Statistical downscaling using localized constructed analogs (LOCA) |
Pierce, David W., Cayan, Daniel R., and Thrasher, Bridget L. |
2014 |
climate modeling, regional climate models, downscaling |
The Uneven Response of Different Snow Measures to Human-Induced Climate Warming |
Pierce, D. W., and D. R. Cayan |
2012 |
snowpack |
Dealing with Complexity and Extreme Events Using a Bottom-Up, Resource-Based Vulnerability Perspective |
Pielke, Roger A. Sr., Wilby, Rob, Niyogi, Dev, Hossain, Faisal, Dairuku, Koji, Kallos, George, Seastedt, Timothy, and Suding, Katherine |
2013 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, decision making, adaptation planning |
Modeling of species distributions with Maxent: new extensions and a comprehensive evaluation |
Phillips, Steven J. and Dudik, Miroslav |
2008 |
species distribution modeling, biodiversity management, ecological modeling |
A brief tutorial on Maxent |
Phillips, Steven |
2010 |
species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, biodiversity management |
California’s Coast and Ocean Summary Report |
Phillips, Jennifer, Leila Sievanen, Gary Griggs, Charlie Colgan, Juliette Finzi Hart, Eric Hartge, Tessa Hill, et al. |
2018 |
ocean acidification, sea level rise, sea surface temperature, climate change adaptation |
Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions |
Philips, Steven J., Anderson, Robert P., and Schapire, Robert E. |
2006 |
species distribution modeling |
Modeling of species distributions with Maxent: new extensions and a comprehensive evaluation |
Philips, Steven J. and Dudík, Miroslav |
2008 |
species distribution modeling |
Scenario planning: a tool for conservation in an uncertain world |
Peterson, Garry D., Cumming, Graeme S., and Carpenter, Stephen R. |
2003 |
biodiversity management, biological conservation, conservation planning |
Responding to Climate Change in National Forests: A Guidebook for Developing Adaptation Options |
Peterson, David L., Millar, Connie L., Joyce, Linda A., Furniss, Michael J., Halofsky, Jessica E., Neilson, Ronald P. and Morelli, Toni Lyn |
2011 |
climate change adaptation, forest management |
Principal hydrologic responses to climatic and geologic variability in the Sierra Nevada, California |
Peterson, David H., Stewart, Iris, and Murphy, Fred |
2008 |
hydrology, climate science |
Identifying climate risk perceptions, information needs, and barriers to information exchange among public land managers |
Peters, Casey B., Mark W. Schwartz, and Mark N. Lubell |
2018 |
ecosystem management, vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts |
What mediates tree mortality during drought in the southern Sierra Nevada? |
Paz-Kagan, Tarin, Philip G. Brodrick, Nicholas R. Vaughn, Adrian J. Das, Nathan L. Stephenson, Koren R. Nydick, and Gregory P. Asner |
2017 |
drought, tree mortality, remote sensing |
The modelling spiral for solving “wicked” environmental problems: Guidance for stakeholder involvement and collaborative model development |
Parrott, Lael |
2017 |
resource management, ecological modeling, decision making under uncertainty |
Variability in 20th century climate change reconstructions and its consequences for predicting geographic responses of California mammals |
Parra, Juan L., and Monahan, William B. |
2008 |
mammals, species distribution modeling, historical biogeography |
Ecological and evolutionary responses to recent climate change |
Parmesan, C |
2006 |
phenology, species distributions, climate change impacts on biodiversity |