Collaborative website on California Birds Species of Special Concern

This Bird Species of Special Concern (BSSC) Implementation website, a collaboration between Point Blue Conservation Science and the California Department of Fish and Game, was developed to implement the recommendations detailed in the 2008 BSSC monograph in order to prevent further declines of California's native birds.
On this website you can:
Download and view materials relevant to a climate change vulnerability assessment of California's at-risk birds, including:
California's birds most at risk from climate change
Read the press release
Read the peer-reviewed article describing our approach and results
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Criteria (PDF)
View/Download Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Database (Online)
Download literature review on predicted impacts of Climate Change in California (PDF)
Download the entire monograph and supporting materials and suggest changes that will help keep the list up-to-date:
Download the entire document
Download the species accounts
Download the list of seventy-four prioritized taxa (PDF)
View/Download/Suggest one or more criteria score changes (Online)
Suggest adding a species to the full candidate list (Online)
and explore and view several types of avian occurrence and abundance data and visualize changes to California's birds and vegetation in response to climate change:
Modeling Bird, Vegetation, and Climate Responses to Climate Change
Map-based Access to Avian Data Summaries