Aboveground live carbon stock changes of California wildland ecosystems, 2001–2010 |
Gonzalez, Patrick, John J. Battles, Brandon M. Collins, Timothy Robards, and David S. Saah |
2015 |
forest management, carbon sequestration, carbon storage, wildfire |
Analog-based fire regime and vegetation shifts in mountainous regions of the western US |
Parks, Sean A., Lisa M. Holsinger, Carol Miller, and Marc-André Parisien |
2017 |
fire frequency, wildfire, climate change impacts, forests |
Carbon dynamics in the future forest: the importance of long‐term successional legacy and climate–fire interactions |
Loudermilk, E. L., R. M. Scheller, P. J. Weisberg, J. Yang, T. E. Dilts, S. L. Karam, and C. Skinner |
2013 |
carbon storage, soil carbon, forest management, wildfire |
Climate change and growth scenarios for California wildfire |
Westerling, A. L., Bryant, B. P., Preisler, H. K., Holmes, T. P., Hidalgo, H. G., Das, T. and Shrestha, S. R. |
2011 |
wildfire, wildland-urban interface, climate change |
Climate change and the eco-hydrology of fire: Will area burned increase in a warming western USA? |
McKenzie, Donald, and Jeremy S. Littell |
2017 |
wildfire, climate change impacts, drought |
Climate change and wildfire in California |
Westerling, A. L. and Bryant, B. P. |
2007 |
climate change, fire frequency, wildfire |
Climate change effects on vegetation distribution, carbon, and fire in California |
Lenihan, J. M., Drapek R., Bachelet D., and Neilson, R. P. |
2003 |
fire frequency, climate change, plants, species distributions, wildfire |
Climate change, fire management, and ecological services in the southwestern US |
Hurteau, Matthew D., John B. Bradford, Peter Z. Fulé, Alan H. Taylor, and Katherine L. Martin |
2014 |
wildfire, climate change impacts, ecosystem services |
Climate change, growth, and California wildfire |
Westerling, A. L., Bryant, B. P., Preisler, H. K., Holmes, T. P., Hidalgo, H. G., Das, T. and Shrestha, S. R. |
2009 |
climate change projections, urban growth, wildfire |
Climatic change, wildfire, and conservation |
McKenzie, Donald, Ze’ev Gedalof, David L. Peterson, and Philip Mote |
2004 |
wildfire, climate variability, paleoclimates |
Climatic stress increases forest fire severity across the western United States |
van Mantgem, Philip J, Nesmith, Jonathan C. B., Keifer, MaryBeth, Knapp, Eric E., Flint, Alan, and Flint, Lorraine |
2013 |
biodiversity, fire frequency, wildfire |
County-level analysis of the impact of temperature and population increases on California wildfire data |
Baltar, M., J. E. Keeley, and F. P. Schoenberg |
2014 |
wildfire, temperature trends, urban growth |
Different fire–climate relationships on forested and non-forested landscapes in the Sierra Nevada ecoregion |
Keeley, Jon E. and Syphard, Alexandra D. |
2015 |
wildfire, forest management, climate change impacts |
Effects of climate change on snowpack and fire potential in the western USA |
Gergel, Diana R., Bart Nijssen, John T. Abatzoglou, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, and Matt R. Stumbaugh |
2017 |
snowpack, wildfire, climate change impacts |
Effects of fire on small mammal communities in frequent-fire forests in California |
Roberts, Susan L., Kelt, Douglas A., Wagtendonk, Jan W. van, Miles, A. Keith and Meyer, Marc D. |
2015 |
mammals, wildfire, forest management |
Fire and Climate Change in California: Changes in the Distribution and Frequency of Fire in Climates of the Future and Recent Past (1911–2099) |
Krawchuk, Meg and Moritz, Max |
2012 |
fire frequency, wildfire, climate change adaptation |
Fire and sustainability: considerations for California’s altered future climate |
Moritz, Max and Stephens, Scott |
2008 |
urban growth, climate change, wildfire |
Fire and Terrain Controls on Soil Carbon in Chaparral Watersheds |
Graham, Robert C., Akers, S. C., Meixner, T., and Wechsler, S.P. |
2002 |
carbon storage, soil carbon, chaparral, wildfire |
Fire management, managed relocation, and land conservation options for long-lived obligate seeding plants under global changes in climate, urbanization, and fire regime |
Bonebrake, Timothy C., Syphard, Alexandra D., Franklin, Janet, Anderson, Kurt E., Akçakaya, H. Resit, Mizerek, Toni, Winchell, Clark, and Regan, Helen M. |
2014 |
chaparral, plants, biodiversity management, wildfire, biodiversity, urban growth |
Fire weather and large fire potential in the northern Sierra Nevada |
Collins, Brandon M |
2014 |
wildfire, extreme events, climate change impacts |
Large wildfire trends in the western United States, 1984–2011 |
Dennison, Philip E., Simon C. Brewer, James D. Arnold, and Max A. Moritz |
2014 |
drought, wildfire, fire frequency |
Near-future forest vulnerability to drought and fire varies across the western United States |
Buotte, P. C. et al. |
2018-11 |
drought, wildfire, forests, climate change vulnerability |
Predicting large wildfires across western North America by modeling seasonal variation in soil water balance |
Waring, Richard H., and Nicholas C. Coops |
2015 |
fire frequency, soil moisture, remote sensing, wildfire |
Projection of wildfire activity in southern California in the mid-twenty-first century |
Yue, Xu, Mickley, Loretta J., and Logan, Jennifer A. |
2014 |
wildfire, climate change impacts |
Regional projections of the likelihood of very large wildland fires under a changing climate in the contiguous Western United States |
Stavros, E. Natasha, Abatzoglou, John T., McKenzie, Donald, and Larkin, Narasimhan K. |
2014 |
wildfire, climate change impacts |
Response of Sierra Nevada forests to projected climate-wildfire interactions |
Liang, Shuang, Matthew D. Hurteau, and A. LeRoy Westerling |
2016 |
wildfire, climate change impacts, carbon sequestration, forests, forest management |
Response of vegetation distribution, ecosystem productivity, and fire to climate change scenarios for California |
Lenihan, James M., Bachelet, Dominique, Neilson, Ronald P., and Drapek, Raymond |
2008 |
vegetation modeling, wildfire, climate change impacts |
Scenarios to Evaluate Long‐Term Wildfire Risk in California: New Methods for Considering Links Between Changing Demography, Land Use, and Climate |
Bryant, Benjamin P., and Westerling, Anthony L. |
2012 |
wildfire, climate change adaptation |
Spatial, temporal and latitudinal components of historical fire regimes in mixed conifer forests, California |
Krasnow, Kevin D., Danny L. Fry, and Scott L. Stephens |
2016 |
wildfire, historical biogeography, forests |
The carbon balance of reducing wildfire risk and restoring process: an analysis of 10-year post-treatment carbon dynamics in a mixed-conifer forest |
Wiechmann Morgan L., Hurteau, Matthew D., North, Malcolm P., Koch, George W., and Jerabkova, Lucie |
2015 |
wildfire, carbon sequestration, forest management |
The cost of climate change: Ecosystem services and wildland fires |
Lee, Christine, Claire Schlemme, Jessica Murray, and Robert Unsworth |
2015 |
ecosystem services, wildfire, climate change impacts |
The impact of climate change on wildfire severity: a regional forecast for Northern California |
Fried, Jeremy S., Torn, Margaret S., and Mills, Evan |
2004 |
climate change, wildfire |
The relative influence of climate and housing development on current and projected future fire patterns and structure loss across three California landscapes. |
Alexandra D. Syphard, Rustigian-Romsos, H., Mann, M., Conlisk, E., Moritz, M. A., Ackerly, D. |
2019-05 |
wildfire, fire, bioclimatic modeling, land use |
Traditional Ecological Knowledge: A Model for Modern Fire Management? |
Joint Fire Science Program |
2014 |
wildfire, traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous peoples, forest management |
Trends in wildfire severity: 1984 to 2010 in the Sierra Nevada, Modoc Plateau, and Southern Cascades, California, USA |
Miller, Jay D., and Safford, Hugh |
2012 |
wildfire, fire frequency, forests |
Warming and earlier spring increase western U.S. forest wildfire activity |
Westerling, A. L., Hidalgo, H. G., Cayan, D. R. and Swetnam, T. W. |
2006 |
climate change, climate change impacts, wildfire |
Water balance and topography predict fire and forest structure patterns |
Kane, Van R., James A. Lutz, C. Alina Cansler, Nicholas A. Povak, Derek J. Churchill, Douglas F. Smith, Jonathan T. Kane, and Malcolm P. North |
2015 |
water balance, forest management, wildfire |
Wildfire and drought dynamics destabilize carbon stores of fire-suppressed forests |
Earles, J. Mason, Malcolm P. North, and Matthew D. Hurteau |
2014 |
carbon storage, wildfire, drought, forest management |