List Documents in Library

Title Author Datesort ascending Subjects
Using future climate projections to support water resources decision making in California, California Energy Commission Technical Report Chung, F., Anderson, J., Arora, S., Ejeta, M., Galef, J., Kadir, T., Kao, K., Olson, A., Quan, C., Reyes, E., Roos, M., Seneviratne, S., Wang, J., Yin, H., Blomquist, N. 2009 water resources, precipitation, sea level rise
Ice, Snow and Water: impacts of climate change on California and Himalayan Asia Fenner, R. A. 2009 climate change assessment, snowpack, water resources
Setting conservation priorities Wilson, Kerrie A., Carwardine, Josie and Possingham, Hugh P. 2009 conservation prioritization, conservation planning, biodiversity management
Climate Change Scenarios and Sea Level Rise Estimates for the California 2009 Climate Change Scenarios Assessment Cayan, Dan, Tyree, Mary, Dettinger, Michael, Hidalgo, Hugo, Das, Tapash, Maurer, Ed, Bromirski, Peter, Graham, Nicholas, and Flick, Reinhard 2009 climate change, climate modeling, sea level rise
The Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on the California Coast Heberger, Matthew, Cooley, Heather, Herrera, Pablo, and Gleick, Peter for the California Climate Change Center 2009 sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change
Informing Decisions in a Changing Climate Panel on Strategies and Methods for Climate-Related Decision Support, National Research Council 2009 decision making, climate change adaptation
The projection of species distribution models and the problem of non-analog climate Fitzpatrick, Matthew C., and Hargrove, William W. 2009 species distribution modeling, novel climates, biodiversity
How does climate warming affect plant-pollinator interactions? Hegland, S. J., A. Nielsen, A. Lázaro, A.-L. Bjerknes, and Ø. Totland 2009 phenology, climate change impacts on biodiversity
Biodiversity management in the face of climate change: A review of 22 years of recommendations Heller, Nicole E. and Zavaleta, Erika S. 2009 biodiversity management, biological conservation, climate change adaptation, climate-smart conservation
The Psychology of Climate Change Communication: A Guide for Scientists, Journalists, Educators, Political Aides, and the Interested Public Center for Research on Environmental Decisions 2009 communication about climate change, climate-smart conservation
Carbon dynamics of Oregon and Northern California forests and potential land-based carbon storage Hudiburg, Tara, Law, Beverly, Turner, David P., Campbell, John, Donato, Dan, Duane, Maureen 2009 carbon storage, forest management
Designing Climate-Smart Conservation: Guidance and Case Studies Hansen, L., Hoffman, J., Drews, C., Meilbrecht, E. 2009 sea level rise, climate-smart conservation, adaptation, adaptive management, climate change, coral reefs, mangrove forests, resilience, sea turtles, mammals, case studies
Birds track their Grinnellian niche through a century of climate change Tingley, M. W., Monahan, W. B., Beissinger, S. R., and Moritz, C. 2009 birds, climate change, species distributions
Spatial marine zoning for fisheries and conservation Klein, Carissa Joy, Steinback, Charles, Watts, Matthew, Scholz, Astrid J. and Possingham, Hugh P. 2009 conservation planning, conservation prioritization, coastal zone management
Projecting Future Sea Level Rise Cayan, D., P.Bromirski, K. Hayhoe, M. Tyree, M. Dettinger, and R. Flick 2009 sea level rise
A Framework for Categorizing the Relative Vulnerability of Threatened and Endangered Species to Climate Change (External Review Draft) Galbraith, Hector and Price, Jeff 2009 vulnerability assessment, climate change adaptation, conservation planning
Why climate change makes riparian restoration more important than ever: recommendations for practice and research Seavy, Nathaniel E., Gardali, Thomas, Golet, Gregory H., Griggs, F. Thomas, Howell, Christine A., Kelsey, Rodd, Small, Stacy L., Viers, Joshua H. and Weigand, James F. 2009 riparian ecosystems, climate change, ecological restoration
How will changes in global climate influence California? Weare, Bryan C. 2009 climate change adaptation, agriculture
Climate gradients, climate change, and special edaphic floras Harrison, Susan, Damschen, Ellen, and Going, Barbara M. 2009 edaphic communities, biodiversity, rare plants
Best Practice Approaches for Characterizing, Communicating, and Incorporating Scientific Uncertainty in Climate Decision Making Morgan, M. Granger, Dowlatabadi, Hadi, Henrion, Max, Keith, David, Lempert, Robert, McBride, Sandra, Small, Mitchell, and Wilbanks, Thomas 2009 decision making under uncertainty, climate change adaptation, climate modeling
