CA LCC Project

Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategies for Focal Resources of the Sierra Nevada

Project Information

Phase 1 (2012): This project supports a collaborative, multi-stakeholder effort led by the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) to develop a largescale vulnerability assessment and associated adaptation strategies for focal resources of the Sierra Nevada. The purpose of this effort is to provide information and tools for Forest Planning and management (e.g., NEPA analyses, Forest Plan revisions, Climate Scorecard) and other natural resource management (e.g., SWAP) and conservation efforts to prepare for climate change impacts in the Sierra Nevada. Specifically, our objectives are to: (1) assess the vulnerability of focal resources to climate change, (2) use spatial analysis and expert input to prioritize conservation areas or actions, and (3) identify implementable management responses to climate change. To achieve these objectives, we facilitated a two workshop series and create comparative maps. Workshops were designed to inform specific management needs and strategies developed resulted in actionable responses by conservation partners. Comparative maps help identify spatially explicit recommendations on the most suitable management options for each focal resource addressed. Managers and conservation planners from state and federal agencies, local governments, non-governmental organizations, and universities participated throughout this project in order to develop products in an open, collaborative fashion.

Science Delivery (2013): Work will include: (1) Targeted agency trainings. Intensive 1-day trainings will be held with key agency partners (USFS, NPS, CDFW, USFWS) at regional or local offices to present project results and help integrate these results into participants' management decision-making processes. (2) Tailored product development. We will consult with key agency partners to develop products from trainings and project results tailored to meet their needs. (3) Module at Climate Change Refugia/Connectivity Workshop. We will present the results of the current project during the 3-day workshop organized by U.C. Berkeley to maximize project outreach, limited funding and agency staff time.

Please see this page to access all of the products of this project:
Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategies for Focal Resources of the Sierra Nevada

Full Proposal Title: 
From Awareness to Action: A Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategies for Focal Resources of the Sierra Nevada
Project Lead: 
Lara Hansen,; Jessi Kershner,
Lead Organization:
Starting Date: 
Ending Date: 
Total LCC Funding: 
Total Matching or In-Kind Funds: 

Products of this project

Title Deliverable Type Release Datesort descending Commons Catalog Record or External Link
Featured Project: Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategies for Focal Resources of the Sierra Nevada Publication : Article Jul 2013
Change in Hydrologic Variables for Sierra Nevadas Datasets / Database Jan 2014
Maps to support climate adaptation planning in the Sierra Nevada Datasets / Database Jan 2014
Vulnerability Assessment Results for Focal Resources Report Jan 2014
Adaptation Strategies Final Report Report Jan 2014
CA LCC webinar Training / Outreach / Workshop : Webinar Feb 2014
Article in March 2014 issue of Estuary News Publication : Article Mar 2014
Climate Adaptation Options Workshop May 27, 2014 Training / Outreach / Workshop May 2014
Targeted agency training # 3 Oct 17, 2014 Training / Outreach / Workshop Oct 2014
Targeted agency training # 1 Oct 14, 2014 Training / Outreach / Workshop Oct 2014
Targeted agency training # 2 Oct 15, 2014 Training / Outreach / Workshop Oct 2014