California Tribes & Languages at Contact |
Concerto |
2013 |
human communities, indigenous peoples |
Simulating vegetation shifts and carbon cycling in Yosemite National Park |
Conklin, David R. |
2009 |
vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts |
The roles of dispersal, fecundity, and predation in the population persistence of an oak (Quercus engelmannii) under global change |
Conlisk, Erin, Lawson, Dawn, Syphard, Alexandra D., Franklin, Janet, Flint, Lorraine, Flint, Alan, and Regan, Helen M. |
2012 |
Quercus engelmannii, population dynamics, biodiversity |
Uncertainty in assessing the impacts of global change with coupled dynamic species distribution and population models |
Conlisk, Erin, Syphard, Alexandra D., Franklin, Janet, Flint, Lorraine, Flint, Alan, and Regan, Helen M. |
2013 |
species distribution modeling, population dynamics, rare plants, biodiversity |
Adapting California’s water system to warm vs. dry climates |
Connell-Buck, Christina R., Medellin-Azuara, Josue, Lund, Jay R., Madani, Kaveh |
2011 |
climate change, water resources |
Report Providing Comparison of Adaptation Plans Submitted to the White House in 2014 |
Conners, Hannah M., Kathleen D. White, and Jeffrey R. Arnold |
2015 |
climate change adaptation, federal agencies |
Report Providing Comparison of Adaptation Plans Submitted to the White House in 2014 |
Conners, Hannah M., White, Kathleen D., and Arnold, Jeffrey R. |
2015 |
adaptation planning, climate change adaptation |
Revisiting the leading drivers of Pacific coastal drought variability in the Contiguous United States |
Cook, Benjamin I., A. Park Williams, Justin S. Mankin, Richard Seager, Jason E. Smerdon, and Deepti Singh |
2017 |
drought, precipitation, sea surface temperature, atmospheric rivers |
North American megadroughts in the Common Era: reconstructions and simulations |
Cook, Benjamin I., Edward R. Cook, Jason E. Smerdon, Richard Seager, A. Park Williams, Sloan Coats, David W. Stahle, and José Villanueva Díaz. |
2016 |
drought, paleoclimates, climate change research |
Irrigation as an historical climate forcing |
Cook, Benjamin I., Sonali P. Shukla, Michael J. Puma, and Larissa S. Nazarenko |
2015 |
agriculture, climate dynamics, water management, surface temperature |
Life history characteristics may be as important as climate projections for defining range shifts: An example for common tree species in the intermountain western US |
Copeland, S. M., Bradford, J. B., Duniway, M. C. & Butterfield, B. J. |
2018-08 |
climate change impacts on biodiversity, species distribution modeling, plants |
The identification of distinct patterns in California temperature trends |
Cordero, Eugene C., Kessomkiat, W., Abatzoglou, J., Mauget, S. A. |
2010 |
temperature trends |
Climate Ready Sonoma County: Climate Hazards and Vulnerabilities |
Cornwall, C., S. Moore, D. DiPietro, S. Veloz, L. Micheli, L.Casey, M. Mersich |
2015 |
climate adaptation, climate change impacts |
Climate Change Impacts on California Vegetation: Physiology, Life History, and Ecosystem Change |
Cornwell, William K., Stuart, Stephanie, Ramirez, Aaron, Dolanc, Christopher R., Thorne, James H., and Ackerly, David D. |
2012 |
vegetation modeling, vegetation distribution, climate change adaptation |
Incorporating spatial autocorrelation into species distribution models alters forecasts of climate-mediated range shifts |
Crase, Beth, Adam Liedloff, Peter A. Vesk, Yusuke Fukuda, and Brendan A. Wintle |
2014 |
mangrove forests, species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity |
Defining ecological drought for the 21st century |
Crausbay, Shelley D., Aaron R. Ramirez, Shawn L. Carter, Molly S. Cross, Kimberly R. Hall, Deborah J. Bathke, Julio L. Betancourt, et al. |
2017 |
drought, climate change vulnerability, ecosystem management |
Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species' optimum elevations |
Crimmins S. M., Dobrowski S. Z., Greenberg J. A., Abatzoglou J.T., and Mynsberge A. R. |
2011 |
climate change, plants, species distributions, climatic water deficit |
Addressing climate change in the forest vegetation simulator to assess impacts on landscape forest dynamics |
Crookston, Nicholas L., Rehfeldt, Gerald E., Dixon, Gary E., and Weiskittel, Aaron R. |
2010 |
vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling |
The Adaptation for Conservation Targets (ACT) framework: a tool for incorporating climate change into natural resource management |
Cross, Molly S., Zavaleta, Erika S., Bachelet, Dominique, Brooks, Marjorie L., Enquist, Carolyn A. F., Fleishman, Erica, Graumlich, Lisa J., Groves, Craig R., Hannah, Lee, Hansen, Lara, Hayward, Greg, Koopman, Marni, Lawler, Joshua J., and 8 others |
2012 |
adaptive management, biodiversity management, climate change adaptation, conceptual modeling, scenario planning, climate-smart conservation |
Take Care of the Land and the Land Will Take Care of You: Traditional Ecology in Native California |
Cunningham, Farrell |
2005 |
traditional ecological knowledge, human communities, indigenous peoples |