The effects of climate downscaling technique and observational data set on modeled ecological responses |
Pourmokhtarian, Afshin, Charles T. Driscoll, John L. Campbell, Katharine Hayhoe, and Anne M. K. Stoner |
2016 |
climate change projections, ecological modeling, downscaling |
Global pollinator declines: trends, impacts and drivers |
Potts, Simon G., Biesmeijer, Jacobus C., Kremen, Claire, Neumann, Peter, Schweiger, Oliver, and Kunin, William E. |
2010 |
pollination, biological conservation |
Microclimatic challenges in global change biology |
Potter, Kristen A., Woods, H. Arthur, and Pincebourde, Sylvain |
2013 |
bioclimatic modeling, species distribution modeling, microclimatology |
The carbon budget of California |
Potter, Christopher |
2010 |
greenhouse gas emissions, carbon storage |
Vegetation cover change in the Upper Kings River basin of the Sierra Nevada detected using Landsat satellite image analysis |
Potter, Christopher |
2015 |
vegetation distribution, precipitation, biodiversity |
Overview of the ARkStorm Scenario |
Porter, Keith, Wein, Anne, Alpers, Charles, and 34 others |
2010 |
extreme events, flooding, storms, atmospheric rivers |
Natural climate variability and teleconnections to precipitation over the Pacific-North American region in CMIP3 and CMIP5 models |
Polade, Suraj D., Gershunov, Alexander, Cayan, Daniel R., Dettinger, Michael D., and Pierce, David W. |
2013 |
El Niño - Southern Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, climate modeling, climate variability |
The key role of dry days in changing regional climate and precipitation regimes |
Polade, Suraj D., David W. Pierce, Daniel R. Cayan, Alexander Gershunov, and Michael D. Dettinger |
2014 |
precipitation, climate change projections, climate modeling |
Estimating the Water Supply Benefits from Forest Restoration in the Northern Sierra Nevada |
Podolak, Kristin, Edelson, David, Kruse, S., Aylward, Bruce, Zimring, Mark, and Wobbrock, Nick |
2015 |
ecological restoration, forest management, meadows, water management |
Informing watershed planning and policy in the Truckee River basin through stakeholder engagement, scenario development, and impact evaluation |
Podolak, Kristen, Erik Lowe, Stacie Wolny, Barry Nickel, and Rodd Kelsey |
2017 |
water management, ecosystem management, scenario planning, climate change adaptation |
The role of cultural ecosystem services in landscape management and planning |
Plieninger, Tobias, Claudia Bieling, Claudia, Fagerholm, Nora, Byg, Anja, Hartel, Tibor, Hurley, Patrick, López-Santiago, César A, Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Oteros-Rozas, Elisa, Raymond, Christopher M., van der Horst, Dan, and Huntsinger, Lynn |
2015 |
ecosystem services, landscape conservation planning |
Adapting to sea level rise: Emerging governance issues in the San Francisco Bay Region |
Pinto, P. J., Kondolf, G. M. & Wong, P. L. R. |
2018-12-01 |
sea level rise, communication about climate change, wetlands, adaptation strategies |
Traditional ecological knowledge: the third alternative (commentary) |
Pierotti, Raymond, and Wildcat, Daniel |
2000 |
traditional ecological knowledge, ethics, epistemology |
Probabilistic estimates of future changes in California temperature and precipitation using statistical and dynamical downscaling |
Pierce, David W., Tapash Das, Daniel R. Cayan, Edwin P. Maurer, Norman L. Miller, Yan Bao, M. Kanamitsu, Kei Yoshimura, Mark A. Snyder, Lisa C. Sloan, Guido Franco, and Mary Tyree |
2013 |
downscaling, precipitation, climate modeling |
The key role of heavy precipitation events in climate model disagreements of future annual precipitation changes in California |
Pierce, David W., Daniel R. Cayan, Tapash Das, Edwin P. Maurer, Norman L. Miller, Yan Bao, M. Kanamitsu, Kei Yoshimura, Mark A. Snyder, Lisa C. Sloan, Guido Franco, and Mary Tyree |
2013 |
downscaling, precipitation, climate modeling |
Creating climate projections to support the 4th California Climate Assessment |
Pierce, David W., Daniel R. Cayan, and Laurel Dehann |
2016 |
climate change projections, downscaling, climate modeling |