Modelling the potential geographic distribution of invasive ant species in New Zealand |
Ward, Darren F. |
2007 |
insects, species distribution modeling, invasive species |
Pollination and other ecosystem services produced by mobile organisms: a conceptual framework for the effects of land-use change |
Kremen, Claire, Williams, Neal M., Aizen, Marcelo A., Gemmill-Herren, Barbara, LeBuhn, Gretchen, Minckley, Packer, Laurence, Potts, Simon G., Roulston, T'ai, Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf, Vázquez, Diego P., Winfree, Rachael, Adams, Laurie, and 6 others |
2007 |
pollination, ecosystem services, land use |
Traditional ecological knowledge in conservation research: problems and prospects for their constructive engagement |
Shackeroff, Janna M. and Campbell, Lisa M. |
2007 |
traditional ecological knowledge, ethics |
Application of the basin characterization model to estimate in‐place recharge and runoff potential in the Basin and Range carbonate‐rock aquifer system, White Pine County, Nevada, and adjacent areas in Nevada and Utah |
Flint, Alan L. and Flint, Lorraine E. |
2007 |
groundwater recharge, precipitation, runoff |
Climate change and wildfire in California |
Westerling, A. L. and Bryant, B. P. |
2007 |
climate change, fire frequency, wildfire |
Carbon Supply from Changes in Management of Forest and Range Lands in Shasta County, California |
Brown, Sandra, Petrova, Silvia, Dushku, Aaron, Winsten, Jonathan, Pearson, Timothy, Kadyzewski, John |
2007 |
carbon storage, forest management |
Climate warming, water storage, and Chinook salmon in California’s Sacramento Valley |
Yates, David, Galbraith, Hector, Purkey, D., Huber-Lee, A., Sieber, J., West, J. Herrod-Julius, S., Joyce, B. |
2008 |
Chinook salmon, water temperature |
Planning for persistence in marine reserves: a question of catastrophic importance |
Game, Edward T., Watts, Matthew E., Wooldrdge, Scott, and Possingham, Hugh P. |
2008 |
biodiversity management, coral reefs, conservation prioritization, extreme events |
Vegetation change over sixty years in the Central Sierra Nevada, California, USA |
Thorne, James H., Morgan, Brian J., and Kennedy, Jeffery |
2008 |
vegetation distribution, historical biogeography, climate change |
Downscaling with Constructed Analogues: Daily Precipitation and Temperature Fields Over the United States |
Hidalgo, Hugo G., Dettinger, Michael D., and Cayan, Daniel R. |
2008 |
regional climate models, downscaling |
Resource management in a changing and uncertain climate |
Joshua J Lawler, Timothy H Tear, Chris Pyke, M Rebecca Shaw, Patrick Gonzalez, Peter Kareiva, Lara Hansen, Lee Hannah, Kirk Klausmeyer, Allison Aldous, Craig Bienz, and Sam Pearsall |
2008 |
resource management |
Towards an integrated framework for assessing the vulnerability of species to climate change |
Williams, Stephen E., Shoo, Luke P., Isaac, Joanne L, Hoffmann, Ary A., and Langham, Gary |
2008 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
Fire and sustainability: considerations for California’s altered future climate |
Moritz, Max and Stephens, Scott |
2008 |
urban growth, climate change, wildfire |
Managing an uncertain future: climate change adaptation strategies for California's water |
Department of Water Resources |
2008 |
climate change adaptation, water resources |
Utility of daily vs. monthly large-scale climate data: an intercomparison of two statistical downscaling methods |
Maurer, E. P. and Hidalgo, H. G. |
2008 |
climate modeling, downscaling |
Climate change scenarios for the California region |
Cayan, Daniel R., Maurer, Edwin P., Dettinger, Michael D., Tyree, Mary, and Hayhoe, Katharine |
2008 |
climate change, IPCC scenarios, climate change projections |