobbs, Emily S. Bernhardt, and Leonie E. Valentine |
2016 |
biodiversity management, climate change adaptation, decision making |
The value of a multi-faceted climate change vulnerability assessment to managing protected lands: Lessons from a case study in Point Reyes National Seashore |
Hameed, Sarah O., Holzer, Katie A., Doerr, Angee N., Baty, Jill H., and Schwartz, Mark W. |
2013 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, biodiversity management, case studies |
Towards an integrated framework for assessing the vulnerability of species to climate change |
Williams, Stephen E., Shoo, Luke P., Isaac, Joanne L, Hoffmann, Ary A., and Langham, Gary |
2008 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
Tribal Climate Change Adaptation Options: A Review of The Scientific Literature |
Rose, Keith A. |
2010 |
indigenous peoples, climate change impacts, climate change adaptation |
U.S. National Forests adapt to climate change through science–management partnerships |
Littell, Jeremy, Peterson, David, Millar, Constance, and O'Halloran, Kathy |
2012 |
forest management, climate change adaptation |
Using niche models with climate projections to inform conservation management decisions |
Schwartz, Mark W. |
2012 |
species distribution modeling, biodiversity management, climate change adaptation |
Using Scenarios to Explore Climate Change: A Handbook for Practitioners |
Rose, Matthew, and Star, Jonathan |
2013 |
scenario planning, climate change adaptation |
Velocity of climate change algorithms for guiding conservation and management. |
Hamann, Andreas, Roberts, David R., Barber, Quinn E., Carroll, Carlos, and Nielsen, Scott E. |
2014 |
assisted migration, climate change adaptation, climate change vulnerability, climate modeling |
Vulnerabilities of Southwestern U.S. rangeland-based animal agriculture to climate change |
Havstad, K. M., J. R. Brown, R. Estell, E. Elias, A. Rango, and C. Steele |
2016 |
rangelands, climate change adaptation, resource management |
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in California Agriculture |
Jackson, Louise, Haden, Van R., Wheeler, Stephen M., Hollander, Allan D., Perlman, Josh, O'Geen, Toby, Mehta, Vishal K., Clark, Victoria, Williams, John |
2012 |
agriculture, climate change adaptation, greenhouse gas mitigation |
Water and Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: Water Year Classification in Non-Stationary Climates |
Null, Sarah E., and Viers, Joshua H. |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, water management |
Water-Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: Simulating the Regulated Rivers of California’s West Slope Sierra Nevada |
Rheinheimer, David R., Ligare, Scott T., and Viers, Joshua H. |
2012 |
water management, climate change adaptation |
Weathering uncertainty: traditional knowledge for climate change assessment and adaptation |
Nakashima, Douglas J., Galloway McLean, Kirsty, Thulstrup, Hans D., Castillo, Ameyali Ramos, and Rubis, Jennifer |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, traditional ecological knowledge, resilience |
West-Wide Climate Risk Assessment: Sacramento and San Joaquin Basins Climate Impact Assessment |
Van Lienden, Brian , Munévar, Armin, and Das, Tapash |
2014 |
urban growth, climate change adaptation, water management |
Wildlife in a Warming World |
Staudt, Amanda, Shott, Corey. Inkley, Doug and Ricker, Isabel |
January, 2013 |
climate change adaptation, wildlife, biodiversity management |