Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort ascending Subjects
Climate change vulnerability for species—Assessing the assessments Wheatley, Christopher J., Colin M. Beale, Richard B. Bradbury, James W. Pearce-Higgins, Rob Critchlow, and Chris D. Thomas 2017 vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts on biodiversity, biodiversity management
Defining ecological drought for the 21st century Crausbay, Shelley D., Aaron R. Ramirez, Shawn L. Carter, Molly S. Cross, Kimberly R. Hall, Deborah J. Bathke, Julio L. Betancourt, et al. 2017 drought, climate change vulnerability, ecosystem management
Revisiting the leading drivers of Pacific coastal drought variability in the Contiguous United States Cook, Benjamin I., A. Park Williams, Justin S. Mankin, Richard Seager, Jason E. Smerdon, and Deepti Singh 2017 drought, precipitation, sea surface temperature, atmospheric rivers
Sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting California-Nevada Climate Applications Program 2017 climate modeling, weather
raptr: Representative and Adequate Prioritization Toolkit in R Hanson, Jeffrey O., Jonathan R. Rhodes, Hugh P. Possingham, and Richard A. Fuller 2017 conservation prioritization, biological conservation
Bird species at risk in California’s Central Valley: a framework for setting conservation objectives Shuford, W. David, and Meghan Hertel 2017 bird conservation, birds, conservation prioritization, wetlands
Hydrologic refugia, plants, and climate change McLaughlin, Blair C., David D. Ackerly, P. Zion Klos, Jennifer Natali, Todd E. Dawson, and Sally E. Thompson 2017 climate refugia, hydrology, microclimatology, climate change impacts on biodiversity, oak woodlands
Foundations of translational ecology Enquist, Carolyn A.F., Stephen T. Jackson, Gregg M. Garfin, Frank W. Davis, Leah R. Gerber, Jeremy A. Littell, Jennifer L. Tank, Adam J. Terando, Tamara U. Wall, Benjamin Halpern, J. Kevin Hiers, Toni Lyn Morelli, Elizabeth McNie and 16 others 2017 biodiversity management, decision making, resource management
How can climate change and engineered water conveyance affect sediment dynamics in the San Francisco Bay-Delta system? Achete, Fernanda, Mick van der Wegen, Jan Adriaan Roelvink, and Bruce Jaffe 2017 estuarine ecosystems, sediment transport, climate change impacts, case studies
Hourly storm characteristics along the U.S. West Coast: role of atmospheric rivers in extreme precipitation Lamjiri, M. A., M. D. Dettinger, F. M. Ralph, and Bin Guan 2017 atmospheric rivers, extreme events, precipitation
Influence of atmospheric rivers on vegetation productivity and fire patterns in the southwestern U.S. Albano, C. M., M. D. Dettinger, and C. E. Soulard 2017 atmospheric rivers, fire
The modelling spiral for solving “wicked” environmental problems: Guidance for stakeholder involvement and collaborative model development Parrott, Lael 2017 resource management, ecological modeling, decision making under uncertainty
Exploring the origins of snow drought in the northern Sierra Nevada, California Hatchett, Benjamin J., and Daniel J. McEvoy 2017 snow water equivalent, snowfall, snowpack, drought
The need for large-scale distribution data to estimate regional changes in species richness under future climate change Titeux, Nicolas, Dirk Maes, Toon Van Daele, Thierry Onkelinx, Risto K. Heikkinen, Helena Romo, Enrique García-Barros, Miguel L. Munguira, Wilfried Thuiller, Chris A. M. van Swaay, Oliver Schweiger, Josef Settele, Alexander Harpke and 3 others 2017 butterflies, species distribution modeling, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Population and habitat objectives for avian conservation in California's Central Valley riparian ecosystems Dybala, Kristen E., Neil Clipperton, Thomas Gardali, Gregory H. Golet, Rodd Kelsey, Stefan Lorenzato, Jr Melcer, Nathaniel E. Seavy, Joseph G. Silveira, and Gregory S. Yarris 2017 bird conservation, riparian ecosystems, conservation planning
Managing biodiversity under climate change: challenges, frameworks, and tools for adaptation Abrahms, Briana, Deanne DiPietro, Andrea Graffis, and Allan Hollander 2017 climate change impacts on biodiversity, biodiversity management, conservation planning
