Statistical models of temperature in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta under climate-change scenarios and ecological implications |
Wagner, R., Stacey, Mark, Brown, Larry, and Dettinger, Michael |
2011 |
climate change, aquatic ecosystems, fish, invertebrates |
A statistical explanation of MaxEnt for ecologists |
Elith, Jane, Phillips, Steven J., Hastie, Trevor, Dudik, Miroslav, Chee, Yung En, and Yates, Colin J. |
2011 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
Predicting the effects of climate change on the size and frequency of floods in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley |
Das, Tapash |
2011 |
flood risk management, climate change impacts |
West-Wide Climate Risk Assessments: Bias-Corrected and Spatially Downscaled Surface Water Projections |
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
2011 |
downscaling, hydrologic modeling, climate modeling |
Application of species distribution models and conservation planning software to the design of a reserve network for the riverine fishes of northeastern Mesoamerica |
Esselman, Peter C. and Allan, J.D. |
2011 |
conservation prioritization, protected area networks, fish, freshwater ecosystems, species distribution modeling |
Sensitivity to climate change for two reptiles at the Mojave–Sonoran Desert interface |
Barrows, C.W. |
2011 |
reptiles, bioclimatic modeling, climate change vulnerability |
Adapting to climate impacts in California: the importance of civic science in local coastal planning |
McGuinnis, Michael Vincent and McGinnis, Christina Elizabeth |
2011 |
coastal zone management, climate change adaptation |
A blueprint for blue carbon: toward an improved understanding of the role of vegetated coastal habitats in sequestering CO2 |
Mcleod, Elizabeth, Gail L Chmura, Steven Bouillon, Rodney Salm, Mats Björk, Carlos M Duarte, Catherine E Lovelock, William H Schlesinger, and Brian R Silliman |
2011 |
estuarine ecosystems, carbon sequestration, tidal marshes, mangrove forests |
Identifying habitat conservation priorities and gaps for migratory shorebirds and waterfowl in California |
Stralberg, Diana, Cameron, D. Richard, Reynolds, Mark D., Hickey, Catherine M., Klausmeyer, Kirk, Busby, Sylvia M., Stenzel, Lynne E., Shuford, W. David, and Page, Gary W. |
2011 |
biodiversity management, birds, conservation prioritization |
Potential impacts of increased coastal flooding in California due to sea-level rise |
Heberger, Matthew, Cooley, Heather, Herrera, Pablo, Gleick, Peter, and Moore, Eli |
2011 |
sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change |
A Climate Change Primer for Land Managers: An Example from the Sierra Nevada |
Morelli, Toni Lyn, Maureen C. McGlinchy, Ronald P. Neilson |
2011 |
climate change adaptation, resource management, ecological modeling, novel ecosystems |
The impact of climate change on California timberlands |
Hannah, L, Costello, C., Guo, C., Ries, L., Kolstad, C., Panitz, D., and Snider, N. |
2011 |
climate change, forest management |
Comment on “Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” |
Stephenson, Nathan L. and Das, Adrian J. |
2011 |
vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit, climate change |
Rethinking species' ability to cope with rapid climate change |
Hof, Christian, Levinsky, Irina, Araújo, Miguel B., and Rahbek, Carsten |
2011 |
historical biogeography, biodiversity |
Projected Effects of Climate Change in California: Ecoregional Summaries Emphasizing Consequences for Wildlife |
Gardali, T., Howell, C., Seavy, N., Shuford, W. D., Stralberg, D. |
2011 |
climate change impacts |
Facing the Storm: Indian Tribes, Climate-Induced Weather Extremes, and the Future for Indian Country |
National Wildlife Federation |
2011 |
traditional ecological knowledge, resilience, resource management |