Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
Estimated impacts of climate warming on California’s high-elevation hydropower Madani, Kaveh and Lund, Jay 2010 water resources, hydroelectric power, climate change
Assessing sensitivity to climate change and drought variability of a sand dune endemic lizard Barrows, Cameron W., Rotenberry, John T., and Allen, Michael F. 2010 reptiles, Uma inornata, drought, bioclimatic modeling
Ecosystem stewardship: sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet. Chapin, F. S., S. R. Carpenter, G. P. Kofinas, C. Folke, N. Abel, W. C. Clark, P. Olsson, D. M. S. Smith, B. Walker, O. R. Young, F. Berkes, R. Biggs, J. M. Grove, R. L. Naylor, E. Pinkerton, W. Steffen, and F. J. Swanson 2010 ecosystem management, adaptation planning
Soil carbon pools in California’s annual grassland ecosystems Silver, Whendee L., Ryals, Rebecca, and Eviner, Valerie 2010 rangelands, soil carbon, carbon sequestration
A brief tutorial on Maxent Phillips, Steven 2010 species distribution modeling, ecological modeling, biodiversity management
The utility of daily large-scale climate data in the assessment of climate change impacts on daily streamflow in California Maurer, E. P., Hidalgo, H. G., Das, T., Dettinger, M.D., and Cayan, D. R. 2010 hydrologic modeling, downscaling, climate modeling
Integrating traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) into natural resource management Henn, Moran, Ostergren, David, and Nielsen, Erik 2010 traditional ecological knowledge, national parks, resource management
The InterTribal Sinkyone Wilderness: ten tribes reclaiming, stewarding, and restoring ancestral lands Rosales, Hawk 2010 traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous peoples, resource management
Forest carbon storage: ecology, management, and policy Fahey, Timothy J., Woodbury, Peter B., Battles, John J., Goodale, Christine L., Hamburg, Steven P., Ollinger, Scott V., Woodall, Christopher W. 2010 carbon storage, forest management
Atmospheric rivers, floods and the water resources of California Dettinger, Michael D., Ralph, Fred Martin, Das, Taphas, Neiman, Paul J., and Cayan, Daniel R. 2011 atmospheric rivers, water management, extreme events
Recovery of Pacific Salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Face of Climate Change: A Case Study of the Klamath River Basin, California Quinones, Rebecca M. 2011 salmonids, biodiversity
Climate change and growth scenarios for California wildfire Westerling, A. L., Bryant, B. P., Preisler, H. K., Holmes, T. P., Hidalgo, H. G., Das, T. and Shrestha, S. R. 2011 wildfire, wildland-urban interface, climate change
Comment on “Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” Hijmans, Robert J. 2011 vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit, climate change
Climate change and San Francisco Bay-Delta tidal wetlands Parker, V. Thomas, Callaway, John C., Schile, Lisa M., Vasey, Michael C., and Herbert, Ellen R. 2011 estuarine ecosystems, climate change impacts, sea level rise
Sensitivity to climate change for two reptiles at the Mojave–Sonoran Desert interface Barrows, C.W. 2011 reptiles, bioclimatic modeling, climate change vulnerability
Evaluating tidal marsh sustainability in the face of sea-level rise: a hybrid modeling approach applied to San Francisco Bay Stralberg, Diana, Brennan, Matthew, Callaway, John C., Wood, Julian K., Schile, Lisa M., Jongsomjit, Dennis, Kelly, Maggi, Parker, V. Thomas and Crooks, Stephen 2011 sea level rise, tidal marshes, climate change
