Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment |
Jardine, Angela, Robert Merideth, Mary Black, and Sarah LeRoy |
2013 |
climate change assessment, climate science, climate change projections |
Searching for the place of biodiversity in the ecosystem services discourse |
Jax, Kurt and Heink, Ulrich |
2015 |
ecosystem services, biological conservation, biodiversity management |
The role of temperature in drought projections over North America |
Jeong, Dae Il, Laxmi Sushama, and M. Naveed Khaliq |
2014 |
drought, temperature, climate change projections |
Trends and acceleration in global and regional sea levels since 1807 |
Jevrejeva, S., J.C. Moore, A. Grinsted, A. Matthews, and G. Spada |
2014 |
sea level rise, climate change research |
Range and niche shifts in response to past climate change in the desert horned lizard (Phrynosoma platyrhinos) |
Jezkova, Tereza, Jef R. Jaeger, Viktória Oláh-Hemmings, K. Bruce Jones, Rafael A. Lara-Resendiz, Daniel G. Mulcahy, and Brett R. Riddle |
2015 |
reptiles, paleoclimates, species distributions |
Projected future changes in vegetation in western North America in the twenty-first century |
Jiang, Xiaoyan, Rauscher, Sara A., Ringler, Todd D., Lawrence, David M., Williams, A. Park., Allen, Craig.D., Steiner, Allison L., Cai, D.Michael.,and McDowell, Nate G. |
2013 |
bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts, vegetation distribution |
Climatic context and ecological implications of summer fog decline in the coast redwood region |
Johnstone, J. A., and T. E. Dawson |
2010 |
fog, redwoods |
Traditional Ecological Knowledge: A Model for Modern Fire Management? |
Joint Fire Science Program |
2014 |
wildfire, traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous peoples, forest management |
Incorporating climate change into spatial conservation prioritisation: A review |
Jones, Kendall R., James E. M. Watson, Hugh P. Possingham, and Carissa J. Klein |
2016 |
conservation prioritization, biodiversity, conservation planning |
Resource management in a changing and uncertain climate |
Joshua J Lawler, Timothy H Tear, Chris Pyke, M Rebecca Shaw, Patrick Gonzalez, Peter Kareiva, Lara Hansen, Lee Hannah, Kirk Klausmeyer, Allison Aldous, Craig Bienz, and Sam Pearsall |
2008 |
resource management |
San Diego Region Report |
Kalansky, Julie, Daniel Cayan, Kate Barba, Laura Walsh, Kimberly Brouwer, and Dani Boudreau |
2018 |
climate change adaptation, climate change assessment, climate change impacts |
Water balance and topography predict fire and forest structure patterns |
Kane, Van R., James A. Lutz, C. Alina Cansler, Nicholas A. Povak, Derek J. Churchill, Douglas F. Smith, Jonathan T. Kane, and Malcolm P. North |
2015 |
water balance, forest management, wildfire |
Exposing ecological and economic costs of the research-implementation gap and compromises in decision making |
Kareksela, Santtu, Atte Moilanen, Olli Ristaniemi, Reima Välivaara, and Janne S. Kotiaho |
2017 |
conservation planning, conservation prioritization, landscape conservation design |
Marshes to mudflats—Effects of sea-level rise on tidal marshes along a latitudinal gradient in the Pacific Northwest |
Karen M. Thorne, Bruce D. Dugger, Kevin J. Buffington, Chase M. Freeman, Christopher N. Janousek, Katherine W. Powelson, Glenn R. Gutenspergen, and John Y. Takekawa |
2015 |
tidal marshes, sea level rise, climate change impacts |
Effects of climate change on tidal marshes along a latitudinal gradient in California |
Karen M. Thorne, Glen M. MacDonald, Rich F. Ambrose, Kevin J. Buffington, Chase M. Freeman, Christopher N. Janousek, Lauren N. Brown, James R. Holmquist, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, Katherine W. Powelson, Patrick L. Barnard, and John Y. Takekawa |
2016 |
tidal marshes, climate change impacts, sea level rise |
The future of climate modeling |
Katzav, Joel and Parker, Wendy S. |
2015 |
climate modeling, general circulation models |