San Francisco Bay Sea - Level Rise Website A PRBO online decision support tool for managers, planners, conservation practitioners and scientists. Phase II Report to the California Coastal Conservancy.

This technical report presents PRBO Conservation Science's (now called Point Blue Conservation Science) development of scenarios of climate change impacts on tidal marsh vegetation and bird species from 2010-2110 based on low or high rates of sea level rise (0.52 or 1.65 m in 100 yr) and low or high suspended sediment availability.
Results are discussed for the following:
(1) assessed potential climate change effects on San Francisco Estuary (Suisun, San Pablo and San Francisco Bays) tidal marsh habitats and bird populations representing a range of federal and state special status listings: Clapper Rail, Black Rail, Common Yellowthroat, Marsh Wren, and Song Sparrow;
(2) identified priority sites for tidal marsh conservation and restoration;
(3) developed a readily updatable web-based mapping tool for managers to interactively display and query results; and,
(4) communicated conservation priorities to management agencies, conservation organizations and the public.
Veloz, S., N. Nur, L. Salas, D. Stralberg, D. Jongsomjit, J. Wood, L. Liu, and G. Ballard. 2012. San Francisco Bay Sea-Level Rise Website: A PRBO online decision support tool for managers, planners, conservation practitioners and scientists. Phase II Report to the California Coastal Conservancy. Point Blue Conservation Science, Petaluma, CA. [date accessed].