List of General Circulation Models (GCMs) used here

Model Description
(Historic Data)

This represents historic climate data rather than modeled future climate. No emissions scenario is relevant.

This option is listed with climate models because sometimes variants of the same data is available for both historic time periods and modeled future time periods.


The Third Generation Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM3) is a product of the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis. It updates the earlier Second Generation Coupled Global Climate Model with a new atmospheric component, the oceanic component remaining unchanged. It has been run at two resolutions, the T47 version with a 3.75 degree grid cell size for atmospheric horizontal resolution and 1.85 degree resolution for the oceanic component, and the T63 version has a 2.8 degree atmospheric resolution subdivided into 6 oceanic grid cells.


The CNRM-CM3 global coupled system is the third version of the ocean-atmosphere model initially developed at CERFACS (Toulouse, France), then regularlarly updated at Center National Weather Research (CNRM, METEO-FRANCE, Toulouse).
This model consisted initially of ARPEGE-Climat 2 AGCM (CNRM, Déqué et al., 1994; Déqué and Piedelievre, 1995, Déqué et al., 1998; Gibelin and Déqué, 2003) and OPA7 OGCM (LODyC, CNRS-IPSL, Paris).
These components were updated respectively to ARPEGE-Climat 3 and OPA8.
CNRM-CM3 also now includes a parameterization of the homogeneous and heterogeneous chemistry of ozone (Cariolle et al., 1990), a sea ice model, GELATO2 (Salas-Mélia, 2002), and TRIP river routing from Tokyo University (Oki and Sud, 1998; Oki et al., 1999).
ARPEGE-Climat 3 is a spectral model (truncation T63, 128x64, about 2.8° resolution, and 45 levels), OPA8 (31 levels) and GELATO2 are both grid point models and share the same mesh of 182x152 points.
It corresponds to a resolution of about 2° in longitude, the latitudinal resolution varying from 0.5° near the equator to roughly 2° in polar regions.
The couplings between the different models are managed by OASIS2.2 (CERFACS, Terray et al., 1998) coupler.

Generalized dissimilarity model


The final configuration of the GFDL CM2.0 model was determined in early 2004. The first IPCC-related experiment to be run using CM2.0 (CM2Q_Control-1860_d2) was launched in late April 2004. Other CM2.0 IPCC-related experiments followed until the simulations were completed during autumn 2004. The second member of the CM2.x family of models, CM2.1, was finalized in the late summer of 2004 and the first CM2.1 IPCC-related experiments were launched in September 2004. Drafts of papers documenting various aspects of the CM2.0 and CM2.1 models have been submitted and analysis work continues at GFDL. The CM2.x papers began to appear in refereed journals in 2005. Additional papers authored by GFDL scientists and reporting on various aspects of these model simulations, will continue to appear for some time.


HadCM3 (abbreviation for Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3) is a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) developed at the Hadley Centre in the United Kingdom. It was one of the major models used in the IPCC Third Assessment Report in 2001. Unlike earlier AOGCMs at the Hadley Centre and elsewhere (including its predecessor HadCM2), HadCM3 does not need flux adjustment (additional "artificial" heat and freshwater fluxes at the ocean surface) to produce a good simulation. The higher ocean resolution of HadCM3 is a major factor in this; other factors include a good match between the atmospheric and oceanic components; and an improved ocean mixing scheme (Gent and McWilliams). HadCM3 has been run to produce simulations for periods of over a thousand years, showing little drift in its surface climate. HadCM3 is composed of two components: the atmospheric model HadAM3 and the ocean model (which includes a sea ice model). Simulations often use a 360-day calendar, where each month is 30 days

The HadCM3 atmospheric model (HadAM3) is a grid point model and has a horizontal resolution of 3.75×2.5 degrees in longitude × latitude. This gives 96×73 grid points on the scalar (pressure, temperature and moisture) grid; the vector (wind velocity) grid is offset by 1/2 a grid box. This gives a resolution of approximately 300 km, roughly equal to T42 in a spectral model. There are 19 levels in the vertical. Its ocean model (HadOM3) has a resolution of 1.25×1.25 degrees, 20 levels, and a timestep of 1 hour. Thus there are 6 ocean grid points for every atmospheric one. For ease of coupling the two models the grids are aligned and the ocean coastline is forced to be aligned to the atmospheric grid.


(for full text see

The Marsh 98 model has been used widely to examine marsh sustainability to sea level rise across San Francisco Bay (e.g. Orr et al., 2003). The Marsh98 model is based on the mass balance calculations described by Krone (1987). This model assumes that the elevation of a marsh plain rises at rates that depend on the (1) availability of suspended sediment and (2) depth and periods of inundation by high tides. When the level of an evolving marsh surface is low with respect to the tidal range, sedimentation rates may be high if the suspended sediment supply is ample.

However, as the marsh surface aggrades through the tidal range, the frequency and duration of flooding by high tides is diminished so that the rate of sediment accumulation declines. Marsh98 implements these physical processes by calculating the amount of suspended sediment that deposits during each period of tidal inundation and sums that amount of deposition over the period of record.

Two revisions were made to the Marsh98 model to more accurately represent physical conditions.

MODEL INPUT PARAMETERS: Initial bed elevation, suspended sediment concentration, organic matter, and rate of sea level rise.


The Community Climate System Model (CCSM) is a coupled climate model for simulating the earth's climate system. Composed of four separate models simultaneously simulating the earth's atmosphere, ocean, land surface and sea-ice, and one central coupler component, the CCSM allows researchers to conduct fundamental research into the earth's past, present and future climate states. The Community Climate Model (CCM) was created by NCAR in 1983 as a freely available global atmosphere model for use by the wider climate research community. The formulation of the CCM has steadily improved over the past two decades, and usage of the model has become widespread in the university community, and at some national laboratories.

CESM is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Administration of the CESM is maintained by the Climate and Global Dynamics Division (CGD) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).


CCSM version 3.0 was released to the public in June 2004. This web page deals specifically with the CCSM3.0 release.

This journal article describes the newer CCSM4.0 release.


Used in: IPCC AR4

The Parallel Climate Model (PCM) is a coupled climate model that executes on the Cray T3E computer. The atmospheric component is the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model; the ocean component is the Parallel Ocean Program with a resolution of 32 levels and 2/3 degree horizontal grid; and the sea ice component is the Naval Postgraduate School model using a resolution of 27 km. The components are interfaced by a flux coupler that passes the energy, moisture, and momentum fluxes between components.