Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Authorsort descending Date Subjects
Likelihood analysis of species occurrence probability from presence-only data for modelling species distributions Royle, J. Andrew, Chandler, Richard B., Yackulic, Charles, and Nichols, James D. 2012 biodiversity management, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling
Tools for Coastal Climate Adaptation Planning: A guide for selecting tools to assist with ecosystem-based climate planning Rozum, John S. and Carr, Sarah D. March 2013 sea level rise, coastal adaptation planning, adaptation planning
Adaptive management of ecosystem services across different land use regimes Ruhl, J. B. 2016 adaptive management, ecosystem services, land use
Twenty-first-century challenges in regional climate modeling Rummukainen, Markku, Burkhardt Rockel, Lars Bärring, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, and Marcus Reckermann 2015 regional climate models, climate modeling, downscaling
Adapting to Sea Level Rise: A Guide for California’s Coastal Communities Russell, Nicole and Griggs, Gary 2012 sea level rise
Amphibians in the climate vise: loss and restoration of resilience of montane wetland ecosystems in the western US Ryan, Maureen E, Wendy J Palen, Michael J Adams, and Regina M Rochefort 2014 wetlands, aquatic ecosystems, alien species, climate change impacts on biodiversity, amphibians
Amphibians in the climate vise: loss and restoration of resilience of montane wetland ecosystems in the western US Ryan, Maureen E., Palen, Wendy J., Adams, Michael J. and Rochefort, Regina M. 2014 amphibians, wetlands, aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity
Climate-related change in an intertidal community over short and long time scales Sagarin, Raphael D., Barry, James P., Gilman, Sarah E., Baxter, Charles H. 1999 invertebrates, climate change impacts, El Niño - Southern Oscillation, intertidal communities
A standard lexicon for biodiversity conservation: unified classifications of threats and actions Salafsky, Nick, Daniel Salzer, Alison J. Stattersfield, Craig Hilton-Taylor, Rachel Neugarten, Stuart H. M. Butchart, Ben Collen, Neil Cox, Lawrence L. Master, Sheila O'Connor, and David Wilkie 2008 conservation planning, informatics, data sharing
Status Report of BCDC Climate Science San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission 2011 sea level rise, climate change adaptation
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative; Creating Science-Based Tools for on-the-Ground Climate Change Planning and Adaptation San Francisco Estuary Partnership February, 2013 conservation planning, climate change research
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative; Placing Science-Based Tools in the Hands of Land and Resource Managers Planning for Climate Change San Francisco Estuary Partnership March, 2014 conservation planning, climate change research
Climate change and the invasion of California by grasses Sandel, Brody and Dangremond, Emily M. 2012 climate change, grasslands, invasive species
Skill and independence weighting for multi-model assessments Sanderson, Benjamin M., Michael Wehner, and Reto Knutti 2017 climate modeling, climate change projections, model uncertainty
Identifying Vulnerable Species and Adaptation Strategies in the Southern Sierra of California Using Historical Resurveys Santos, Maria J., Moritz, Craig, and Thorne, James H. 2012 historical biogeography, climate change, species distributions
Effects of invasive species on plant communities: an example using submersed aquatic plants at the regional scale Santos, Maria, Anderson, Lars, and Ustin, Susan 2011 invasive species, aquatic ecosystems
