Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Authorsort ascending Date Subjects
Is there a role for human-induced climate change in the precipitation decline that drove the California drought? Seager, Richard, Naomi Henderson, Mark A. Cane, Haibo Liu, and Jennifer Nakamura 2017 drought, sea surface temperature, climate change impacts
Causes of the 2011 to 2014 California drought Seager, Richard, Martin Hoerling, Siegfried Schubert, Hailan Wang, Bradfield Lyon, Arun Kumar, Jennifer Nakamura, and Naomi Henderson 2015 drought, climate variability, El Niño - Southern Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Causes and Predictability of the 2011-14 California Drought Seager, Richard, Hoerling, Martin, Schubert, Siegfried, Wang, Hallan, Lyon, Bradfield, Kumar, Arun, Nakamura, Jennifer, and Henderson, Naomi 2014 drought, extreme events, El Niño - Southern Oscillation, climate modeling, Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Using niche models with climate projections to inform conservation management decisions Schwartz, Mark W. 2012 species distribution modeling, biodiversity management, climate change adaptation
Planning and Drought Schwab, James C. 2013 drought, water management, regional planning
Studies of Climate Change in the Yukon River Basin—Connecting Community and Science Through a Unique Partnership Schuster, Paul F. and Maracle, Karonhiakta'tie Bryan 2010 water management, water resources, climate change impacts
Understanding the Science of Climate Change: Talking Points – Impacts to the Pacific Coast Schramm, A. and R. Loehman 2012 coastal adaptation planning, climate change assessment
Projecting changes in regional temperature and precipitation extremes in the United States Schoof, Justin T., and Scott M. Robeson 2016 extreme events, precipitation, temperature, climate change projections
Achieving conservation when opportunity costs are high: optimizing reserve design in Alberta's oil sands region Schneider, Richard A., Hauer, Grant, Farr Dan, Adamowicz, W. L., and Boutin, Stan 2011 conservation planning, conservation prioritization, economic optimization, case studies
Palaeoclimatic and archaeological evidence for a 200-yr recurrence of floods and droughts linking California, Mesoamerica and South America over the past 2000 years Schimmelmann, Amdt, Lange, Carina B., and Meggers, Betty J. 2003 flooding, paleoclimates, drought
Palaeoclimatic and archaeological evidence for a 200-yr recurrence of floods and droughts linking California, Mesoamerica and South America over the past 2000 years Schimmelmann, Amdt, Lange, Carina B., and Meggers, Betty J. 2003 flooding, drought, paleoclimates
Climate change and tidal marsh plant communities in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Schile, Lisa M. 2012 sea level rise, estuarine ecosystems, climate change impacts
Assessment of precipitation anomalies in California using TRMM and MERRA data Savtchenko, Andrey K., George Huffman, and Bruce Vollmer 2015 remote sensing, precipitation, El Niño - Southern Oscillation
Biodiversity conservation planning tools: present status and challenges for the future Sarkar, Sahotra, Pressey, Robert L., Faith, Daniel P., Margules, Christopher R., Fuller, Trevon, Stoms, David M., Moffett, Alexander, Wilson, Kerrie A., Williams, Paul H., and Andelman, Sandy 2006 conservation planning, biodiversity management
Systematic conservation planning: an updated protocol Sarkar, Sahotra, and Illoldi-Rangel, Patricia 2010 conservation planning, biodiversity management
Climate-Smart Adaptation for North-central California Coastal Habitats Sara Hutto, editor March, 2016 climate change adaptation, coastal adaptation planning, marine ecosystems, coastal zone management
