Evaluation of assisted colonization strategies under global change for a rare, fire-dependent plant |
Regan, Helen M., Alexandra D. Syphard, Janet Franklin, Rebecca M. Swab, Lisa Markovchick, Alan L. Flint, Lorraine E. Flint, Paul H. Zedler |
2012 |
biodiversity, assisted migration, rare plants |
A taxonomy and treatment of uncertainty for ecology and conservation biology |
Regan, Helen M., Mark Colyvan, and Mark A. Burgman |
2002 |
model uncertainty, epistemology, biodiversity management |
A spline model of climate for the Western United States |
Rehfeldt, Gerald E. |
2006 |
climate modeling, bioclimatic modeling |
North American vegetation model for land-use planning in a changing climate: A solution to large classification problems |
Rehfeldt, Gerald E., Crookston, Nicholas L., Saenz-Romero, Cuauhtemoc, and Campbell, Elizabeth M. |
2012 |
vegetation distribution, bioclimatic modeling, climate change |
Empirical analyses of plant-climate relationships for the Western United States |
Rehfeldt, Gerald E., Crookston, Nicholas L., Warwell, Marcus V., and Evans, Jeffrey S. |
2006 |
bioclimatic modeling, vegetation distribution |
Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II |
Reidmiller, David R., Christopher W. Avery, David R. Easterling, Kenneth E. Kunkel, Kristin L. M. Lewis, Thomas K. Maycock, and Brooke C. Stewart |
2018 |
climate change assessment, climate change impacts, climate change mitigation |
Local and Landscape Habitat Associations of Shorebirds in Wetlands of the Sacramento Valley of California |
Reiter, M. E., M. A. Wolder, J. E. Isola, D. Jongsomjit, C. M. Hickey, M. Carpenter, and J. G. Silveira |
June, 2015 |
migratory birds, waterbirds |
Wintering Shorebird Monitoring Plans for Coastal California / Baja, Central Valley, and San Francisco Bay Area |
Reiter, M. E., W. D. Shuford, K. M. Strum, C. M. Hickey, and G. W. Page |
April, 2012 |
The Distribution of Early-winter Flooding in the Central Valley of California: 2000-2010 |
Reiter, Matthew E., Leonard Liu |
May 2011 |
habitat conservation, waterbirds |
Impact of extreme drought and incentive programs on flooded agriculture and wetlands in California’s Central Valley |
Reiter, Matthew E., Nathan K. Elliott, Dennis Jongsomjit, Gregory H. Golet, and Mark D. Reynolds |
2018 |
waterbirds, drought, wetlands |
Vascular plant extinctions in California: A critical assessment |
Rejmánek, Marcel |
2017 |
rare plants, biological conservation, endemic species |
The importance of belief systems in traditional ecological knowledge initiatives |
Reo, Nicholas J. |
2011 |
traditional ecological knowledge, ethics, belief systems |
Adapting systematic conservation planning for climate change |
Reside, April E., Nathalie Butt, and Vanessa M. Adams |
2017 |
conservation planning, climate change impacts on biodiversity, landscape conservation design, conservation prioritization |
Ecosystem Adaptation to Climate Change in California: Nine Guiding Principles |
Resources Legacy Fund |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
A methodology for predicting future coastal hazards due to sea-level rise on the California Coast |
Revell, David, Battalio, Robert, Spear, Brian, Ruggiero, Peter, and Vandever, Justin |
2011 |
sea level rise, climate change, coastal flooding |
Water-Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: Simulating the Regulated Rivers of California’s West Slope Sierra Nevada |
Rheinheimer, David R., Ligare, Scott T., and Viers, Joshua H. |
2012 |
water management, climate change adaptation |
Managing microevololution: restoration in the face of global change |
Rice, K. J., and Emery, N. C. |
2003 |
vernal pools, oak woodlands |
Ecological Change on California's Channel Islands from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene |
Rick, T. C., T. S. Sillett, C. K. Ghalambor, C. A. Hofman, K. Ralls, R. S. Anderson, C. L. Boser, T. J. Braje, D. R. Cayan, R. T. Chesser, P. W. Collins, J. M. Erlandson, K. R. Faulkner, R. Fleischer, W. C. Funk, R. Galipeau, A. Huston, J. King, L. Laughr |
March 18, 2014 |
ecological change |
Effects of fire on small mammal communities in frequent-fire forests in California |
Roberts, Susan L., Kelt, Douglas A., Wagtendonk, Jan W. van, Miles, A. Keith and Meyer, Marc D. |
2015 |
mammals, wildfire, forest management |
Revisiting the recent California drought as an extreme value |
Robeson, Scott M. |
2015 |
drought, extreme events, historical climate |