A methodology for predicting future coastal hazards due to sea-level rise on the California Coast |
Revell, David, Battalio, Robert, Spear, Brian, Ruggiero, Peter, and Vandever, Justin |
2011 |
sea level rise, climate change, coastal flooding |
Adaptability and adaptations of California’s water supply system to dry climate warming |
Medellín-Azuara, Josué, Harou, Julien, Olivares, Marcelo, Madani, Kaveh, Lund, Jay, Howitt, Richard, Tanaka, Stacy, Jenkins, Marion, and Zhu, Tingju |
2008 |
water resources, water management, climate change, economic optimization |
Adapting California’s water management to climate change |
Hanak, Ellen and Lund, Jay |
2012 |
water resources, climate change |
Adapting California’s water system to warm vs. dry climates |
Connell-Buck, Christina R., Medellin-Azuara, Josue, Lund, Jay R., Madani, Kaveh |
2011 |
climate change, water resources |
Anthropogenic refugia ameliorate the severe climate-related decline of a montane mammal along its trailing edge |
Morelli, Toni Lyn, Smith, Adam B.,Kastely, Christina R.,Mastroserio, Ilaria, Moritz, Craig and Beissinger, Steven R. |
2012 |
climate change, ground squirrels, species distributions, refugia |
BioMove – Creation of a Complex and Dynamic Model for Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on California Vegetation |
Hannah, Lee, Midgley, Guy, Davies, Ian, Davis, Frank, Ries, Lydia, Thuiller, Wilfried, Thorne, James, Seo, Changwan, Stoms, David, and Snider, Nathan |
2008 |
species distribution modeling, vegetation distribution, climate change |
Birds track their Grinnellian niche through a century of climate change |
Tingley, M. W., Monahan, W. B., Beissinger, S. R., and Moritz, C. |
2009 |
birds, climate change, species distributions |
California from drought to deluge |
Wang, S.-Y. Simon, Jin-Ho Yoon, Emily Becker, and Robert Gillies |
2017 |
drought, precipitation, climate change |
California's Forests and Rangelands: 2010 Assessment |
Fire and Resource Assessment Program, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection |
2010 |
carbon storage, forest management, climate change, rangelands |
Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species' optimum elevations |
Crimmins S. M., Dobrowski S. Z., Greenberg J. A., Abatzoglou J.T., and Mynsberge A. R. |
2011 |
climate change, plants, species distributions, climatic water deficit |
Climate change and growth scenarios for California wildfire |
Westerling, A. L., Bryant, B. P., Preisler, H. K., Holmes, T. P., Hidalgo, H. G., Das, T. and Shrestha, S. R. |
2011 |
wildfire, wildland-urban interface, climate change |
Climate Change and Sea Level Rise Scenarios for California Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment |
Cayan, Dan, Tyree, Mary, Pierce, David, and Das, Tapash |
2012 |
climate change, sea level rise, climate change projections |
Climate change and the future of California's endemic flora |
Loarie, Scott R., Carter, Benjamin E., Hayhoe, Katharine, McMahon, Sean, Moe, Richard, Knight, Charles A., Ackerly, David D., |
2008 |
climate change, plants, endemic species, plant diversity |
Climate change and the invasion of California by grasses |
Sandel, Brody and Dangremond, Emily M. |
2012 |
climate change, grasslands, invasive species |
Climate change and wildfire in California |
Westerling, A. L. and Bryant, B. P. |
2007 |
climate change, fire frequency, wildfire |
Climate change effects on vegetation distribution, carbon, and fire in California |
Lenihan, J. M., Drapek R., Bachelet D., and Neilson, R. P. |
2003 |
fire frequency, climate change, plants, species distributions, wildfire |
Climate Change Handbook for Regional Water Planning |
US Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 and California Department of Water Resources |
2011 |
climate change, water management, regional planning |
Climate change impacts on forest growth and tree mortality: a data-driven modeling study in the mixed-conifer forest of the Sierra Nevada, California |
Battles, John J., Robards, Timothy, Das, Adrian, Waring, Kristen, Giless, J. Keith, Biging, Gregory, and Schurr, Frieder |
2007 |
climate change, forest management, ecological modeling, case studies |
Climate Change Impacts on Tribal Resources |
Tulalip Natural Resources Department |
2006 |
traditional ecological knowledge, climate variability, climate change |
Climate change projections of sea level extremes along the California coast |
Cayan, Daniel, Bromirski, Peter, Hayhoe, Katharine, Tyree, Mary, Dettinger, Michael, and Flick, Reinhard |
2008 |
sea level rise, climate change, extreme events |
Climate Change Scenarios and Sea Level Rise Estimates for the California 2009 Climate Change Scenarios Assessment |
Cayan, Dan, Tyree, Mary, Dettinger, Michael, Hidalgo, Hugo, Das, Tapash, Maurer, Ed, Bromirski, Peter, Graham, Nicholas, and Flick, Reinhard |
2009 |
climate change, climate modeling, sea level rise |
Climate change scenarios for the California region |
Cayan, Daniel R., Maurer, Edwin P., Dettinger, Michael D., Tyree, Mary, and Hayhoe, Katharine |
2008 |
climate change, IPCC scenarios, climate change projections |
Climate change, atmospheric rivers, and floods in California - a multimodel analysis of storm frequency and magnitude changes |
Dettinger, Michael |
2011 |
atmospheric rivers, climate change, precipitation, flooding |
Climate warming and water management adaptation for California |
Tanaka, Stacy, Zhu, Tingju, Lund, Jay, Howitt, Richard, Jenkins, Marion, Pulido, Manuel, Tauber, Mélanie, Ritzema, Randall, and Ferreira, Inês |
2006 |
water resources, water management, economic optimization, climate change |
Comment on "Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” |
Wolf, Adam, and Anderegg, William R. L. |
2011 |
climate change, vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit |
Comment on “Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” |
Stephenson, Nathan L. and Das, Adrian J. |
2011 |
vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit, climate change |
Comment on “Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” |
Hijmans, Robert J. |
2011 |
vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit, climate change |
Compounded effects of climate change and habitat alteration shift patterns of butterfly diversity |
Forister, Matthew L., McCall, Andrew C., Sanders, Nathan J., Fordyce, James A., Thorne, James H., O'Brien, Joshua, Waetjen, David P., and Shapiro, Arthur M. |
2010 |
climate change, species distributions, butterflies |
Conservation and management of ecological systems in a changing California |
Barbour, Elisa and Kueppers, Lara M. |
2011 |
biological conservation, climate change, biotic communities, landscape conservation planning |
Current and future impacts of extreme events in California |
Mastrandea, Michael, Tebaldi, Claudia, Snyder, Carolyn, and Schneider, Stephen |
2011 |
climate change, extreme events, climate change projections |
Designing Climate-Smart Conservation: Guidance and Case Studies |
Hansen, L., Hoffman, J., Drews, C., Meilbrecht, E. |
2009 |
sea level rise, climate-smart conservation, adaptation, adaptive management, climate change, coral reefs, mangrove forests, resilience, sea turtles, mammals, case studies |
Downscaling future climate scenarios to fine scales for hydrologic and ecological modeling and analysis |
Flint, Lorraine E. and Flint, Alan L. |
2012 |
downscaling, climate change, bioclimatic modeling |
Estimated impacts of climate warming on California’s high-elevation hydropower |
Madani, Kaveh and Lund, Jay |
2010 |
water resources, hydroelectric power, climate change |
Evaluating tidal marsh sustainability in the face of sea-level rise: a hybrid modeling approach applied to San Francisco Bay |
Stralberg, Diana, Brennan, Matthew, Callaway, John C., Wood, Julian K., Schile, Lisa M., Jongsomjit, Dennis, Kelly, Maggi, Parker, V. Thomas and Crooks, Stephen |
2011 |
sea level rise, tidal marshes, climate change |
Fire and sustainability: considerations for California’s altered future climate |
Moritz, Max and Stephens, Scott |
2008 |
urban growth, climate change, wildfire |
Gene movement and genetic association with regional climate gradients in California valley oak (Quercus lobata Née) in the face of climate change |
Sork, Victoria L, Davis, Frank W., Westfall, Robert, Flint, Alan, Ikegami, Makihiko, Wang, Hongfang, and Grivet, Delphine |
2010 |
Quercus lobata, climate change, ecological genetics, climate change adaptation |
Identifying Vulnerable Species and Adaptation Strategies in the Southern Sierra of California Using Historical Resurveys |
Santos, Maria J., Moritz, Craig, and Thorne, James H. |
2012 |
historical biogeography, climate change, species distributions |
Impact of a century of climate change on small-mammal communities in Yosemite National Park, USA |
Moritz, Craig, Patton, James L., Conroy, Chris J., Parra, Juan L., White, Gary C., and Beissinger, Steven R. |
2008 |
mammals, climate change, species distributions |
Methodology for Building Habitat Connectivity for Climate Adaptation: Mayacamas to Berryessa Connectivity Network (M2B) |
Morgan Gray, Lisa MIcheli, and Adina Merenlender |
5/21/2018 |
connectivity, landscape conservation planning, climate change |
Modeling plant ranges over 75 years of climate change in California, USA: temporal transferability and species traits |
Dobrowski, Solomon Z., Thorne, James H., Greenberg, Jonathan A., Safford, Hugh D., Mynsberge, Alison R., Crimmins, Shawn M., and Swanson, Alan K. |
2010 |
species distribution modeling, climate change |
North American vegetation model for land-use planning in a changing climate: A solution to large classification problems |
Rehfeldt, Gerald E., Crookston, Nicholas L., Saenz-Romero, Cuauhtemoc, and Campbell, Elizabeth M. |
2012 |
vegetation distribution, bioclimatic modeling, climate change |
Operational approaches to managing forests of the future in Mediterranean regions within a context of changing climates |
Stephens, Scott L., Millar, Constance I., and Collins, Brandon M. |
2010 |
forest management, climate change |
Potential impacts of climate change on California hydrology |
Miller, Norman L., Bashford, Kathy E., and Strem, Eric |
2003 |
hydrologic modeling, water resources, climate change |
Potential impacts of increased coastal flooding in California due to sea-level rise |
Heberger, Matthew, Cooley, Heather, Herrera, Pablo, Gleick, Peter, and Moore, Eli |
2011 |
sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change |
Potential implications of PCM climate change scenarios for Sacramento–San Joaquin River basin hydrology and water resources |
VanRheenen, Nathan T., Wood, Andrew W., Palmer, Richard N., and Lettenmaier, Dennis P. |
2004 |
hydrologic modeling, climate change, water resources |
Potential increase in floods in California’s Sierra Nevada under future climate projections |
Das, Tapash, Dettinger, Michael, Cayan, Daniel, and Hidalgo, Hugo |
2011 |
flooding, climate change, water management |
Potential inundation due to rising sea levels in the San Francisco Bay Region |
Knowles, Noah |
2010 |
sea level rise, climate change |
Potential inundation due to rising sea levels in the San Francisco Bay Region |
Knowles, Noah |
March 2009 |
sea level rise, climate change |
Predicting species responses to climate change: demography and climate microrefugia in California valley oak (Quercus lobata) |
Mclaughlin, B. C. and Zaveleta, E. S. |
2012 |
bioclimatic modeling, climate change, Quercus lobata, plants |
Present Weather and Climate: Evolving Conditions |
Hoerling, M., Dettinger, M., Wolter, K., Lukas, J., Eischeid, J., Nemani, R., Liebmann, B., Kunkel, K.E. |
2013 |
climate change, paleoclimates, hydrology |
Projected Effects of Future Climates on Freshwater Fishes of California |
Moyle, Peter B., Kiernan, Joseph D., Crain, Patrick K., and Quiñones, Rebecca M. |
2012 |
fish, climate change, climate change impacts |
Projected evolution of California's San Francisco Bay-Delta-River system in a century of climate change |
Cloern, James E., Knowles, Noah, Brown, Larry R., Cayan, Daniel, Dettinger, Michael D., Morgan, Tara L., Schoelhamer, David H., Stacey, Mark T., van der Wegen, Mick, Wagner, R. Wayne, and Jassby, Alan D. |
2011 |
sea level rise, climate change |
Projected future suitable habitat and productivity of Douglas-fir in western North America |
Weiskittel, Aaron R., Crookston, Nicholas L., and Rehfeldt, Gerard E. |
2012 |
vegetation distribution, bioclimatic modeling, climate change |
Re-shuffling of species with climate disruption: a no-analog future for California birds? |
Stralberg, Diana, Jongsomjit, Dennis, Howell, Christine A., Snyder, Mark A., Alexander, John D., Wiens, John A., and Root, Terry L. |
2009 |
climate change, species distributions, birds |
Response of high-elevation limber pine (Pinus flexilis) to multiyear droughts and 20th-century warming, Sierra Nevada, California, USA |
Millar, Constance I., Westfall, Robert D., and Delany, Diane L. |
2007 |
Pinus flexilis, climate change, tree mortality |
Response to comments on “Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” |
Dobrowski, Solomon Z., Crimmins, Shawn M., Thorne, James H., Greenberg, Jonathan A., Abatzoglou, John T. and Mynsberge, Alison R. |
2011 |
vegetation distribution, climate change, climatic water deficit |
Southwest Climate Change Assessment Report: Summary for Decision Makers |
Overpeck, Jonathan, Garfin, G., Jardine, A., Busch, D. E., Cayan, D., Dettinger, M., Fleishman, E., Gershunov, A., Macdonald, G., Redmond, K. T., Travis, W. R., Udall, B. |
2013 |
climate change, climate change projections, historical climate |
State of the Climate in 2014 |
Blunden, Jessica, and Derek S. Arndt |
2015 |
climate change, climate monitoring |
Statistical models of temperature in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta under climate-change scenarios and ecological implications |
Wagner, R., Stacey, Mark, Brown, Larry, and Dettinger, Michael |
2011 |
climate change, aquatic ecosystems, fish, invertebrates |
The Ethics of Traditional Knowledge Exchange in Climate Change Initiatives |
Climate and Traditional Knowledges Workgroup |
2015 |
traditional ecological knowledge, ethics, indigenous peoples, climate change |
The geography of climate change: implications for conservation biogeography |
Ackerly, D. D., Loarie, S. R., Cornwell, W. K., Weiss, S. B, Hamilton, H., Branciforte, R. and Kraft, N. J. B. |
2010 |
biological conservation, climate change, protected area networks |
The impact of climate change on California timberlands |
Hannah, L, Costello, C., Guo, C., Ries, L., Kolstad, C., Panitz, D., and Snider, N. |
2011 |
climate change, forest management |
The impact of climate change on California’s ecosystem services |
Shaw, M. Rebecca, Pendleton, Linwood, Cameron, D. Richard, Morris, Belinda, Bachelet, Dominique, Klausmeyer, Kirk, MacKenzie, Jason, Conklin, David R., Bratman, Gregrory N., Lenihan, James, Haunreiter, Erik, Daly, Christopher, and Roehrdanz, Patrick R. |
2011 |
ecosystem services, climate change |
The impact of climate change on wildfire severity: a regional forecast for Northern California |
Fried, Jeremy S., Torn, Margaret S., and Mills, Evan |
2004 |
climate change, wildfire |
The Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on the California Coast |
Heberger, Matthew, Cooley, Heather, Herrera, Pablo, and Gleick, Peter for the California Climate Change Center |
2009 |
sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change |
Vegetation change over sixty years in the Central Sierra Nevada, California, USA |
Thorne, James H., Morgan, Brian J., and Kennedy, Jeffery |
2008 |
vegetation distribution, historical biogeography, climate change |
Warming and earlier spring increase western U.S. forest wildfire activity |
Westerling, A. L., Hidalgo, H. G., Cayan, D. R. and Swetnam, T. W. |
2006 |
climate change, climate change impacts, wildfire |
Why climate change makes riparian restoration more important than ever: recommendations for practice and research |
Seavy, Nathaniel E., Gardali, Thomas, Golet, Gregory H., Griggs, F. Thomas, Howell, Christine A., Kelsey, Rodd, Small, Stacy L., Viers, Joshua H. and Weigand, James F. |
2009 |
riparian ecosystems, climate change, ecological restoration |