
Examples of Climate Adaptation Strategies, Plans, and Actions

Examples of Climate Adaptation Strategies and Plans
Resource managers and local communities across California from the state level to towns and nature preserves are working on addressing the expected consequences of climate change. Each management entity has its own responsibilities, issues, and potential impacts. The first step in this process is to identify the potential impacts under the possible climate change scenarios. The second step is to develop a strategy plan for moving forward proactively to reduce those impacts.

Below we offer examples of the many strategies and plans that have been developed across the state, several case studies of implementation of this climate-smart conservation planning, and recommendations for further reading.

All Sectors:
California Climate Adaptation Strategy (2009)
Safeguarding California: Reducing Climate Risk (2014)
Safeguarding California Plan: 2017 Update
See this Overview of California's Climate Change Preparations by Georgetown Climate Center for a comprehensive listing by sector

Municipal Planning:
San Francisco Bay Area GreenPrint
Sonoma County's Climate Action 2020
Energy and Climate Change; Richmond General Plan 2030
Sacramento Climate Action Plan
Examples of California Local Climate Action Plans
State of Local Climate Action: California 2016

Landscape Scale Biodiversity Adaptation Plans:
North Coast Resource Partnership
San Francisco Bay Area Conservation Lands Network
Climate Adaptation Strategies for Coastal Southern California Habitats
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Focal Resources of the Sierra Nevada
Climate-Smart Adaptation for North-central California Coastal Habitats
Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Climate Adaptation Plan
Central Valley Landscape Conservation Project

Resource Management Planning:
California Water Plan Update 2013, Department of Water Resources
Climate Change Adaptations for Local Water Management in the San Francisco Bay Area
Climate Ready North Bay
Adaptation Strategies for Agricultural Sustainability in Yolo County, California

Sea-Level Rise Planning:
Adapting to Rising Tides, San Francisco Bay
Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy for San Diego Bay
Regional AdaptLA: Coastal Impacts Planning in the Los Angeles Region
Case Studies of Climate Adaptation Strategies in Action

Fire & Fuel Management: Ojai Community Defense Zone Project

Grazing Management: Lower Piru Rangelands Project

Restoration & Planting:
San Diego River Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration Project
A Climate-Smart Riparian Restoration Curriculum and Plant Selection Tool

Watershed Improvement:
Trabuco Creek Watershed Improvement Project
Pepperwood Adaptive Management Plan

Recommended Reading

California Climate Adaptation Planning Guide
Adapting to Climate Change: A Planning Guide for State Coastal Managers
Report Providing Comparison of Adaptation Plans Submitted to the White House in 2014
A Tribal White Paper on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Please see our article on Climate-Smart Conservation, where you'll find helpful background materials, guidance documents, and tools.

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