Values and uncertainties in the predictions of global climate models |
Winsberg, Eric |
2012 |
climate science, climate modeling, model uncertainty |
Values and uncertainties in climate prediction, revisited |
Parker, Wendy |
2014 |
model uncertainty, epistemology, climate science |
Principal hydrologic responses to climatic and geologic variability in the Sierra Nevada, California |
Peterson, David H., Stewart, Iris, and Murphy, Fred |
2008 |
hydrology, climate science |
No increase in global temperature variability despite changing regional patterns |
Huntingford, Chris, Jones, P.D., Livina, V.N., Lenton, T.M., Cox, P.M. |
2013 |
climate data, climate monitoring, climate science |
Holism, entrenchment, and the future of climate model pluralism |
Lenhard, Johannes and Winsberg, Eric |
2010 |
climate science, model uncertainty, climate modeling |
Climate science and slow violence: A view from political geography and STS on mobilizing technoscientific ontologies of climate change |
O’Lear, Shannon |
2015 |
science and technology studies, social science, climate science |
Climate model genealogy |
Masson, D. and Knutti, R. |
2011 |
climate modeling, climate science, model uncertainty |
Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment |
Jardine, Angela, Robert Merideth, Mary Black, and Sarah LeRoy |
2013 |
climate change assessment, climate science, climate change projections |