Projecting Future Sea Level Rise |
Cayan, D., P.Bromirski, K. Hayhoe, M. Tyree, M. Dettinger, and R. Flick |
2009 |
sea level rise |
Spatial marine zoning for fisheries and conservation |
Klein, Carissa Joy, Steinback, Charles, Watts, Matthew, Scholz, Astrid J. and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2009 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, coastal zone management |
A Framework for Categorizing the Relative Vulnerability of Threatened and Endangered Species to Climate Change (External Review Draft) |
Galbraith, Hector and Price, Jeff |
2009 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, conservation planning |
Why climate change makes riparian restoration more important than ever: recommendations for practice and research |
Seavy, Nathaniel E., Gardali, Thomas, Golet, Gregory H., Griggs, F. Thomas, Howell, Christine A., Kelsey, Rodd, Small, Stacy L., Viers, Joshua H. and Weigand, James F. |
2009 |
riparian ecosystems, climate change, ecological restoration |
Designing Climate-Smart Conservation: Guidance and Case Studies |
Hansen, L., Hoffman, J., Drews, C., Meilbrecht, E. |
2009 |
sea level rise, climate-smart conservation, adaptation, adaptive management, climate change, coral reefs, mangrove forests, resilience, sea turtles, mammals, case studies |
How will changes in global climate influence California? |
Weare, Bryan C. |
2009 |
climate change adaptation, agriculture |
Climate gradients, climate change, and special edaphic floras |
Harrison, Susan, Damschen, Ellen, and Going, Barbara M. |
2009 |
edaphic communities, biodiversity, rare plants |
Best Practice Approaches for Characterizing, Communicating, and Incorporating Scientific Uncertainty in Climate Decision Making |
Morgan, M. Granger, Dowlatabadi, Hadi, Henrion, Max, Keith, David, Lempert, Robert, McBride, Sandra, Small, Mitchell, and Wilbanks, Thomas |
2009 |
decision making under uncertainty, climate change adaptation, climate modeling |
An Analysis of Simulated California Climate Using Multiple Dynamical and Statistical Techniques |
Miller, N. L., Jin, J.,Schlegel N. J.,Snyder, M. A., O’Brien, T., Sloan, L. C., Duffy, P. B., Hidalgo, H., Kanamaru, M. K., Yashimura, K., and Cayan, D. R. |
2009 |
regional climate models, downscaling |
Climate change, growth, and California wildfire |
Westerling, A. L., Bryant, B. P., Preisler, H. K., Holmes, T. P., Hidalgo, H. G., Das, T. and Shrestha, S. R. |
2009 |
climate change projections, urban growth, wildfire |
Review of literature on climate change and forest diseases of western North America |
Kliejunas, John T. Geils, Brian W. Glaeser, Jessie A. Goheen, Ellen M. Hennon, Paul Kim, Mee-Sook Kope, Harry Stone, Jeff Sturrock, Rona Frankel, Susan J. |
2009 |
forest management, climate change impacts |
California Riparian Habitat Restoration Handbook - Second Edition |
Griggs, F. Thomas |
2009 |
riparian ecosystems, ecological restoration |
Re-shuffling of species with climate disruption: a no-analog future for California birds? |
Stralberg, Diana, Jongsomjit, Dennis, Howell, Christine A., Snyder, Mark A., Alexander, John D., Wiens, John A., and Root, Terry L. |
2009 |
climate change, species distributions, birds |
Marxan with Zones: software for optimal conservation based land- and sea-use zoning |
Watts, Matthew E., Ball, Ian R., Stewart, Romola S., Klein, Carissa J., Wilson, Kerrie, Steinback, Charles, Louival, Reinaldo, Kircher, LIndsay, and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2009 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization |
Climate change adaptation strategies for resource management and conservation planning |
Lawler, Joshua J. |
2009 |
climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
Culture Card - A Guide to Build Cultural Awareness - American Indian and Alaska Native |
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration |
2009 |
human communities, indigenous peoples |