A 40-year, continent-wide, multispecies assessment of relevant climate predictors for species distribution modelling |
Barbet-Massin, Morgane, and Walter Jetz |
2014 |
species distribution modeling, bioclimatic modeling, birds |
A spline model of climate for the Western United States |
Rehfeldt, Gerald E. |
2006 |
climate modeling, bioclimatic modeling |
Addressing climate change in the forest vegetation simulator to assess impacts on landscape forest dynamics |
Crookston, Nicholas L., Rehfeldt, Gerald E., Dixon, Gary E., and Weiskittel, Aaron R. |
2010 |
vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling |
Assessing sensitivity to climate change and drought variability of a sand dune endemic lizard |
Barrows, Cameron W., Rotenberry, John T., and Allen, Michael F. |
2010 |
reptiles, Uma inornata, drought, bioclimatic modeling |
Bioclimatic velocity: the pace of species exposure to climate change |
Serra-Diaz, Josep M., Franklin, Janet, Ninyerola, Miquel, Davis, Frank W., Syphard, Alexandra D., Regan, Helen M. and Ikegami, Makihiko |
2013 |
plants, endemic species, biodiversity, bioclimatic modeling |
Climate, habitat quality, and fitness in Northern Spotted Owl populations in northwestern California |
Franklin, Alan B., Anderson, David R., Gutiérrez, R. J., and Burnham, Kenneth P. |
2000 |
Northern Spotted Owl, biodiversity management, bioclimatic modeling |
Climatic microrefugia under anthropogenic climate change: implications for species redistribution |
Lenoir, Jonathan, Tarek Hattab, and Guillaume Pierre |
2017 |
climate refugia, downscaling, bioclimatic modeling |
CliMond: global high-resolution historical and future scenario climate surfaces for bioclimatic modelling |
Kriticos, Darren J., Webber, Bruce L., Leriche, Agathe, Ota, Noboru, Macadam, Ian, Bathols, Janice, and Scott, John K. |
2012 |
historical climate, climate change projections, bioclimatic modeling |
Consequences of Climate Change for Native Plants and Conservation |
Hannah, Lee, Shaw, M. Rebecca, Roehrdanz, Patrick, Ikegami, Makihiko, Soong, Oliver, and Thorne, James |
2012 |
bioclimatic modeling, species distribution modeling, climate change projections |
Cross-scale modeling of surface temperature and tree seedling establishment in mountain landscapes |
Dingman, John R., Sweet, Lynn C., McCullough, Ian, Davis, Frank W., Flint, Alan, Franklin, Janet, and Flint, Lorraine E. |
2013 |
microclimatology, bioclimatic modeling, surface temperature |
Dangers of using global bioclimatic datasets for ecological niche modeling. Limitations for future climate projections |
Bedia, Joaquin, Herrera, Sixto, Gutierrez, Jose Manuel |
2013 |
bioclimatic modeling, species distribution modeling, climate change impacts |
Dangers of using global bioclimatic datasets for ecological niche modeling. Limitations for future climate projections |
Bedia, Joaquin, Herrera, Sixto, and Gutiérrez, José Manuel |
2013 |
bioclimatic modeling, species distribution modeling, biodiversity |
Designing ecological climate change impact assessments to reflect key climatic drivers |
Sofaer, Helen R, Joseph J Barsugli, Catherine S Jarnevich, John T Abatzoglou, Marian K Talbert, Brian W Miller, and Jeffrey T. Morisette |
2017 |
climate change impacts on biodiversity, bioclimatic modeling, climate change assessment |
Downscaling future climate scenarios to fine scales for hydrologic and ecological modeling and analysis |
Flint, Lorraine E. and Flint, Alan L. |
2012 |
downscaling, climate change, bioclimatic modeling |
Empirical analyses of plant-climate relationships for the Western United States |
Rehfeldt, Gerald E., Crookston, Nicholas L., Warwell, Marcus V., and Evans, Jeffrey S. |
2006 |
bioclimatic modeling, vegetation distribution |
Future Climate Scenarios for California: Freezing Isoclines, Novel Climates, and Climatic Resilience of California’s Protected Areas |
Ackerly, David D. |
2012 |
bioclimatic modeling, resilience, climate change projections, climate change adaptation, novel climates |
Future vulnerability mapping based on response to extreme climate events: Dieback thresholds in an endemic California oak |
Brown, Brittni J., Blair C. McLaughlin, Rachel V. Blakey, and Naia Morueta‐Holme |
2018 |
Quercus douglasii, extreme events, bioclimatic modeling, groundwater |
Identifying the best climatic predictors in ecology and evolution |
van de Pol, Martijn, Liam D. Bailey, Nina McLean, Laurie Rijsdijk, Callum R. Lawson, and Lyanne Brouwer |
2016 |
weather, bioclimatic modeling |
Incorporating model complexity and spatial sampling bias into ecological niche models of climate change risks faced by 90 California vertebrate species of concern |
Warren, Dan L., Wright, Amber N., Seifert, Stephanie N., and Shaffer, H. Bradley |
2013 |
birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, species distribution modeling, bioclimatic modeling |
MC1: a dynamic vegetation model for estimating the distribution of vegetation and associated carbon, nutrients, and water - technical documentation. |
Bachelet, Dominique, Lenihan, James M., Daly, Christopher, Neilson, Ronald P., Ojima, Dennis S., and Parton, William J. |
2001 |
vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling, biogeochemistry |
Mechanisms underpinning climatic impacts on natural populations: altered species interactions are more important than direct effects |
Ockendon, Nancy, Baker, David J. , Carr, Jamie A., White, Elizabeth C., Almond, Rosamude E. A., Amano, Tatsuya, Bertram, Esther, Bradbury, Richard B., Bradley, Cassie, Butchart, Stuart H. M., Doswald, Nathalie, Foden, Wendy, Gill, David J.C. and 4 others |
2014 |
biodiversity, biotic interactions, bioclimatic modeling |
Microclimate modelling at macro scales: a test of a general microclimate model integrated with gridded continental-scale soil and weather data |
Kearney, Michael R., Shamakhy, Alireza, Tingley, Reid, Karoly, David J., Hoffmann, Ary A., Briggs, Peter R., and Porter, Warren P. |
2013 |
bioclimatic modeling, microclimatology, climate data |
Microclimatic challenges in global change biology |
Potter, Kristen A., Woods, H. Arthur, and Pincebourde, Sylvain |
2013 |
bioclimatic modeling, species distribution modeling, microclimatology |
Modeled regional climate change and California endemic oak ranges |
Kueppers, Lara M., Snyder, Mark A., Sloan, Lisa C., Zaveleta, Erika S., and Fulfrost, Brian |
2005 |
Quercus lobata, Quercus douglasii, bioclimatic modeling, climate change projections |
North American vegetation model for land-use planning in a changing climate: A solution to large classification problems |
Rehfeldt, Gerald E., Crookston, Nicholas L., Saenz-Romero, Cuauhtemoc, and Campbell, Elizabeth M. |
2012 |
vegetation distribution, bioclimatic modeling, climate change |
Past and ongoing shifts in Joshua tree distribution support future modeled range contraction |
Cole, Kenneth L., Ironside, Kirsten, Eischeid, Jon, Garfin, Gregg, Duffy, Phillip B., and Toney, Chris |
2010 |
Yucca brevifolia, bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts |
Past, present and future distributions of a local assemblage of congeneric lizards in southern California |
Barrows, Cameron W. and Fisher, Mark |
2014 |
reptiles, bioclimatic modeling, biodiversity |
Predicting species responses to climate change: demography and climate microrefugia in California valley oak (Quercus lobata) |
Mclaughlin, B. C. and Zaveleta, E. S. |
2012 |
bioclimatic modeling, climate change, Quercus lobata, plants |
Projected future changes in vegetation in western North America in the twenty-first century |
Jiang, Xiaoyan, Rauscher, Sara A., Ringler, Todd D., Lawrence, David M., Williams, A. Park., Allen, Craig.D., Steiner, Allison L., Cai, D.Michael.,and McDowell, Nate G. |
2013 |
bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts, vegetation distribution |
Projected future suitable habitat and productivity of Douglas-fir in western North America |
Weiskittel, Aaron R., Crookston, Nicholas L., and Rehfeldt, Gerard E. |
2012 |
vegetation distribution, bioclimatic modeling, climate change |
Sensitivity to climate change for two reptiles at the Mojave–Sonoran Desert interface |
Barrows, C.W. |
2011 |
reptiles, bioclimatic modeling, climate change vulnerability |
Shifts in the thermal niche of almond under climate change |
Parker, Lauren E., and John T. Abatzoglou |
2018 |
agriculture, climate change impacts, bioclimatic modeling |
Simulating past and future dynamics of natural ecosystems in the United States |
Bachelet, Dominique, Neilson, Ronald P., Hickler, Thomas, Drapek, Raymond J.,Lenihan, James M., Sykes, Martin T., Smith, Benjamin, Sitch, Stephen, and Thonicke, Kirsten |
2003 |
vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts |
Simulating vegetation shifts and carbon cycling in Yosemite National Park |
Conklin, David R. |
2009 |
vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts |
Spatial and temporal patterns of cloud cover and fog inundation in coastal California: Ecological implications |
Rastogi, Bharat, A. Park Williams, Douglas T. Fischer, Sam Iacobellis, Kathryn McEachern, Leila Carvalho, Charles Jones, Sara A. Baguskas, and Christopher J. Still. |
2016 |
fog, bioclimatic modeling |
The relative influence of climate and housing development on current and projected future fire patterns and structure loss across three California landscapes. |
Alexandra D. Syphard, Rustigian-Romsos, H., Mann, M., Conlisk, E., Moritz, M. A., Ackerly, D. |
2019-05 |
wildfire, fire, bioclimatic modeling, land use |