List Documents in Library

Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
Landslides in West Coast metropolitan areas: the role of extreme weather events Biasutti, Michela, Richard Seager, and Dalia B. Kirschbaum 2016 extreme events, precipitation, climate change impacts
A How-to Guide for Coproduction of Actionable Science Beier, P., L. J. Hansen, L. Helbrecht, and D. Behar 2016 science delivery, coproduction, actionable science, decision support
North American megadroughts in the Common Era: reconstructions and simulations Cook, Benjamin I., Edward R. Cook, Jason E. Smerdon, Richard Seager, A. Park Williams, Sloan Coats, David W. Stahle, and José Villanueva Díaz. 2016 drought, paleoclimates, climate change research
Animal culture impacts species' capacity to realise climate-driven range shifts Keith, Sally A., and Joseph W. Bull 2016 climate change impacts on biodiversity, species distributions, animal behavior
Relative vulnerability to climate change of trees in western North America Case, Michael J., and Joshua J. Lawler 2016 plants, biodiversity, climate change assessment
Hot and bothered: Using trait-based approaches to assess climate change vulnerability in reptiles Böhm, Monika, Daniel Cook, Heidi Ma, Ana D. Davidson, Andrés García, Benjamin Tapley, Paul Pearce-Kelly, and Jamie Carr 2016 reptiles, climate change impacts on biodiversity, vulnerability assessment
Genetically informed ecological niche models improve climate change predictions Ikeda, Dana H., Tamara L. Max, Gerard J. Allan, Matthew K. Lau, Stephen M. Shuster, and Thomas G. Whitham 2016 species distribution modeling, ecological genetics, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Consequences of twenty-first-century policy for multi-millennial climate and sea-level change Clark, Peter U., Jeremy D. Shakun, Shaun A. Marcott, Alan C. Mix, Michael Eby, Scott Kulp, Anders Levermann, et al 2016 climate change mitigation, climate change impacts, paleoclimates, sea level rise
Spatial and temporal patterns of cloud cover and fog inundation in coastal California: Ecological implications Rastogi, Bharat, A. Park Williams, Douglas T. Fischer, Sam Iacobellis, Kathryn McEachern, Leila Carvalho, Charles Jones, Sara A. Baguskas, and Christopher J. Still. 2016 fog, bioclimatic modeling
Causes of extreme ridges that induce California droughts Teng, Haiyan, and Grant Branstator 2016 drought, El Niño - Southern Oscillation, climate dynamics
San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge Climate Adaptation Plan Veloz, S., Wood, J., Jongsomjit, D., Block, G., Robinson, K.F. 2016 tidal marshes, wildlife, climate adaptation
Weakening mechanisms imposed on California’s levees under multiyear extreme drought Robinson, Joe D., and Farshid Vahedifard 2016 water management, drought, climate change impacts
Adaptive management for ecosystem services Birgé, Hannah E., Craig R. Allen, Ahjond S. Garmestani, and Kevin L. Pope 2016 adaptive management, ecosystem services, decision making under uncertainty
Using citizen scientists to assess climate change shifts in desert reptile communities Barrows, Cameron W., Josh Hoines, Michael S. Vamstad, Michelle Murphy-Mariscal, Kristen Lalumiere, and James Heintz 2016 reptiles, biodiversity, citizen science
Evaluation of downscaled, gridded climate data for the conterminous United States Behnke, R., S. Vavrus, A. Allstadt, T. Albright, W. E. Thogmartin, and V. C. Radeloff 2016 downscaling, gridded climate data, weather data
Vulnerabilities of Southwestern U.S. rangeland-based animal agriculture to climate change Havstad, K. M., J. R. Brown, R. Estell, E. Elias, A. Rango, and C. Steele 2016 rangelands, climate change adaptation, resource management
A Rapid Assessment of the Vulnerability of Sensitive Wildlife to Extreme Drought California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Branch 2016-01-22 vulnerability assessment, drought, biodiversity, wildlife
How can climate change and engineered water conveyance affect sediment dynamics in the San Francisco Bay-Delta system? Achete, Fernanda, Mick van der Wegen, Jan Adriaan Roelvink, and Bruce Jaffe 2017 estuarine ecosystems, sediment transport, climate change impacts, case studies
Hourly storm characteristics along the U.S. West Coast: role of atmospheric rivers in extreme precipitation Lamjiri, M. A., M. D. Dettinger, F. M. Ralph, and Bin Guan 2017 atmospheric rivers, extreme events, precipitation
Influence of atmospheric rivers on vegetation productivity and fire patterns in the southwestern U.S. Albano, C. M., M. D. Dettinger, and C. E. Soulard 2017 atmospheric rivers, fire
