Document Catalog

The Climate Commons Document Library contains catalog records for documents hosted on the Commons and elsewhere. Many of the documents are linked to data found in the Climate Commons Data Catalog and provide useful information about the creation of the data and/or research projects that used it.

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Title Author Datesort descending Subjects
Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species' optimum elevations Crimmins S. M., Dobrowski S. Z., Greenberg J. A., Abatzoglou J.T., and Mynsberge A. R. 2011 climate change, plants, species distributions, climatic water deficit
A framework for assessing threats and benefits to species responding to climate change Thomas, Chris D., Hill, Jane K., Anderson, Barbara J., Bailey, Sally, Beale, Colin M., Bradbury, Richard B., Bulman, Caroline R., Crick, Humphrey Q. P., Eigenbrod, Felix, Griffiths, Hannah M., Kunin, William E., Oliver, Tom H., and 4 others 2011 vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, biodiversity management
Avian Demographic Response to Climate Change: A Multi-Species and Multi-Landscape Approach to Synthesizing Risk Factors Ackerman, J. T., M. P. Herzog, L. Salas, T. Gardali, G. Ballard, D. Loughman, G. Yarris, and J. M. Eadie 2011 bird demographics, climate change impacts, waterfowl
The importance of belief systems in traditional ecological knowledge initiatives Reo, Nicholas J. 2011 traditional ecological knowledge, ethics, belief systems
Conservation and management of ecological systems in a changing California Barbour, Elisa and Kueppers, Lara M. 2011 biological conservation, climate change, biotic communities, landscape conservation planning
Recovery of Pacific Salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the Face of Climate Change: A Case Study of the Klamath River Basin, California Quinones, Rebecca M. 2011 salmonids, biodiversity
Atmospheric rivers, floods and the water resources of California Dettinger, Michael D., Ralph, Fred Martin, Das, Taphas, Neiman, Paul J., and Cayan, Daniel R. 2011 atmospheric rivers, water management, extreme events
A methodology for predicting future coastal hazards due to sea-level rise on the California Coast Revell, David, Battalio, Robert, Spear, Brian, Ruggiero, Peter, and Vandever, Justin 2011 sea level rise, climate change, coastal flooding
Climate change and San Francisco Bay-Delta tidal wetlands Parker, V. Thomas, Callaway, John C., Schile, Lisa M., Vasey, Michael C., and Herbert, Ellen R. 2011 estuarine ecosystems, climate change impacts, sea level rise
The impact of climate change on California’s ecosystem services Shaw, M. Rebecca, Pendleton, Linwood, Cameron, D. Richard, Morris, Belinda, Bachelet, Dominique, Klausmeyer, Kirk, MacKenzie, Jason, Conklin, David R., Bratman, Gregrory N., Lenihan, James, Haunreiter, Erik, Daly, Christopher, and Roehrdanz, Patrick R. 2011 ecosystem services, climate change
Comment on "Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species’ optimum elevations” Wolf, Adam, and Anderegg, William R. L. 2011 climate change, vegetation distribution, climatic water deficit
Sensitivity to climate change for two reptiles at the Mojave–Sonoran Desert interface Barrows, C.W. 2011 reptiles, bioclimatic modeling, climate change vulnerability
Isolated and integrated effects of sea level rise, seasonal runoff shifts, and annual runoff volume on California’s largest water supply Wang, Jianzhong, Yin, H., Chung, F. 2011-07 climate change impacts, sea level rise, water resources
Climate change and the invasion of California by grasses Sandel, Brody and Dangremond, Emily M. 2012 climate change, grasslands, invasive species
Projected future suitable habitat and productivity of Douglas-fir in western North America Weiskittel, Aaron R., Crookston, Nicholas L., and Rehfeldt, Gerard E. 2012 vegetation distribution, bioclimatic modeling, climate change
Scenarios to Evaluate Long‐Term Wildfire Risk in California: New Methods for Considering Links Between Changing Demography, Land Use, and Climate Bryant, Benjamin P., and Westerling, Anthony L. 2012 wildfire, climate change adaptation
