Benchmarking novel approaches for modelling species range dynamics |
Zurell, Damaris, Wilfried Thuiller, Jörn Pagel, Juliano S Cabral, Tamara Münkemüller, Dominique Gravel, Stefan Dullinger, Signe Normand, Katjia H. Schiffers, Kara A. Moore, and Niklaus E. Zimmermann |
2016 |
species distribution modeling, population dynamics |
Weed Biology and Climate Change |
Ziska, L. H., and J. Dukes |
2011 |
invasive species |
Coupled impacts of sea-level rise and tidal marsh restoration on endangered California clapper rail |
Zhang, Hua and Gorelick, Steven M. |
2014 |
birds, Ridgeway's rail (California clapper rail), sea level rise, tidal marshes |
Additive effects of simulated climate changes, elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition on grassland diversity. |
Zavaleta ES, Shaw MR, Chiarello, NR, Mooney HA, & Field CB. |
2003 |
grasslands, biodiversity |
Projection of wildfire activity in southern California in the mid-twenty-first century |
Yue, Xu, Mickley, Loretta J., and Logan, Jennifer A. |
2014 |
wildfire, climate change impacts |
A survival guide to Landsat preprocessing |
Young, Nicholas E., Ryan S. Anderson, Stephen M. Chignell, Anthony G. Vorster, Rick Lawrence, and Paul H. Evangelista |
2017 |
remote sensing, monitoring, ecological change |
Climate warming, water storage, and Chinook salmon in California’s Sacramento Valley |
Yates, David, Galbraith, Hector, Purkey, D., Huber-Lee, A., Sieber, J., West, J. Herrod-Julius, S., Joyce, B. |
2008 |
Chinook salmon, water temperature |
Towards predictive understanding of regional climate change |
Xie, Shang-Ping, Clara Deser, Gabriel A. Vecchi, Matthew Collins, Thomas L. Delworth, Alex Hall, Ed Hawkins, Nathaniel C. Johnson, Christophe Cassou, Alessandra Giannini, and Masahiro Watanabe |
2015 |
regional climate models, model uncertainty |
Climate Science Special Report: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume 1 |
Wuebbles, Donald J., David W. Fahey, Kathy A. Hibbard, David J. Dokken, Brooke C. Stewart, and Thomas K. Maycock |
2017 |
climate change assessment, climate change impacts, climate change mitigation |
California Amphibian and Reptile Species of Future Concern: Conservation and Climate Change |
Wright, Amber N., Hijmans, Robert J., Schwartz, Mark W., and Shaffer, H. Bradley |
2013 |
reptiles, amphibians, vulnerability assessment, biodiversity, climate change vulnerability |
The Global Climate 2001--2010: A Decade of Climate Extremes |
World Meteorological Organization |
2013 |
extreme events |
Hydrologic implications of dynamical and statistical approaches to downscaling climate model outputs |
Wood, A. W., Leung, L. R., Sridhar, V., and Lettenmaier, D. P. |
2004 |
hydrologic modeling, regional climate models, downscaling |
Comment on "Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” |
Wolf, Adam, and Anderegg, William R. L. |
2011 |
climate change, vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit |
Values and uncertainties in the predictions of global climate models |
Winsberg, Eric |
2012 |
climate science, climate modeling, model uncertainty |
Future land-use related water demand in California |
Wilson, Tamara S., Benjamin M. Sleeter, and D. Richard Cameron |
2016 |
urban growth, agriculture, water management, climate change impacts |
Setting conservation priorities |
Wilson, Kerrie A., Carwardine, Josie and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2009 |
conservation prioritization, conservation planning, biodiversity management |
Sensitivity of conservation planning to different approaches to using predicted species distribution data |
Wilson, K. A., M. I. Westphal, H. P. Possingham, and J. Elith |
2005 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, biodiversity management |
Climate change and flood operations in the Sacramento Basin, California |
Wills, Ann D., Lund, Jay R., Townsley, Edwin S. and Faber, Beth P. |
2011 |
flood risk management, climate change adaptation |
Integrating climate change vulnerability assessments from species distribution models and trait-based approaches |
Willis, S. G., W. Foden, D. J. Baker, E. Belle, N. D. Burgess, J. A. Carr, N. Doswald, , R.A. Garcia, A. Hartley, C. Hof, T. Newbold, C. Rahbek, R.J. Smith, P. Visconti, B.E. Young, and S.H.M. Butchart |
2015 |
species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity, vulnerability assessment |
Culture, law, risk and governance: contexts of traditional knowledge in climate change adaptation |
Williams, Terry and Hardison, Preston |
2013 |
traditional ecological knowledge, climate change adaptation, ethics |