A simple model that identifies potential effects of sea-level rise on estuarine and estuary-ecotone habitat locations for salmonids in Oregon, USA |
Fitcroft, Rebecca, Burnett, Kelly, and Christiansen, Kelly |
2013 |
salmonids, estuarine ecosystems, climate change impacts, sea level rise |
Assessing coastal manager science needs and disseminating science results for planning |
Thorne, K.M., Powelson, K.W., Bui T.D., Freeman, J.Y. Takekawa, C.M., Janousek, C.N., Buffington, K.J., and D.L. Elliott-Fisk |
2016 |
science delivery, tidal marshes, sea level rise |
Carbon dynamics of Oregon and Northern California forests and potential land-based carbon storage |
Hudiburg, Tara, Law, Beverly, Turner, David P., Campbell, John, Donato, Dan, Duane, Maureen |
2009 |
carbon storage, forest management |
Developing and implementing climate change adaptation options in forest ecosystems: a case study in southwestern Oregon, USA |
Halofsky, Jessica E., David L. Peterson, Kerry L. Metlen, M. Gwyneth Myer, and V. Alaric Sample |
2016 |
forests, climate change adaptation, vulnerability assessment, case studies |
Geographical variation in the influence of habitat and climate on site occupancy turnover in American pika (Ochotona princeps) |
Rodhouse, Thomas J., Mackenzie R. Jeffress, Kirk R. Sherrill, Sean R. Mohren, Nancy J. Nordensten, Michael L. Magnuson, Donelle Schwalm, Jessica A. Castillo, Matthew Shinderman, and Clinton W. Epp |
2018 |
American pika, extreme events, snowpack |
Marshes to mudflats—Effects of sea-level rise on tidal marshes along a latitudinal gradient in the Pacific Northwest |
Karen M. Thorne, Bruce D. Dugger, Kevin J. Buffington, Chase M. Freeman, Christopher N. Janousek, Katherine W. Powelson, Glenn R. Gutenspergen, and John Y. Takekawa |
2015 |
tidal marshes, sea level rise, climate change impacts |
Revisiting the leading drivers of Pacific coastal drought variability in the Contiguous United States |
Cook, Benjamin I., A. Park Williams, Justin S. Mankin, Richard Seager, Jason E. Smerdon, and Deepti Singh |
2017 |
drought, precipitation, sea surface temperature, atmospheric rivers |
Sea-Level Rise for the Coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington: Past, Present, and Future |
National Research Council |
2012 |
sea level rise, climate change impacts |
The Rogue Basin Action Plan for Resilient Watersheds and Forests in a Changing Climate |
Myer, Gwyn |
2013 |
forest management, ecological restoration, climate change impacts |