Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
Coastal Flooding - Potential Projections: 2000-2100 Bromirski, Peter D., Cayan, Daniel R., Graham, Nicholas, Tyree, Mary and Flick, Reinhard 2012 sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change projections
California coastal management with a changing climate Hanak, Ellen and Moreno, Georgina 2012 climate change adaptation, coastal zone management
Widespread shifts in the demographic structure of subalpine forests in the Sierra Nevada, California, 1934 to 2007 Dolanc, Christopher R., Thorne, James H., and Safford, Hugh D. 2012 climate change impacts, vegetation distribution
Fire and Climate Change in California: Changes in the Distribution and Frequency of Fire in Climates of the Future and Recent Past (1911–2099) Krawchuk, Meg and Moritz, Max 2012 fire frequency, wildfire, climate change adaptation
Anthropogenic refugia ameliorate the severe climate-related decline of a montane mammal along its trailing edge Morelli, Toni Lyn, Smith, Adam B.,Kastely, Christina R.,Mastroserio, Ilaria, Moritz, Craig and Beissinger, Steven R. 2012 climate change, ground squirrels, species distributions, refugia
Values and uncertainties in the predictions of global climate models Winsberg, Eric 2012 climate science, climate modeling, model uncertainty
The Uneven Response of Different Snow Measures to Human-Induced Climate Warming Pierce, D. W., and D. R. Cayan 2012 snowpack
Downscaling future climate scenarios to fine scales for hydrologic and ecological modeling and analysis Flint, Lorraine E. and Flint, Alan L. 2012 downscaling, climate change, bioclimatic modeling
Applying Climate Adaptation Concepts to the Landscape Scale: Examples from the Sierra and Stanislaus National Forests Aplet, Greg and Gallo, John 2012 climate change adaptation, forest management, novel ecosystems
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the San Francisco Bay Area Ackerly, David D., Ryals, Rebecca A., Cornwell, Will K., Loarie, Scott R., Veloz, Sam, Higgason, Kelley D., Silver, Whendee L., and Dawson, Todd E. 2012 climate change adaptation, conservation planning, ecosystem services
Climate Change Impacts on California Vegetation: Physiology, Life History, and Ecosystem Change Cornwell, William K., Stuart, Stephanie, Ramirez, Aaron, Dolanc, Christopher R., Thorne, James H., and Ackerly, David D. 2012 vegetation modeling, vegetation distribution, climate change adaptation
Evaluation of assisted colonization strategies under global change for a rare, fire-dependent plant Regan, Helen M., Alexandra D. Syphard, Janet Franklin, Rebecca M. Swab, Lisa Markovchick, Alan L. Flint, Lorraine E. Flint, Paul H. Zedler 2012 biodiversity, assisted migration, rare plants
A climate change vulnerability assessment of California's at-risk birds Gardali, Thomas, Seavy, Nathaniel E., DiGaudio, Ryan T., and Comrack, Lyann A. 2012 vulnerability assessment, birds, climate change adaptation, biodiversity
Water and Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: Water Year Classification in Non-Stationary Climates Null, Sarah E., and Viers, Joshua H. 2012 climate change adaptation, water management
A unifying model for the analysis of phenotypic, genetic, and geographic data Guillot, Gilles, Renaud, Sabrina, Ledevin, Ronan, Michaux, Johan, and Claude, Julien 2012 biogeography, statistical methods, population genetics
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Strategies for Natural Communities: Piloting methods in the Mojave and Sonoran deserts Comer, Patrick J., Young, Bruce, Schulz, Keith, Kittel, Gwen, Unnasch, Bob, Braun, David, Hammerson, Geoff, Smart, Lindsey, Hameilton, Healy, Auer, Stephanie, Smyth, Regan, and Hak, Jon 2012 biodiversity, vulnerability assessment
