Economic costs of achieving current conservation goals in the future as climate changes |
Shaw, M. Rebecca, Klausmeyer, Kirk, Cameron, D. Richard, Mackenzie, Jason, and Roehrdanz, Patrick |
2012 |
biodiversity, conservation planning, adaptive management |
Assessing Vulnerability of Tidal Marsh Birds to Climate Change through the Analysis of Population Dynamics and Viability |
Nur, Nadav, Salas, Leonardo, Veloz, Samuel, Wood, Julian,Liu, Leonard, and Ballard, Grant |
2012 |
tidal marshes, birds, population dynamics, vulnerability assessment |
Anthropogenic refugia ameliorate the severe climate-related decline of a montane mammal along its trailing edge |
Morelli, Toni Lyn, Smith, Adam B.,Kastely, Christina R.,Mastroserio, Ilaria, Moritz, Craig and Beissinger, Steven R. |
2012 |
climate change, ground squirrels, species distributions, refugia |
Uncertainty in coarse conservation assessments hinders the efficient achievement of conservation goals |
Hermoso, Virgilio and Kennard, Mark J. |
2012 |
species distribution modeling, conservation planning, conservation prioritization |
Using niche models with climate projections to inform conservation management decisions |
Schwartz, Mark W. |
2012 |
species distribution modeling, biodiversity management, climate change adaptation |
Interactions between climate and habitat loss effects on biodiversity: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
Mantyka-pringle, C. S., T. G. Martin, and J. R. Rhodes |
2012 |
biodiversity |
Downscaling future climate scenarios to fine scales for hydrologic and ecological modeling and analysis |
Flint, Lorraine E. and Flint, Alan L. |
2012 |
downscaling, climate change, bioclimatic modeling |
Climate change vulnerability assessments for terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates in the Mediterranean Coast Network of national parks |
Bova, Brett, Downey, Misa, Marte, Natalie, Penn, Justin, Ruppert, Kirstie, Vu, Karen, and Yamada, Shotaro |
2012 |
climate change vulnerability, national parks, biodiversity |
CliMond: global high-resolution historical and future scenario climate surfaces for bioclimatic modelling |
Kriticos, Darren J., Webber, Bruce L., Leriche, Agathe, Ota, Noboru, Macadam, Ian, Bathols, Janice, and Scott, John K. |
2012 |
historical climate, climate change projections, bioclimatic modeling |
Emics, etics, ethics and equity in the dialogue between worlds: Beyond bridges, integration, partnerships, scales and other common concepts in the utilization of traditional ecological knowledge |
Hardison, Preston |
2012 |
traditional ecological knowledge, ethics, indigenous peoples |
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the San Francisco Bay Area |
Ackerly, David D., Ryals, Rebecca A., Cornwell, Will K., Loarie, Scott R., Veloz, Sam, Higgason, Kelley D., Silver, Whendee L., and Dawson, Todd E. |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, conservation planning, ecosystem services |
Communication of the role of natural variability in future North American climate |
Deser, Clara, Reto Knutti, Susan Solomon, and Adam S. Phillips |
2012 |
communication about climate change, climate variability, model uncertainty |
Climate Change Impacts on California Vegetation: Physiology, Life History, and Ecosystem Change |
Cornwell, William K., Stuart, Stephanie, Ramirez, Aaron, Dolanc, Christopher R., Thorne, James H., and Ackerly, David D. |
2012 |
vegetation modeling, vegetation distribution, climate change adaptation |
Ecosystem Adaptation to Climate Change in California: Nine Guiding Principles |
Resources Legacy Fund |
2012 |
climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
Forest mortality in high-elevation whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) forests of eastern California, USA; influence of environmental context, bark beetles, climatic water deficit, and warming |
Millar, Constance I., Westfall, Robert D., Delany, Diane L., Bokach, Matthew J., Flint, Alan L., and Flint, Lorraine E. |
2012 |
Pinus albicaulis, tree mortality, biodiversity, climatic water deficit |
A climate change vulnerability assessment of California's at-risk birds |
Gardali, Thomas, Seavy, Nathaniel E., DiGaudio, Ryan T., and Comrack, Lyann A. |
2012 |
vulnerability assessment, birds, climate change adaptation, biodiversity |