The need for large-scale distribution data to estimate regional changes in species richness under future climate change |
Titeux, Nicolas, Dirk Maes, Toon Van Daele, Thierry Onkelinx, Risto K. Heikkinen, Helena Romo, Enrique García-Barros, Miguel L. Munguira, Wilfried Thuiller, Chris A. M. van Swaay, Oliver Schweiger, Josef Settele, Alexander Harpke and 3 others |
2017 |
butterflies, species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
Population and habitat objectives for avian conservation in California's Central Valley riparian ecosystems |
Dybala, Kristen E., Neil Clipperton, Thomas Gardali, Gregory H. Golet, Rodd Kelsey, Stefan Lorenzato, Jr Melcer, Nathaniel E. Seavy, Joseph G. Silveira, and Gregory S. Yarris |
2017 |
bird conservation, riparian ecosystems, conservation planning |
The modelling spiral for solving “wicked” environmental problems: Guidance for stakeholder involvement and collaborative model development |
Parrott, Lael |
2017 |
resource management, ecological modeling, decision making under uncertainty |
Exploring the origins of snow drought in the northern Sierra Nevada, California |
Hatchett, Benjamin J., and Daniel J. McEvoy |
2017 |
snow water equivalent, snowfall, snowpack, drought |
Detecting long-term occupancy changes in Californian odonates from natural history and citizen science records |
Rapacciuolo, G., J. E. Ball-Damerow, A. R. Zeilinger, and V. H. Resh |
2017 |
monitoring, insects, temperature trends, biodiversity management, citizen science |
Managing biodiversity under climate change: challenges, frameworks, and tools for adaptation |
Abrahms, Briana, Deanne DiPietro, Andrea Graffis, and Allan Hollander |
2017 |
climate change impacts on biodiversity, biodiversity management, conservation planning |
Informing watershed planning and policy in the Truckee River basin through stakeholder engagement, scenario development, and impact evaluation |
Podolak, Kristen, Erik Lowe, Stacie Wolny, Barry Nickel, and Rodd Kelsey |
2017 |
water management, ecosystem management, scenario planning, climate change adaptation |
Unpacking ecosystem service bundles: Towards predictive mapping of synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services |
Spake, Rebecca, Rémy Lasseur, Emilie Crouzat, James M. Bullock, Sandra Lavorel, Katherine E. Parks, Marije Schaafsma, et al |
2017 |
ecosystem services, statistical methods, social science |
Climate change vulnerability assessment of forests in the Southwest USA |
Thorne, James H., Hyeyeong Choe, Peter A. Stine, Jeanne C. Chambers, Andrew Holguin, Amber C. Kerr, and Mark W. Schwartz |
2017 |
vulnerability assessment, forest management, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
Is there a role for human-induced climate change in the precipitation decline that drove the California drought? |
Seager, Richard, Naomi Henderson, Mark A. Cane, Haibo Liu, and Jennifer Nakamura |
2017 |
drought, sea surface temperature, climate change impacts |
A systematic review of ecological attributes that confer resilience to climate change in environmental restoration |
Timpane-Padgham, Britta L., Tim Beechie, and Terrie Klinger |
2017 |
resilience, climate change impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem management |
Erosion of refugia in the Sierra Nevada meadows network with climate change |
Maher, Sean P., Toni Lyn Morelli, Michelle Hershey, Alan L. Flint, Lorraine E. Flint, Craig Moritz, and Steven R. Beissinger |
2017 |
climate refugia, meadows, landscape conservation planning |
What mediates tree mortality during drought in the southern Sierra Nevada? |
Paz-Kagan, Tarin, Philip G. Brodrick, Nicholas R. Vaughn, Adrian J. Das, Nathan L. Stephenson, Koren R. Nydick, and Gregory P. Asner |
2017 |
drought, tree mortality, remote sensing |
Conservation objectives for wintering and breeding waterbirds in California’s Central Valley |
Shuford, W. David, and Kristen E. Dybala |
2017 |
shorebirds, waterfowl, conservation prioritization, wetlands |
Local temperature response to land cover and management change driven by non-radiative processes |
Bright, Ryan M., Edouard Davin, Thomas O’Halloran, Julia Pongratz, Kaiguang Zhao, and Alessandro Cescatt |
2017 |
climate change mitigation, land cover, land use planning, temperature |
Anthropogenic warming impacts on California snowpack during drought |
Berg, Neil, and Alex Hall. 2017 |
2017 |
snowpack, drought, climate change impacts |