Strategies for Managing the Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife and Ecosystems |
The H. John Heinz III Center For Science, Economics and the Environment |
2008 |
A working guide to boosted regression trees |
Elith, J., Leathwick, J. R., and Hastie, T. |
2008 |
statistical methods, species distribution modeling, ecological modeling |
Principal hydrologic responses to climatic and geologic variability in the Sierra Nevada, California |
Peterson, David H., Stewart, Iris, and Murphy, Fred |
2008 |
hydrology, climate science |
Adaptability and adaptations of California’s water supply system to dry climate warming |
Medellín-Azuara, Josué, Harou, Julien, Olivares, Marcelo, Madani, Kaveh, Lund, Jay, Howitt, Richard, Tanaka, Stacy, Jenkins, Marion, and Zhu, Tingju |
2008 |
water resources, water management, climate change, economic optimization |
California Bird Species of Special Concern |
Shuford, D. W. and Gardali, T, Editors |
2008 |
birds |
Climate warming, water storage, and Chinook salmon in California’s Sacramento Valley |
Yates, David, Galbraith, Hector, Purkey, D., Huber-Lee, A., Sieber, J., West, J. Herrod-Julius, S., Joyce, B. |
2008 |
Chinook salmon, water temperature |
Vegetation change over sixty years in the Central Sierra Nevada, California, USA |
Thorne, James H., Morgan, Brian J., and Kennedy, Jeffery |
2008 |
vegetation distribution, historical biogeography, climate change |
Downscaling with Constructed Analogues: Daily Precipitation and Temperature Fields Over the United States |
Hidalgo, Hugo G., Dettinger, Michael D., and Cayan, Daniel R. |
2008 |
regional climate models, downscaling |
Towards an integrated framework for assessing the vulnerability of species to climate change |
Williams, Stephen E., Shoo, Luke P., Isaac, Joanne L, Hoffmann, Ary A., and Langham, Gary |
2008 |
vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, biodiversity management |
Fire and sustainability: considerations for California’s altered future climate |
Moritz, Max and Stephens, Scott |
2008 |
urban growth, climate change, wildfire |
American Indians, climate change, and ethics for a warming world |
Krakoff, Sarah |
2008 |
traditional ecological knowledge, climate change impacts, human communities |
Variability in 20th century climate change reconstructions and its consequences for predicting geographic responses of California mammals |
Parra, Juan L., and Monahan, William B. |
2008 |
mammals, species distribution modeling, historical biogeography |
Utility of daily vs. monthly large-scale climate data: an intercomparison of two statistical downscaling methods |
Maurer, E. P. and Hidalgo, H. G. |
2008 |
climate modeling, downscaling |
Managing an uncertain future: climate change adaptation strategies for California's water |
Department of Water Resources |
2008 |
climate change adaptation, water resources |
Using generalized dissimilarity modelling to analyse and predict patterns of beta diversity in regional biodiversity assessment |
Ferrier, Simon, Manion, Glenn, Elith, Jane, and Richardson, Karen |
2007 |
species diversity, statistical methods |
Holocene climates and connections between the San Francisco Bay estuary and its watershed: a review |
Malamud-Roam, Frances, Dettinger, Michael, Ingram, B. Lynn, Hughes, Malcolm K., and Florsheim, Joan L. |
2007 |
paleoclimates, estuarine ecosystems |
Riparian Systems |
Machtinger, Erika T. |
2007 |
riparian ecosystems |
Modelling the potential geographic distribution of invasive ant species in New Zealand |
Ward, Darren F. |
2007 |
insects, species distribution modeling, invasive species |
Pollination and other ecosystem services produced by mobile organisms: a conceptual framework for the effects of land-use change |
Kremen, Claire, Williams, Neal M., Aizen, Marcelo A., Gemmill-Herren, Barbara, LeBuhn, Gretchen, Minckley, Packer, Laurence, Potts, Simon G., Roulston, T'ai, Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf, Vázquez, Diego P., Winfree, Rachael, Adams, Laurie, and 6 others |
2007 |
pollination, ecosystem services, land use |
Traditional ecological knowledge in conservation research: problems and prospects for their constructive engagement |
Shackeroff, Janna M. and Campbell, Lisa M. |
2007 |
traditional ecological knowledge, ethics |