Uncertainty in coarse conservation assessments hinders the efficient achievement of conservation goals |
Hermoso, Virgilio and Kennard, Mark J. |
2012 |
species distribution modeling, conservation planning, conservation prioritization |
Topoclimate versus macroclimate: how does climate mapping methodology affect species distribution models and climate change projections? |
Slavich, Eve, David I. Warton, Michael B. Ashcroft, John R. Gollan, and Daniel Ramp |
2014 |
species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity, ecological modeling |
Spatial conservation priorities are highly sensitive to choice of biodiversity surrogates and species distribution model type |
Lentini, Pia E., and Brendan A. Wintle |
2015 |
conservation prioritization, species distribution modeling, model uncertainty |
Selecting thresholds for the prediction of species occurrence with presence-only data |
Liu, Canran, White, Matt, and Newell, Graeme |
2013 |
species distribution modeling, statistical methods |
Predicting the likely response of data-poor ecosystems to climate change using space-for-time substitution across domains |
Lester, Rebecca E., Paul G. Close, Jan L. Barton, Adam J. Pope, and Stuart C. Brown |
2014 |
climate change impacts on biodiversity, ecological modeling, ecosystem management |
Planning for persistence in marine reserves: a question of catastrophic importance |
Game, Edward T., Watts, Matthew E., Wooldrdge, Scott, and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2008 |
biodiversity management, coral reefs, conservation prioritization, extreme events |
Nice weather for bettongs: using weather events, not climate means, in species distribution models |
Bateman, Brooke L., Jeremy VanDerWal, and Christopher N. Johnson |
2012 |
species distribution modeling, weather, extreme events, case studies |
Microclimate modelling at macro scales: a test of a general microclimate model integrated with gridded continental-scale soil and weather data |
Kearney, Michael R., Shamakhy, Alireza, Tingley, Reid, Karoly, David J., Hoffmann, Ary A., Briggs, Peter R., and Porter, Warren P. |
2013 |
bioclimatic modeling, microclimatology, climate data |
Marxan with Zones: software for optimal conservation based land- and sea-use zoning |
Watts, Matthew E., Ball, Ian R., Stewart, Romola S., Klein, Carissa J., Wilson, Kerrie, Steinback, Charles, Louival, Reinaldo, Kircher, LIndsay, and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2009 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization |
Is economic valuation of ecosystem services useful to decision-makers? Lessons learned from Australian coastal and marine management |
Marre, Jean-Baptiste, Olivier Thébaud, Sean Pascoe, Sarah Jennings, Jean Boncoeur, and Louisa Coglan |
2016 |
ecosystem services, ecosystem management |
Incorporating spatial autocorrelation into species distribution models alters forecasts of climate-mediated range shifts |
Crase, Beth, Adam Liedloff, Peter A. Vesk, Yusuke Fukuda, and Brendan A. Wintle |
2014 |
mangrove forests, species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
Evaluating conceptual models of landscape change |
Brudvig, Lars A., Shawn J. Leroux, Cécile H. Albert, Emilio M. Bruna, Kendi F. Davies, Robert M. Ewers, Douglas J. Levey, Renata Pardini, and Julian Resasco |
2016 |
conservation planning, biogeography, ecological change |
Case studies of conservation plans that incorporate geodiversity |
Anderson, M. G., Comer, P. J., Beier, P., Lawler, J. J., Schloss, C. A., Buttrick, S., Albano, C.M. and Faith, D. P. |
2015 |
geodiversity, biological conservation, conservation planning |
Adaptation services of floodplains and wetlands under transformational climate change |
Colloff, Matthew J., Sandra Lavorel, Russell M. Wise, Michael Dunlop, Ian C. Overton, and Kristen J. Williams |
2016 |
ecosystem services, hydrology, climate change impacts, wetlands, case studies |
A systematic approach for prioritizing multiple management actions for invasive species |
Januchowski-Hartley, S.R., Visconti, P, and Pressey, R. L. |
2011 |
invasive species, conservation prioritization |
A risk-based ecohydrological approach to assessing environmental flow regimes |
Mcgregor, Glenn B., Jonathan C. Marshall, Jaye S. Lobegeiger, Dean Holloway, Norbert Menke, and Julie Coysh |
2017 |
water management, ecological modeling, conservation planning |
A review of selection-based tests of abiotic surrogates for species representation |
Beier, Paul, Patricia Sutcliffe, Jan Hjort, Daniel P. Faith, Robert L. Pressey, and Fabio Albuquerque |
2015 |
geodiversity, species diversity, conservation prioritization |