Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
Projected future changes in vegetation in western North America in the twenty-first century Jiang, Xiaoyan, Rauscher, Sara A., Ringler, Todd D., Lawrence, David M., Williams, A. Park., Allen, Craig.D., Steiner, Allison L., Cai, D.Michael.,and McDowell, Nate G. 2013 bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts, vegetation distribution
The ancient blue oak woodlands of California: longevity and hydroclimatic history Stahle, D.W., Griffin, R.D., Meko, D.M., Therrell, M.D., Edmondson, J.R., Cleaveland, M.K., Stahle, L.N., Burnette, D.J., Abatzogou, J.T., Redmond, K.T., Dettinger, M.D., and Cayan, D.R. 2013 Quercus douglasii, historical climate, precipitation
Climatic stress increases forest fire severity across the western United States van Mantgem, Philip J, Nesmith, Jonathan C. B., Keifer, MaryBeth, Knapp, Eric E., Flint, Alan, and Flint, Lorraine 2013 biodiversity, fire frequency, wildfire
Evaluation of species distribution models by resampling of sites surveyed a century ago by Joseph Grinnell Smith, Adam B., Santos, Maria J., Koo, Michelle S., Rowe, Karen M. C., Rowe, Kevin C., Patton, James L., Perrine, John D., Beissinger, Steven R., and Moritz, Craig 2013 species distribution modeling, mammals
Linking spatially explicit species distribution and population models to plan for the persistence of plant species under global change Franklin, Janet, Regan, Helen M., and Syphard, Alexandra D. 2013 species distribution modeling, urban growth, biodiversity management, biodiversity
The impacts of climate change on ecosystem structure and function Grimm, Nancy B, Chapin, F Stuart III, Bierwagen, Britta, Gonzalez, Patrick, Groffman, Patrick M., Luo, Yiqi, Melton, Forrest, Nadelhoffer, Knute, Pairis, Amber, Raymond, Peter A., Schimel, Josh, and Williamson, Craig E. 2013 biodiversity, ecosystem management
How are we adapting to climate change? A global assessment Lesnikowski, Alexandra C., Ford, James D., Berrang-Ford, Lea, Barrera, Magda, and Heymann, Jody 2013 climate change adaptation, vulnerability assessment
The Rogue Basin Action Plan for Resilient Watersheds and Forests in a Changing Climate Myer, Gwyn 2013 forest management, ecological restoration, climate change impacts
Novel Ecosystems and Climate Change Starzomski, Brian M. 2013 novel climates, biodiversity management, biotic communities, novel ecosystems
Southwest Climate Change Assessment Report: Summary for Decision Makers Overpeck, Jonathan, Garfin, G., Jardine, A., Busch, D. E., Cayan, D., Dettinger, M., Fleishman, E., Gershunov, A., Macdonald, G., Redmond, K. T., Travis, W. R., Udall, B. 2013 climate change, climate change projections, historical climate
Maintaining and restoring hydrologic habitat connectivity in mediterranean streams: an integrated modeling framework Merenlender, A. M., and M. K. Matella 2013 aquatic ecosystems, connectivity, fish, stream flow
Climate change, wine, and conservation Hannah, Lee, Roehrdanz, Patrick R., Ikegami, Makihiko, Shepard, Anderson V., Shaw, M. Rebecca, Tabor, Gary, Zhi, Lu, Marquet, Pablo A., and Hijmans, Robert J. 2013 viticulture, ecosystem services, climate change adaptation
Scenario Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: A Guidance for Resource Managers Moore, Sara S., Seavy, Nathaniel E., and Gerhart, Matt 2013 scenario planning, climate change adaptation
Montane Meadows in the Sierra Nevada: Changing Hydroclimatic Conditions and Concepts for Vulnerability Assessment Viers, Joshua, Purdy, Sabra, Peek, Ryan, Fryjoff-Hung, Anna, Santos, Nicholas, Katz, Jacob, Emmons, Jason, Dolan, Danielle, and Yarnell, Sarah 2013 wetlands, hydrology, biodiversity
The added complications of climate change: understanding and managing biodiversity and ecosystems Staudt, Amanda, Leidner, Allison K., Howard, Jennifer, Brauman, Kate A. ,Dukes, Jeffrey S. ,Hansen, Lara J. ,Paukert, Craig, Sabo, John, and Solórzano, Luis A. 2013 biodiversity, biodiversity management
Fens as whole-ecosystem gauges of groundwater recharge under climate change Drexler, Judith Z., Knifong, Donna, Tuil, JayLee, Flint, Lorraine E., and Flint, Alan L. 2013 wetlands, groundwater, climate change impacts
