Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
How will changes in global climate influence California? Weare, Bryan C. 2009 climate change adaptation, agriculture
A Framework for Categorizing the Relative Vulnerability of Threatened and Endangered Species to Climate Change (External Review Draft) Galbraith, Hector and Price, Jeff 2009 vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, conservation planning
Climate gradients, climate change, and special edaphic floras Harrison, Susan, Damschen, Ellen, and Going, Barbara M. 2009 edaphic communities, biodiversity, rare plants
Best Practice Approaches for Characterizing, Communicating, and Incorporating Scientific Uncertainty in Climate Decision Making Morgan, M. Granger, Dowlatabadi, Hadi, Henrion, Max, Keith, David, Lempert, Robert, McBride, Sandra, Small, Mitchell, and Wilbanks, Thomas 2009 decision making under uncertainty, climate change adaptation, climate modeling
Review of literature on climate change and forest diseases of western North America Kliejunas, John T. Geils, Brian W. Glaeser, Jessie A. Goheen, Ellen M. Hennon, Paul Kim, Mee-Sook Kope, Harry Stone, Jeff Sturrock, Rona Frankel, Susan J. 2009 forest management, climate change impacts
California Riparian Habitat Restoration Handbook - Second Edition Griggs, F. Thomas 2009 riparian ecosystems, ecological restoration
Scenario-neutral approach to climate change impact studies: application to flood risk Prudhomme, C., Wilby, R. L., Crooks, S., Kay, A. L. and Reynard, N. S. 2010 vulnerability assessment, scenario planning, climate change impacts, hydrologic modeling
Systematic conservation planning: an updated protocol Sarkar, Sahotra, and Illoldi-Rangel, Patricia 2010 conservation planning, biodiversity management
More than CO2: a broader paradigm for managing climate change and variability to avoid ecosystem collapse McAlpine, C.A., Ryan, J. G., Seabrook, L., Thomas, S., Dargusch, P.J., Syktus, J.I., Pielke Sr., R. A., Etter, A.F., Fearnside, P.M., and Laurance, W.F. 2010 climate change mitigation, forest management, land cover, land use planning
Forest carbon storage: ecology, management, and policy Fahey, Timothy J., Woodbury, Peter B., Battles, John J., Goodale, Christine L., Hamburg, Steven P., Ollinger, Scott V., Woodall, Christopher W. 2010 carbon storage, forest management
Modelling with stakeholders to integrate biodiversity into land-use planning – Lessons learned in Réunion Island (Western Indian Ocean) Lagabrielle, Erwann, Botta, Aurélie, Daré, Williams, David, Daniel, Aubert, Sigrid, and Fabricius, Christo 2010 biodiversity management, conservation planning, conservation prioritization
Past and ongoing shifts in Joshua tree distribution support future modeled range contraction Cole, Kenneth L., Ironside, Kirsten, Eischeid, Jon, Garfin, Gregg, Duffy, Phillip B., and Toney, Chris 2010 Yucca brevifolia, bioclimatic modeling, climate change impacts
Adapting to Climate Change: A Planning Guide for State Coastal Managers National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2010 coastal zone management, sea level rise, climate change adaptation
Optimizing resiliency of reserve networks to climate change: multispecies conservation planning in the Pacific Northwest, USA Carroll, Carlos, Dunk, Jeffrey R., and Moilanen, Atte 2010 conservation planning, climate change adaptation, biodiversity management
Addressing climate change in the forest vegetation simulator to assess impacts on landscape forest dynamics Crookston, Nicholas L., Rehfeldt, Gerald E., Dixon, Gary E., and Weiskittel, Aaron R. 2010 vegetation modeling, bioclimatic modeling
Predicting willingness-to-sell and its utility for assessing conservation opportunity for expanding protected area networks Guerrero, Angela M., Knight, Andrew T., Grantham, Hedley S., Cowling, Richard M., and Wilson, Kerrie A. 2010 conservation planning, conservation prioritization
